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中文名称: 南茜·朱儿:卡普洞的怪兽
英文名称: Nancy Drew: The Creature of Kapu Cave
资源格式: 光盘镜像
发行时间: 2006年
制作发行: Her Interactive
地区: 美国
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开发:Her Interactive
发行:Her Interactive
南茜还来不及和Mr. Woogle Wogle问好,就动身来到夏威夷协助Dr. Quigley Kim(南茜父亲的朋友)。尽管夏威夷海滩是休憩放松的天堂,但是很快南茜发现自己为揭开传说中的Kāne ‘ōkala卷入对神秘研究所”Hilihili”的调查中。
Kāne ‘ōkala是当地传说中的怪兽,当它从沉睡中醒来时就是带来灾难和毁灭的小岛末日。怪兽被Kilauea火山灼伤了皮肤,因此它的苏醒伴随着阵阵硫磺的恶臭和火山灰。
小岛遭遇了地震,一场势不可挡的疾病席卷菠萝的收成,当地居民颇有微言——是”Hilihili”实验基地内某种神秘的研究吵醒了沉睡中的Kāne ‘ōkala……
Kāne ‘ōkala的传说到底是否空穴来风?或者,这只是对岛上出现的不满征兆的另一种解释?一切等你来发现Nancy Drew:The Creature of Kapu Cave.
·第一次可以扮演三个不同的人物!根据需要的不同技能和线索在Nancy,Joe Hardy或 者Frank Hardy之间进行选择

