
IPB Image
BitDefender Total Security是一套完整的安全解决方案,能够全面保护系统安全、维护和备份系统资料。新版套装采用了非常清新的天蓝色风格,各种功能模块以标签页的形式竖向一字排开,设置选项也非常丰富。主要新特性有:
- 简化安装的适应性设计(Adaptive Design)用户界面
- 快速访问不同功能的仪表盘(Dashboard)快捷方式
- 扫描速度更快的优化扫描技术
- 更快检测并改进响应时间的快速扫描(QuickScan)功能
- 针对笔记本延长电池续航时间的特殊模式
- 智能提示
- 网络搜索结果钓鱼欺诈警告

In order to install the program, follow the instructions:

1) Begin the installation.
2) When the program asks you for a registration, choose "I Want to Evaluate BitDefender for 30 Days".
3) On the section Activate Online Features create an account (You don’t have to use a real Email).
4) When you finish with the installation restart your pc.
5) Boot your Pc in Safe Mode (Press many times F8 button during the Restart and Select Safe Mode).
6) Then open the folder Trial Reset and run the file BD2011-TR.v3.1 (Users Vista/7 with right click and Run as Administrator).
7) Select Year 2045
You are ready the program is activated!!!


安全检测软件:Kaspersky Internet Secuity
病毒库发布时间:2010-12-01 5:04:57



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I am Gaurav Sikdar [The Bangla BABA] The Quality Releaser…

BitDefender All Products 2011

In order to install the program, follow the instructions:

1). Begin the installation.
2). When the program asks you for a registration, choose "I Want to Evaluate Bit Defender for 30 Days".
3). On the section Activate Online Features create an account (You don’t have to use a real Email).
4). When you finish with the installation restart your pc.
5). Boot your Pc in Safe Mode (Press many times F8 button during the Restart and Select Safe Mode).
6). Then open the folder Trial Reset and run the file BD2011-TR.v3.1 (Users Vista/7 with right click and Run as Admin).
7). Select Year 2045

You are ready the program is activated!!!

I have tested on Windows Xp 32 Bit and on Windows 7 64 Bit.

本人已在Windows XP,Windows Vista 32 Bit中测试可以使用。


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