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Planit Solid Design Version 4.1
Planit Solid 是以 Windows系统平台为基础的橱柜设计软体。专为小空间或者中等大小的空间设计、定制柜橱的三度空间效果佈局、设计、用料、成本估算等的辅助设计、计算软体。
Solid 是面向浴池、卫生间和厨房设计师而开发的设计软体,用於普通橱柜、壁橱、定制框架和无框架橱柜、娱乐中心及其他产品的设计,可产生逼真的设计效果。
Planit 是一家服务於木材和金属板材製造行业的软件产品开发公司,产品用於协助专业人士为家庭、办公室、学校、医院、金属加工、飞机制造、家用电器、船舶、以及各种各样的板材产品进行设计和制造。
[flash]http://www.planitsolutions.com/flash/ushome.swf[/flash]Home Page:
Solid Design, built for dealers, designers and small semi-custom shops needing software with the capability to mix multiple stock lines as well as custom cabinets, all within the same job. Stock cabinets, closets, custom frame & frameless cabinets, entertainment centers and other products may be used / created to generate realistic designs.
Leading software solutions for design and manufacturing
Planit is a leading developer of software products servicing the woodworking and sheet metal fabrication industries. Our products help people who design and manufacture goods like cabinetry and countertops for homes, offices, schools and hospitals, as well as metalworking industries, making aircraft, appliances, ships, and a wide variety of sheet metal products.
Our customers are one and two person shops to small businesses employing 20-30 people to multi-national, multi-billion dollar corporations. Our products offer ‘right-sized” solutions, meeting the needs of the markets we serve. With over 20 years experience in our chosen markets, Planit’s products are time tested and distributed worldwide.
The Planit brands cover every aspect of the design to manufacturing process. The unique way in which our collection of software products can be integrated, allows us to work very closely with our customers to determine the right solution to suit their individual needs.
[CODEbox] ? ? ?? 苘哌卟? 氨策 ? ? + + ? M A G ? N i ?T U D E + + ?
? 鞍北 薏 脖 安甙? ? 苘懿苘苘 鞍 鞍
?鞍安卑? 安? 薇? 陛 鞍 ?卑 懿哌 安? 鞍 苘 ? 卑?
曹 咣馨? 鞍猖? 安 氨? 卑 脖苓 ? ? 鞍? 弑? ?鞍辈?
哕曹 卟曹荥 ? 哌脖? 安?膊? ? ? 鞍草 鞍?? 鞍北膊?
哕曹 懿? 鼙膊膊哌? ?北?哌膊?膊? 懿 氨槽 卑鞍鞍鞍北北辈?
曹 咣鄄弑败鄄安圹? 鼙脖苘 懿 槽蒈北曹 捋? 氨槽苘 卟北辈膊膊膊?
薏曹 ? 安鄄?捋圹膊苘 懿膊甙 捋圮 ?槽圻膊策 槽? 鞍辈哌膊苘 哌哌哌?
薏圹圮 安圹? 圹鄄捋鄄卟槽?氨?膊圹?圹鄄苘圹圹圹鄄策 鞍卑 咣圹?薏槽鄄卑?
捋鄄卟曹圹槽?捋鄄稗圹蒉圹? 膊?槽?卟圹郾圹馨槽鄄苒? 苘氨脖 薏圹?卟圯
捋鄄 卟?膊?圹脖 捋鄄槽? 鄄?圹草 捋圹佰鄄 臂圹鄄 捋郯膊? 佰圹曹苘圹?
捋鄄 膊脖膊策卟槽膊鄄 圹?圹草 圹?圹?佰圹鄄 槽蒉膊 捋圹蒇圹? ?
捋鄄 薏辈膊弑 懿圹厕鄄? 圹?圹草 槽圯圹?佰坜膊? 薏槽圹?安圹圹圹? 鞍
捋鄄 懿北脖?? 卟曹咣圮苒鄄苒膊? 辈圹膊?臂?卟曹懿膊槽?懿圹圻槽圹? 氨
捋鄄? 哌甙北 哌? 哌膊圯哌? 安膊辈?膊?? 哌哌氨曹膊哌 哌膊圹 鞍?
