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中文名: Hacking GoogleMaps and GoogleEarth
发行时间: 2006年
地区: 美国
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书名:Hacking Google Maps and Google Earth
作者:Martin C. Brown
出版:Wiley 2006
大小:6.8 Mb

一本今年刚上架的书,下载了以后还没看完,不过冲着出版社Wiley的名头,就可以知道应该不赖的。粗略感受里面写Maps的比Earth的要多,有不少篇幅详细描述了XML在Google Maps中的应用,当然也少不了用于Earth的KML。适应读者群应该不是一般的Google Maps或Earth的玩家,而是有一定编程基础,并试图自己动手寻找更多乐趣的人们。在Amazon上售价19.79美元。
Google Earth整合Google的本地搜索以及驾车指南两项服务,能够鸟瞰世界,将取代目前的桌面搜索软件。他可以在虚拟世界中如同一只雄鹰在大峡谷中自由飞翔,登陆峡谷顶峰,潜入峡谷深渊。
Google Earth采用的3D地图定位技术能够把Google Map上的最新卫星图片推向一个新水平。用户可以在3D地图上搜索特定区域,放大缩小虚拟图片,然后形成行车指南。此外,Google Earth还精心制作了一个特别选项——鸟瞰旅途,让驾车人士的活力油然而生。Google Earth主要通过访问Keyhole的航天和卫星图片扩展数据库来实现这些上述功能。该数据库在上星期进行了更新,它含有美国宇航局提供的大量地形数据,未来还将覆盖更多的地形,涉及田园,荒地等。
Google Maps是 Google 公司提供的地图服务,包括局部详细砄卫星照片。 2005年 6月20日 ,Google Maps的覆盖范围从原先的 美国 、 英国 及 加拿大 扩大为全球。它能提供两种图:一是砢量地图;二是不同分辨率的卫星照片( ?? Google Earth 上的卫星照片基本一样)。
This one-of-a-kind resource contains 500 pages of jaw-dropping hacks, mods, and customizations.
These include creating mashups with data from other sources such as Flickr, building a space station tracker, hacking Maps with Firefox PiggyBank, and building a complete community site with Maps and Earth.
Now you can map out locations, get driving directions, zoom into any point on the globe, display real time traffic, and much more.
  Book Description
This one-of-a-kind resource contains 500 pages of jaw-dropping hacks, mods, and customizations. These include creating mashups with data from other sources such as Flickr, building a space station tracker, hacking Maps with Firefox PiggyBank, and building a complete community site with Maps and Earth. Now you can map out locations, get driving directions, zoom into any point on the globe, display real time traffic, and much more.
  From the Back Cover
  Going somewhere? Or just getting back?
  Great vacation photos—too bad you can’t remember where you took them. And wouldn’t it have been terrific to find a pizza joint when you bumped into your college buddy in that little ski town? Well, by making Google Maps and Google Earth do your bidding, you can find out not only where you’re going, but where you’ve been. Get an aerial view of the beach in that picture. Pinpoint every Thai takeout in your girlfriend’s zip code. Plan the Great International Rollercoaster Tour.
  Here’s how.
  Get Going
  Create applications that let you do all this and more
  Make maps that reveal statistical data
  Plot routes to include or avoid key factors
  Build a community site
  Create a realtor’s presentation
  Calculate distances for routes
  Show where your holiday photos were taken
  Merge Flickr photos onto a map
  Highlight archaeological information
  Companion Web site
  Visit http://maps.mcslp.com to find full source code for all hacks and mods in the book, working examples, ongoing information about Google Maps and Google Earth, a blog, and more.



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