本辑地图来源于David Rumsey Historical Map collection。
原地图资源都是超高分辨率的 sid 格式的地图。这些地图的出版年代大多在17世纪至20世纪,对于地图爱好者、地理学者、历史学者,都有一定的参考价值。
每幅图分辨率大多都在 6650 x 5800 以上
每幅图的容量大多在 5M~20M
每个帖子标题中方括弧中的4位数字系 David Rumsey Map Collection网站中的编号,便于检索。
Edition with views from the 7th Congressional District. Andreas made 9 separate editions of this atlas, one for each of the 9 Congressional Districts; each district ed. had special views of that district. See the reprint ed. by the Iowa Historical Society for a complete reproduction of all district views, as well as a discussion of the marketing technique in the preface. A second title page precedes the illustrated title page reading "A.T. Andreas’ illustrated historical atlas of the State of Iowa. 1875. The Lakeside Press, Clark and Adams Streets, Chicago." Full color, both hand painted and printed. Bound in half leather embossed dark brown cloth covered boards with "Illustrated historical atlas of the State of Iowa 1875." in gilt; title is also blind stamped on the back cover. Not in Phillips Maps of America. Irregular paging.
美国爱荷华州历史地图集 → https://www.books51.com/66892.html |
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