Diamanda Galas -The Sporting Life with John Paul Jones [MP3!]
专辑英文名: with John Paul Jones
专辑中文名: The Sporting Life
歌手: Diamanda Galas
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 1994年10月01日
地区: 英国
语言: 英语
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在这张专辑——我们听到除了Diamanda Galas的让你惊恐的人声外的器乐了。旋律、节奏都没得说,还有那独特的布鲁斯。
Diamanda Galas演绎得完美之极。配乐和演唱颇有哥特风格,这张《The Sporting Life(with John Paul Jones) 》专辑在她90年代初发行的几张作品中,甚至可以算的上“好听”了。
if any soul out there has the audacity to put diamanda galas in any particular music genre, i’d like to meet this person for tea. IS SHE GOSPEL? BLUES? ROCK? NEW AGE? MEDIEVAL FOLK?? what?personally, i can’t even begin to fathom what the music world has been doing for so long without ms. galas and why i hadn’t heard of her before. or maybe i had and just wasn’t paying attention. if that be the case, slap me! probability suggests we will never be able to pidgeonhole diamanda’s work into any particular genre but that is a positive note. here we have a singer whose intense live shows are enough to give us nightmares for weeks on end or to have our hairs standing on end doing what she does best on rockin’ bluesy album with led zep here john paul jones. instead of running around on stage covered in blood whilst blasting her angst-filled anthems, we find her in the studio terrorizing the organ and piano while cranking out some of the most psychotic love songs ever written. it is evident here in more ways than one that ms. galas album turned out exactly the way she intended. as far as her vocals on this album go, she once again displays a diverse sound which no female diva in the music industry is going to be able to match. in the beginning we hear her scourging vocals like a deamon coming in strong reminding one of the young child in the exorcist. yes, this is one helluva intense opening track folks! but hold on, this she takes down percy sledge’s dark end of the street in a tina turner-esque style which should please fans of classic rock, blues, or even classic r&b music. very impressive. if that weren’t enough, then she goes on to display her howling blues like a dog being yanked by his legs on the track tony which should leave you breathless. evenbetter, we here her janis joplin-esque take on the extremely bluesy baby’s insane which could drive any music critic literally crazy. having said all this, the sporting life is still not an easy album to take and is certainly not for everyone. if you are a brave soul and want something gutsy, then sporting life is for you. patti smith, tina turner, janis joplin, and marianne faithful fans will relish. needless to say, led zep fans will swoon with delight too. you gotta love it! right now, i’m anxious to get my hands on her next album entitled la serpenta canta. good things come to those who wait i guess. but why must i wait so diamanda?
【如果朋友接受不了我发布Diamanda Galas的《Schrei X》,那请试试听一下这张《The Sporting Life(with John Paul Jones)》】
01 Skótoseme
02 Do You Take This Man?
03 Dark End Of The Street
04 You’re Mine
05 Tony
06 Devil’s Rodeo
07 The Sporting Life
08 Baby’s Insane
09 Last Man Down
10 Hex
John Paul Jones: 4-, 5-, and 8-string bass guitars, lap steel guitar; Pete Thomas: Drums
Produced by John Paul Jones.
Recording and mix engineer: Richard Evans.
US CD Mute/Elektra 61672
【风格】 无浪潮(No Wave)/试验音乐(Experimental)
Diamanda Galas相关介绍:
http://img1.soufun.com/bbs/2004_12/25/1103967294925.jpeg http://img1.soufun.com/bbs/2004_12/25/1103967830717.jpeg http://img1.soufun.com/bbs/2004_12/25/1103963120360.jpeg http://img1.soufun.com/bbs/2004_12/25/1103967859174.jpeg
1955年Diamanda Galas 出生在美国加州圣地亚哥,是希腊人的后裔,她从小就接受正规的古典音乐教育,是一位女高音歌手,她的音域可以跨越4个八度,同时她那独一无二的足以让人肝胆俱裂的破坏性的演唱方式也为她赢得了“高音女妖”的称号,她与许多著名的音乐人和乐手都合作过,这里面包括古典乐手,爵士乐手也有摇滚乐手,所以她的音乐也自然而然的跨越了这些音乐领域,她的第一张专集是用法文来演唱的,而且没有一点伴奏,她的声音就象女巫对末世纪人类的诅咒,人们在她的声音中恐惧,紧张并为之震惊。
关于Diamanda Galas的音乐,能说的只有这些——这是一种既不可用耳,也不能用心去聆听的音乐。这是女巫对濒临末日的人类的诅咒!
头些天我发了不少民谣类专辑,这回给大家换换口味。英国前著名独立厂牌MUTE旗下的Diamanda Galas,不知道大家能否接受这种音乐……
你不应该害怕,却应该惊喜,为世界有这样演唱的女子,为识破P.J Harvey和Courtney Love镶花裱金的内衣。
【我发布的Diamanda Galas专辑资源】
1994《The Sporting Life(with John Paul Jones) 》 (请点击)
1996《Schrei X 》 (请点击)
2003《Defixiones: Will And Testament》 (请点击)
这张专辑参加了VeryCD Mp3共享计划
Diamanda Galas -The Sporting Life with John Paul Jones [MP3!] → https://www.books51.com/813666.html |
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