. 茭 馨 荥唼 苘圮
? ? 苻 兵 .草 ?'' 嫩圮
唼荥苘苘 \ 薇 鄄? 拜 懿? 哌?咣圹?
圮 哌圹? 苒 曹. ? ? .?薏草 圮 咣圮? 苒
鄄膊槽膊鄄辈圹辈鄄鄄圹舶 卟草  馨' 圹陛 安鄄鄄膊鄄膊膊槽槽辈槽膊
膊北郾辈北辈槽鄄脖臂北脖? 薏陛草 甙蔌 薏辈? 氨鄄北郾辈辈辈北脖辈北脖?
圹槽膊郾鄄脖膊圹脖鄄圹脖 ?捋北薇曹 薏辈? ? 辈圹膊鄄辈鄄辈膊槽槽鄄圹
圻氨 ? 圹辈卑圯? 咣卑 薏辈薏臂? 懿臂? 氨圻 脖 安膊北脖? 卑咣
?? ?膊辈?捋 ? ? .膊臂蒉脖曹 捋脖草 ? ? ? 卑鄄辈脖圹 ? ?
?? 脖膊 捋 ?? ? 薏北草 卟辈? 薏北圯. ? ? ? 膊臂舶捋? ?
鄄辈?圯 ? 薏北草 捋辈? 薏北槽? ? 圹辈曹圹 ?
? 懿脖辈圹 ? 郾曹 卟臂? 膊北草 ? 膊臂策??
圹膊辈策 ? 辈圯 ?薏辈? 辈缠 ? 苒辈辈郯
捋脖脖 薏北草 卟辈?薏辈? 捋郾槽
圹 郾辈郾 ? 薏辈? ? 捋辈 薏辈? ?捋鼙脖脖
圹安郾膊 ? ? 捋辈? 卟?懿臂? ? 咣圹北?
捋郾脖臂 ? 薏辈?? ? 卟莶脖草 ? 槽圹圮
咣圹鄄? .膊? 揶北辈? ? 辈辈臂?
辈圹圹圮苒苘 薏膊 ? 卟鄄? ?鄄臂舶咣?
郾北舶哌勰 '' ? 薏策 ? 卟 ? 脖辈? 咣.
苒脖圹? 哌?? ,策 ??哪哪 ?? \ 苒脖圹? 唼?
哌哌哌哌咿 唼? ? 葸哌哌哌哌 ?
哌哌哌哌哌 哌哌哌哌哌 ?
T h e N o v a T e a m
? Presents: ?
? ?
? Nancy Drew: The Creature of Kapu Cave ?
? ?
? (c)2006 Her Interactive ?
? ?
? ?
? Supplied By : TEAM TNT Release Date : 10/20/2006 ?
? Cracked By : TEAM TNT Protection : None ?
? What is it? : Game (Adventure) OS Required : WinXX ?
? Packaged By : TEAM TNT # of Discs : 02 ?
? CD1 : 49 x 15.00 Meg CD2 : 26 x 15.00 Meg ?
? ?
? Requirements : Win 9x Kernel OS (98/98SE/ME) / Win NT Kernel OS (2K/XP) ?
?Release Notes ?
We grant permission to use this ISO, our Cracks for this game, and any
NoCD Cracks by TNT, for the purpose of creating a game rip, to all
groups, except for TECHNiC / STORM / SPiTFiRE, as their disgusting
thievery has gone on for far, far too long.
And before you lame newbies get bright ideas about calling this release
"crap", check out the events of the past:
07-19-2005 Nancy_Drew_Secret_Of_The_Old_Clock-ELEGANCE
10-14-2004 Nancy.Drew.Curse.Of.The.Blackmoor.Manor.NOCD-RELOADED
10-11-2004 Nancy.Drew.Curse.Of.The.Blackmoor.Manor-RELOADED
"NoCD's are lame! NoCD's are lame! NoCD's are lame! You are lame TNT!"
I guess RELOADED is too then huh? Nah, it is just YOU newbies that are
the lamers. We rule you 7x per week.
Enjoy a nice Murder Mystery from the great folks at Her Interactive.
And for christ's sake, buy the game if you like it!
Support the developers of great titles.
And one last note for the newbies:
Scanning Track 1...
Track certification successful.
Test passed. This BIN/CUE certified for BINChunking or burning.
-ah, well there you go with a proper way to test a release for errors
(and usually for copy protection since most of those contain bad sectors
on purpose). A good way to avoid releasing uncracked games that do not
run because there was copy protection in the EXE files. Lol, newbs...
In Nancy Drew: The Creature Of Kapu Cave, Nancy travels to Hawaii as a research
assistant for Dr. Quigley Kim to determine why the population of native
caterpillars has exploded. The Hardy Boys, on a separate covert operation, are
also visiting -- and both stumble across the mystery of the Hilihili research
compound and its evil vibes. Some believe it's linked to the legend of Kane
'Okala. Local legend has it that a long time ago, a man was sacrificed to the
hungry volcano to appease it. Kane 'Okala, or "the rough-skinned man," later
escaped from the volcano, but he was scarred for life with a rough-skinned and
frightening appearance. When Nancy arrives at Camp Quigley, she sees a monster
ravaging the camp, and soon discovers that Dr. Quigley is missing! Could the
monster she saw be Kane 'Okala? She'll have to team up with the Hardy Boys to
find out!
Game Features:
* Play as Nancy Drew or Frank & Joe Hardy to progress the mystery
* Design shell necklaces and trade in your handicrafts for Big Island Bucks
* Snorkel for shells and get hooked on fishing
* Program your GPS to navigate from beaches, forests, and volcanos
* Choose from 2 levels to challenge players of different skills
DOX Needed:
砊ype ? Yes ? No ?
砃oCD ? X ? ?
砋nlocker ? ? X ?
矫heats ? ? X ?
矼anual ? X ? ?
矫overs ? X ? ?
砊rainer ? ? X ?
More Info:
?Installation ?
1. UnRAR all archives to a temporary directory.
2. Burn the CD/DVD Image file(s) with a quality program such as
CDRWin or Nero Burning ROM.
3. Install the game.
4. Play. If you decide that you like the game, then please buy it.
? TNT News ?
First off, we never liked the idea of CRACK/ directories on CD-Roms. TNT
prefers the crack in a separate ZIP file and/or inside the main RARs.
Yah-yah-yah we know you noobs will complain, "i want it all on the CD so I
dont loose the crack cause i'm stupid". Well too bad.
*And what happens when a group releases a game with a bad crack? And later a
different group puts out a CrackFix? Then you are left with no working crack
"on the cd", so what the [内容被过滤,请注意论坛文明] does it matter? And what do you do with the
cracked patch/update versions that you Download? Where do you keep or store
them? Well, the same goes for our cracks. You decide where to store them.
There are not and never have been any rules on how cracks are distributed
with or for ISO releases. You even see many MacOS/Unix/Linux/Hybrid ISOs
coming with cracks and keygens in separate ZIP or RAR files along with the
main release. We will follow that convention to keep the original ISO
structures intact. If you do not like it, then go install one of the tens of
shareware ISO Editor apps and inject the CRACK into a crack\ directory on
your CD/DVD image file.
The choice is up to a release group. The only thing that matters is that all
necessary content is include in some form, so that the game or utility
works. Even though we are well aware that most cracker group like to put
their cracks on the game Disc for your convenience, it is only their
preference and NOT A RULE. We as well have our own reasons and preferences
for doing it our way, and we will stick to it.
Our method is a PROPER way to do it.
zipscript-c (aka project-zs) ruins all the nice SFV files in the scene!
Screw that lame-ass retarded script and all you noobies who use it.
Egotism is good in small doses.
There is nothing wrong with flaming code/crack thieves. We encourage it.
Quality and quantity are both possible simultaneously, yet often difficult.
We continue our journey...
? Joining TNT ?
TNT works in all languages.
If you feel that you have something useful to offer us, such as the ability
to contribute to our scene releasing efforts, then see below.
? Contact TNT ?
Those who seek TNT will find a way to get in touch with us.
Just ask around for the #1 Dox group.
TNT has no email address, nor a web site. Any you find are surely fake.
? Header Logo : Super Nova [TNT] ? NFO Layout : Super Nova ?
? ? ?
滥哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪? Last Update by [Super Nova]



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南茜·朱儿:卡普洞的怪兽 Nancy Drew: The Creature of Kapu Cave [Bin] → https://www.books51.com/730051.html



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