数据结构与算法C 版 Data Structures and Algorithms in C Second Edition Adam Drozdek 第2版[PDF DjVu]
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中文名: 数据结构与算法C++版
原名: Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ Second Edition Adam Drozdek
版本: 第2版[PDF&DjVu]发行时间: 2001年
地区: 美国
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本书是一本介绍数据结构与算法的优秀书籍。 本书系统介绍了C++面向对象程序设计、算法复杂度、链表、栈、队列、递归、树、图、排序和查找算法、散列技术、数据压缩算法、内存管理等内容;尤其对递归算法进行了深入剖析。在附录中详细介绍了大O符号与标准模板库;在大多数章中提供了相应的实例分析和程序设计作业。 本书适合作为计算机软件专业或其他相关专业的教科书。对于需要参加计算机考试,或者希望自学计算机软件开发的人员也有非常大的帮助。 本书以案例驱动的方式,全面介绍了计算机科学的重要领域——数据结构,并以目前应用最为广泛的C++语言实现相关的算法。书中不仅特别强调了数据结构与算法之间的联系,包括算法复杂度分析,而且介绍了面向对象程序设计环境中的数据结构,重点讲述了隐藏信息封装和分解处理的原理。 与同类教材相比,本书不仅提供了任何软件系统从设计、实现、测试到维护所需的基本概念,详尽地讨论了同类教材中少见的内存管理和数据压缩主题,还将对递归的讨论置于运行时堆栈环境中,使读者对递归有更明晰的理解。此外,本书各章(第2章除外)提供了一个可供测试的程序分析以演示特定的数据结构和算法,并将相关C++标准模板库应用在程序分析中。贯穿全书的C++示例代码演示了数据结构的实践价值,精心设计的程序设计课后作业可以使学生能够学以致用。因此,无论是对数据结构的初学者,还是对有一定基础的学生,本书都是一本不可多得的新型数据结构教材。
Chapter 1 Object-Oriented Programming Using C++
1.1 Abstract Data Types
1.2 Encapsulation
1.3 Inheritance
1.4 Pointers
1.4.1 Pointers and Arrays
1.4.2 Pointers and Copy Constructors
1.4.3 Pointers and Destructors
1.4.4 Pointers and Reference Variables
1.4.5 Pointers to Functions
1.5 Polymorphism
1.6 C++ and Object-Oriented Programming
1.7 The Standard Template Library
1.7.1 Containers
1.7.2 Iterators
1.7.3 Algorithms
1.7.4 Function Objects
1.8 Vectors in the Standard Template Library
1.9 Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming
1.10 Case Study:Random Access File
1.11 Exercises
1.12 Programming Assignments
Chapter 2 Complexity Analysis
2.1 Computational and Asymptotic Complexity
2.2 Big-O Notation
2.3 Properties of Big-O Notation
2.4 and Notations
2.5 Possible Problems
2.6 Examples of complexities
2.7 Finding Asymptotic Complexity:Examples
2.8 The Best,Average,and Worst Cases
2.9 Amortized Complexity
2.10 Exercises
Chapter 3 Llinked Lis+s
3.1 Singly Linked Lists
3.1.1 Insertion
3.1.2 Deletion
3.1.3 Search
3.2 Doubly Linked Lists
3.3 Circular Lists
3.4 Skip Lists
3.5 Self-Organizing Lists
3.6 Sparse Tables
3.7 Lists in the Standard Template Library
3.8 Deques in the Standard Template Library
3.9 Concluding Remarks
3.10 Case Study:A Library
3.11 Exercises
3.12 Programming Assignments
Chapter 4 Stacks and Queues
4.1 Stacks
4.2 Queues
4.3 Priority Queues
4.4 Stacks in the Standard Template Library
4.5 Queues in the Standard Template Library
4.6 Priority Queues in the Standard Template Library
4.7 Case Study:Exiting a Maze
4.8 Exercises
4.9 Programming Assignments
Chapter 5 Recursion
5.1 Recursive Definitions
5.2 Function Calls and Recursion Implementation
5.3 Anatomy of a Recursive Call
5.4 Tail Recursion
5.5 Nontail Recursion
5.6 Indirect Recursion
5.7 Nested Recursion
5.8 Excessive Recursion
5.9 Backtracking
5.10 Concluding Remarks
5.11 Case Study:A Recursive Descent Interpreter
5.12 Exercises
5.13 Programming Assignments
Chapter 6 Binary Trees
6.1 Trees,Binary Tress,and Binary Search Trees
6.2 Implementing Binary Tress
6.3 Searching a Binary Search Tree
6.4 Tree Traversal
6.4.1 Breadth-First Traversal
6.4.2 Depth-First Traversal
