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中文名称: 海底指挥官
英文名称: Ocean Commander
版本: 1.3破解版
发行时间: 2006年
制作发行: Big Fish
地区: 美国
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开发:Big Fish
发行:Monster Industry
类型:Action / Shoot
Windows XP
800MHz CPU
DirectX 9.0c
The city has been wiped off and sunk to the ocean bottom. All living creatures strive to survive and invented machines to adapt to the drastic change in environment. Competition amongst the different groups of survivors has led to the beginning of an underwater war….Your mission is to fight against the powerful Chaos Empire that has been making attempts to conquer everything that is left. You are fully equipped with all machineries and military weapons….there are so few heroes left….you are one of them!


. 茭 馨 荥唼 苘圮
? ? 苻 兵 .草 ?'' 嫩圮
唼荥苘苘 \ 薇 鄄? 拜 懿? 哌?咣圹?
圮 哌圹? 苒 曹. ? ? .?薏草 圮 咣圮? 苒
鄄膊槽膊鄄辈圹辈鄄鄄圹舶 卟草  馨' 圹陛 安鄄鄄膊鄄膊膊槽槽辈槽膊
膊北郾辈北辈槽鄄脖臂北脖? 薏陛草 甙蔌 薏辈? 氨鄄北郾辈辈辈北脖辈北脖?
圹槽膊郾鄄脖膊圹脖鄄圹脖 ?捋北薇曹 薏辈? ? 辈圹膊鄄辈鄄辈膊槽槽鄄圹
圻氨 ? 圹辈卑圯? 咣卑 薏辈薏臂? 懿臂? 氨圻 脖 安膊北脖? 卑咣
?? ?膊辈?捋 ? ? .膊臂蒉脖曹 捋脖草 ? ? ? 卑鄄辈脖圹 ? ?
?? 脖膊 捋 ?? ? 薏北草 卟辈? 薏北圯. ? ? ? 膊臂舶捋? ?
鄄辈?圯 ? 薏北草 捋辈? 薏北槽? ? 圹辈曹圹 ?
? 懿脖辈圹 ? 郾曹 卟臂? 膊北草 ? 膊臂策??
圹膊辈策 ? 辈圯 ?薏辈? 辈缠 ? 苒辈辈郯
捋脖脖 薏北草 卟辈?薏辈? 捋郾槽
圹 郾辈郾 ? 薏辈? ? 捋辈 薏辈? ?捋鼙脖脖
圹安郾膊 ? ? 捋辈? 卟?懿臂? ? 咣圹北?
捋郾脖臂 ? 薏辈?? ? 卟莶脖草 ? 槽圹圮
咣圹鄄? .膊? 揶北辈? ? 辈辈臂?
辈圹圹圮苒苘 薏膊 ? 卟鄄? ?鄄臂舶咣?
郾北舶哌勰 '' ? 薏策 ? 卟 ? 脖辈? 咣.
苒脖圹? 哌?? ,策 ??哪哪 ?? \ 苒脖圹? 唼?
哌哌哌哌咿 唼? ? 葸哌哌哌哌 ?
哌哌哌哌哌 哌哌哌哌哌 ?
T h e N o v a T e a m
? Presents: ?
? ?
? Ocean Commander v1.3 ?
? *Cracked* ?
? (c)2006 CyberPlanet Interactive / Big Fish Games ?
? ?
? ?
? Supplied By : TEAM TNT Release Date : 06/06/2006 ?
? Cracked By : TEAM TNT Protection : TryMedia ActiveMark?
? What is it? : Game (Shooter) OS Required : WinXX ?
? Packaged By : TEAM TNT # of Files : 06 x 5.00 Meg ?
? ?
? Requirements : ?
?Release Notes ?
The city has been wiped off and sunk to the ocean bottom. All living creatures
strive to survive and invented machines to adapt to the drastic change in
environment. Competition amongst the different groups of survivors has led to
the beginning of an underwater war... Your mission is to fight against the
powerful Chaos Empire that has been making attempts to conquer everything that
is left. You are fully equipped with all machineries and military weapons...
there are so few heroes left... you are one of them!
Game Features:
* Challenge yourself in 2 thrilling modes
* Collect money to purchase any new upgraded
* 12 different suspenseful settings
* Upgrade your submarine ship to fight the enemies
?Installation ?
1. UnZIP all archives to a temporary directory.
2. UnRAR all archives to a temporary directory.
Always unRAR with full paths!
3. Install the program by executing:
SETUP.EXE from the SETUP\ directory.
4. Copy the contents of the CRACK\ directory to your Installed directory,
overwriting any existing files.
5. Run the program. If enjoyment is experienced, then buy the program!
? TNT News ?
0Day Applications News:
Win 98/98SE/ME are supported Operating Systems for 99% of all software.
If your retarded group is either unwilling or more likely unable to properly
produce a working release for all of the OS's that the application itself
supports, then prepare to get PROPERED.
You idiots need to learn what the scene is all about. We will teach you...
zipscript-c (aka project-zs) ruins all the nice SFV files in the scene!
Screw that lame-ass retarded script and all you noobies who use it.
Egotism is good in small doses.
There is nothing wrong with flaming code/crack thieves. We encourage it.
Quality and quantity are both possible simultaneously, yet often difficult.
We continue our journey...
? Joining TNT ?
TNT works in all languages.
If you feel that you have something useful to offer us, such as the ability
to contribute to our scene releasing efforts, then see below.
? Contact TNT ?
Those who seek TNT will find a way to get in touch with us.
Just ask around for the #1 Dox group.
TNT has no email address, nor a web site. Any you find are surely fake.
? Header Logo : Super Nova [TNT] ? NFO Layout : Super Nova ?
? ? ?
滥哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪? Last Update by [Super Nova]



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