以色列简史 (A Brief History of Israel )
# Hardcover: 350 pages
# Publisher: Facts on File (November 2004)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0816051186
# ISBN-13: 978-0816051182
# Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 6.2 x 1.1 inches
# Shipping Weight: 1.5 pounds
This book offers an updated look at Israel’s tumultuous history. It narrates the complex tale of Israel’s people and their modern state, established thousands of years after the destruction of the old one, against the backdrop of exile, anti-Semitism, Zionism, and the Holocaust.”A Brief History of Israel, Second Edition” explores Israel’s history with an emphasis on the period since its independence in 1948. The chronological narration begins with the time of Abraham and the period of the Israelite kingdoms and continues to World War II and the United Nations Partition Plan. This comprehensive reference then examines the independent country of Israel, including the Arab – Israeli conflict, domestic politics, Knesset election results, the economy, and international relations. Completely up-to-date, this second edition features a new preface, a revised introduction, a revised glossary of political parties, a new final chapter, and updated appendixes.Its coverage includes: The period since Israel’s independence in 1948; The Middle East peace process; Economic and political challenges; Israel’s withdrawal from the Gaza Strip; The creation of the new Kadima Party and the election of 2006; and, Hamas’s election victory and its effect on Israel.
1. From biblical times to the Ottoman period — 2. The prehistory of the state of Israel (c. 1880-1948) — 3. Political, economic, and military consolidation (1948-1967) — 4. From the Six-Day War to the Yom Kippur War and its aftermath (1967-1975) — 5. Peace with Egypt and the Begin earthquake (1975-1979) — 6. From peace with Egypt to the Palestinian intifada (1979-1990) — 7. The Persian Gulf War and the Middle East peace process (1990-1996) — 8. The Netanyahu and Barak governments (1996-2000) — 9. The al-Aqsa intifada (2000-present) — 10. A new perspective on security — 11. Conclusion — App. 1. Knesset election results — App. 2. Basic facts about Israel — App. 3. Glossary of political parties.
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