6.4.3 Stackless Depth-First Traversal
6.5 Insertion
6.6 Deletion
6.6.1 Deletion by Merging
6.6.2 Deletion by Copying
6.7 Balancing a Tree
6.7.1 The DSW Algorithm
6.7.2 AVL Trees
6.8 Self-Adjusting Trees
6.8.1 Self-Restructuring Trees
6.8.2 Splaying
6.9 Heaps
6.9.1 Heaps as Priority Queues
6.9.2 Organizing Arrays as Heaps
6.10 Polish Notation and Expression Trees
6.11 Case Study:Computing Word Frequencies
6.12 Exercises
6.13 Programming Assignments
Chapter 7 Multiway Trees
7.1 The Family of B-Trees
7.1.1 B-Trees
7.1.2 B*-Trees
7.1.3 B+-Trees
7.1.4 Prefix B+-Trees
7.1.5 Bit-Trees
7.1.6 R-Trees
7.1.7 2-4 Trees
7.1.8 Sets and Multisets in the Standard Template Library
7.1.9 Maps and Multimaps in the Standard Template Library
7.2 Tries
7.3 Concluding Remarks
7.4 Case Study:Spell Checker
7.5 Exercises
7.6 Programming Assignments
Chapter 8 Graphs
8.1 Graph Representation
8.2 Graph Traversals
8.3 Shortest Paths
8.4 Cycle Detection
8.5 Spanning Trees
8.5.1 Boruvka’s Algorithm
8.5.2 Kruskal’s Algorithm
8.5.3 Jarnik-Prims’s algorithm
8.5.4 Dijkstra’s Method
8.6 Connectivity
8.6.1 Connectivity in Undirected Graphs
8.6.2 Connectivity in Directed Graphs
8.7 Topological Sort
8.8 Networks
8.8.1 Maximum Flows
8.8.2 Maximum Flows of Minimum Cost
8.9 Matching
8.9.1 Assignment Problem
8.9.2 Matching in Nonbipartite Graphs
8.10 Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs
8.10.1 Eulerian Graphs
8.10.2 Hamiltonian Graphs
8.11 Case Study:Distinct representatives
8.12 Exercises
8.13 Programming Assignments
Chapter 9 Sorting
9.1 Elementary Sorting Algorithms
9.1.1 Insertion Sort
9.1.2 Selection Sort
9.1.3 Bubble Sort
9.2 Decision Trees
9.3 Efficient Sorting Algorithms
9.3.1 Shell Sort
9.3.2 Heap Sort
9.3.3 Quicksort
9.3.4 Mergesort
9.3.5 Radix Sort
9.4 Sorting in the Standard Template(Library)
9.5 Concluding Remarks
9.6 Case Study:Adding Polynomials
9.7 Exerises
9.8 Programming Assignments
Chapter 10 Hashing
10.1 Hash Functions
10.1.1 Division
10.1.2 Folding
10.1.3 Mid-Square Function
10.1.4 Extraction
10.1.5 Radix Transformation
10.2 Collision Rsolution
10.2.1 Open Addressing
10.2.2 Chaining
10.2.3 Bucket Addressing
10.3 Deletion
10.4 Perfect Hash Functions
10.4.1 Cichelli’s Method
10.4.2 The FHCD Algorithm
10.5 Hash Functions for Extendible Files
10.5.1 Extendible Hashing
10.5.2 Linear Hashing
10.6 Case Study:Hashing with Buckets
10.7 Exercises
10.8 Programming Assignments
Chapter 11 Data Compression
11.1 Conditions for Data Compression
11.2 Huffman Coding
11.3 Shannon-Fano Code
11.4 Run-Length Encoding
11.5 Ziv-Lempel Code
11.6 Case Study:Huffman Method with Run-Length Encoding
11.7 Exercises
11.8 Programming Assignments
Chapter 12 Memory Management
12.1 The Sequential-fit Methods
12.2 The Nonsequential-Fit Methods
12.3 Garbage Collection
12.3.1 Mark-and-Sweep
12.3.2 Copying Methods
12.3.3 Incremental Garbage Collection
12.4 Concluding Remarks
12.5 Case Study:An In-Place Garbage Collector
12.6 Exercises
12.7 Programming Assignments
Appendix A Computing Big-O
Appendix B Algorithms in the Standard Template Library
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