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电脑的日益普及,重复工作综合症Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)的问题也愈发严重。简单的说,就是身体重复做某些动作,而引起身体不适。试想,在电脑前做两叁个小时以上,手一直用键盘和鼠标,眼睛一直盯着屏幕,身体怎麽受的了呢?时间一久,手指、手腕、手肘,或是肩膀、颈部、脊椎就开始酸、抽、痛,甚至无力,还有眼睛酸痛等等,这些都是身体发出的警讯,使用者不可不注意。

RSIGuard是帮助你预防RSI的综合性工具,它提供的功能包括:智能休息时间控制、休息期间的伸展运动、在线环境知识培训、线上健康状态报告、自动点击以减轻鼠标操作损伤、使用热键和键盘重定义减轻键盘操作损伤、环境提醒信息、Microbreaks、动态工作限制Dynamic work restrictions、关键工作的跟踪报告统计、具有高度智能的可定制性、多用户和网络支持、管理功能等等,软件简单易用。


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²²²²²²  ²²
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     sCr! ²  
     ²²² 
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 ²²   
²    ²
   
    It goes AGAiN, AGAiN…   
 ²    
²²  RSIGuard Stretch Edition v4.0.22c  ² 
²²²²²² © Remedy Interactive  ²²
 ² ²²²²²²
  Cracker…: AGAiN 2009 ² 
  Supplier..: AGAiN 2009  
  Packager..: AGAiN 2009  
 Tester….: AGAiN 2009  
  ²
²  ²
±  OS……….: Windows 
°  Language….: English  
 Protection..: Serial  
  Size……..: 05 x 4.77mb  
²  Date……..: 16/07/2009  
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²  ²²²    
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 ² R e l e a s e I n f o 
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²   
 RSIGuard is an integrated approach to preventing and 
 managing repetitive strain injury (RSI). 
  ² 
²  Its purpose is to: ² 
 -to reduce repetitive computer activity  ²
 ² -to assist you in developing healthy patterns of 
²  computer use ² 
²  -to help you understand your current patterns.  
 
 
  ² 
²  RSIGuard v4.0 offers: ² 
  ²
 ² -Rest break reminders that are timed based on how hard 
²  you actually work at the computer, and designed to be ² 
²  as unintrusive as possible  
 -Video stretches shown during rest breaks 
 -Microbreaks give you time to briefly relax, regain 
  awareness of your posture and work patterns, and ² 
²  maintain awareness of how your body feels ² 
 -Ergonomic reminder messages keep you aware of how you  ²
 ² are working at the computer 
²  -Tracking & reporting of key work statistics helps you ² 
²  understand how you use your computer  
 -Online health status reporting helps you track the 
 connection between work patterns and discomfort 
  -Online ergonomic training teaches you the basics of ² 
²  healthy computing ² 
 – Hotkeys & keyboard remapping reduce keyboard strain  ²
 ² by reducing how many keys you press and relocating 
²  hard-to-press keys ² 
²  -Automatic clicking eliminates strain associated with  
 mouse clicking, works much better than alternative 
 pointing devices or switching to your other hand 
  -Dynamic work restrictions help you follow a ² 
²  doctor-prescribed reduction in your exposure to ² 
 computer strain  ²
 ² -Highly customizable features with an easy-to-use 
²  setup-wizard and intelligent default settings ² 
²  -Flexible multi-user and network support lets you  
 easily move from computer to computer, install on 
 servers, intranets, etc. 
  -Administrative-control functions for enterprise users ² 
²  -Upgrade path to Remedy Interactive Office Ergonomics ² 
 Suite  ²
 ² -Easy to use 
²  ² 
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²  ² 
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     ²  
²   ²²²²²    
² I n s t a l l I n f o   ²²²    
      
 ² 
  Unzip and unrar release, install it. When asked use ² 
²  our keymaker to generate your registration data.  ²
 
 ² ² 
²   
²  
 
 ² ² 
²    
²    
       ²²²² 
       ²²   ² 
     ² 
²    – G r o u p ! –  ²
  
 ² ² 
²  There’s the phoenix, immortality born with the flames,  
²  strength rised from the ashes, mythical magnificence 
 resurrected from the sky – soul of the spiritual 
 being, intense excitement, cosmic fire the world began ² 
  and will end in, death and rebirth regenerated. ² 
²   ²
 Things fade. Things die. He has been born again, he 
 ² lives again. WE LIVE AGAiN. Deathless inspiration. ² 
²   
²  team.again@gmail.com 
   
       ² 
      ² 
²        ²
    
 ² G r e e t i n g s ² 
²   
²  SSG – LND – SAC 
² ²
    ²²
     ² 
      
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  
 ² 
 ²²²
   sCr/strick9!  
    ²²²² 
      
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