捋膊卑 鞍 ? 苘苒圹圹苘苘 卟圯 ? 氨?卑苓 懿? 懿策? 卟脖鞍辈
薏脖北? 懿圹膊策哌哌哌卟圮圹 鞍北? ? 苓卑 ? 北氨辈
薏北卑 ?鞍辈槽? 哌曹 氨辈脖鞍 ? 安?? ? 鞍辈?
薇卑 膊 ++S! ++b5! ++Ix 苓氨辈膊圻 氨? ? 鞍卑辈卑卑鞍 氨辈?
薇? 鞍 哕 掭 哌哌? 氨? ? 氨膊圯
卑 氨? ? ? 苓 ? 鞍 ? ? 鼙槽圻
? 氨脖?? ? ? ? 鞍膊膊? ?
? ?卟? ? 鞍卑氨北? 懿
? SOLID V4.1 鄄?
? © PLANIT 鄄?
? ? 脖
? SUPPLIER…: Team MAGNITUDE 2007 DATE……: 27/08/2007 卑
? 鞍
? CRACKER….: Team MAGNITUDE 2007 SIZE……: 1 CD 氨
? ?
舶 PACKAGER…: Team MAGNITUDE 2007 PROTECTION: Serial/Sentinel 安
脖? 北?
圻曹? 苓哕 苓哕 ? 苓哕 苓哕 苓? 苓哕 ?圻哕 苓? 苓哕 苘策?
哌哌哌?哌?策哕 策哌 曹 策哌 策咣 哌卟 策哌 哌??? ?策哌 曹苓 哌?哌哌哌?
鄄哌 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?哌槽
? ? 鞍鞍 鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍?鞍鞍 ? ?
? ?
? http://www.planitsolutions.com/us/ ?
? ?
鞍 鞍
卑 氨
脖? 氨?
鄄脖苘 苘辈槽
苘苘苘?苘苘苘 ?圻哕 苓? 策哕 苓哕 ? ? ?圻哕 苓? 苓哕 苘苘苘 苘苘苘?
圮策? ?? ?哌卟 ?策咣 哕?哕? ?? ?策哌 曹苓 哌曹?
脖? ? 氨?
舶 ? 鞍鞍 鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍?鞍鞍 ? 安
? ?
? 1) unRAR and burn ?
? 2) check ".txt" from "\MAGNiTUDE" dir ?
? 3) enjoy another fine MAGNiTUDE-release! ?
? ?
? ?
? 圻哕 苓哕 策哕 苓哕 苓? ?
?? 鞍鞍?鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍北辈 ?曹苓 ?策哌 哌卟北卑鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍 鞍鞍? ??
? ?
? Magnitude, a measure of the brightness of a star – the Ancient Greek ?
? astronomers divided the stars into six magnitudes. First-magnitude ?
? stars were the brightest, and sixth-magnitude stars were the ?
? faintest. This system has been kept in modern times, when the new era ?
? of MAGNiTUDE has started. ?
? ?
? If you feel like you have the power to face first-magnitude stars ?
? contact us at: ?
? team.magnitude@gmail.com ?
? ?
? ? ?
? 氨膊鄄鞍 ? ?
? 苘圹? 薏槽圯 ?
? 捋圹圹? 槽圹圮 氨
舶 膊圹圹? 薏圹圹圮? 氨?
脖? 槽圹圹圹圮苒圹咣圹圹圹苘? 鞍辈?
鄄卑 圹圹?哌圹圹膊 哌卟膊圹圹圹圹圹圮苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘懿膊膊?
苘苘 圹圹?曹苘 哌?膊曹苘?哌哌哌膊膊膊膊膊膊曹苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘 ?
?鞍 鄄膊?Ascii by the Dynamic Trio: S!, b5! and Ix – © SAC 2005 鞍鞍鞍鞍??
鞍 [/CODEbox]
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