应用平台:Windows 7, XP, Vista and 8
NCH Express Delegate可通过计算机将你的语音记录,并可通过电子邮件将这个语音记录通过因特网传输到世界上任意一个地方,你就可以将你的语音整理成文字。这将大大提高你的工作效率。
NCH Express Delegate采用最先进的数字语音处理技术和高超的压缩技术记录语音信号。它还包含自动编辑、声控启动、256Bit加密功能。
如果你手头没有计算机,也可以利用便携式录音机或者录音笔预先录音,然后利用NCH Express Delegate快速便携地转换文件格式后,通过因特网传输到你所指定的地方。
Express Delegate Dictation Transcription System
Manage the dictation workflow from audio through transcription
Express Delegate manages the dictation workflow of files created by multiple users of all the NCH dictation suite of programs including:
Express Dictate professional dictation software
Web Dictate web-based dictation recording software
Dial Dictate phone-in dictation software
MSRS court and conference recording software
The dictation system is managed through a web control panel, making it easy for a transcription company or large organization to control multiple dictation files.
Recordings go through the Express Delegate server where they are assigned to typing pools. Typist can automatically receive recordings through Express Scribe then send them back to the speaker when transcription is completed.
Job Features
Control dictation jobs through a simple web interface
Sort by priority, age, deadline, speaker, duration and more
Status of jobs can be marked as unassigned, assigned, transcribing and finished
Managers can edit and view dictation details
Transcriptions can be uploaded directly to the web interface and are available for speakers to download
Typists can be emailed a dictation file directly when it is assigned or they can download the file by logging into the web console
Jobs can be re-assigned to another typing pool or given a new priority
Express Delegate Program Features
Three levels of web console access including:
Manager: Manages users, typing pools and rules
Speaker: Uploads recordings, downloads transcriptions
Typist: Downloads recordings, uploads transcriptions
Typists can be assigned to one or multiple typing pools
Multiple rules can be set for speakers, priority of jobs, and tags
Dictation files can be sent directly to Express Delegate from Express Dictate
Typists can retrieve new dictations directly from Express Scribe
Recordings and final transcription documents can be uploaded and downloaded manually through the web console
Reports include dictations created, transcripts finished and more
Automatically email recurring reports to a manager*
Email notifications of new dictations for typists or uploaded transcripts for speakers*
* Available in the professional version only
System Requirements
Works on Windows 7, XP, Vista and 8
JavaScript enabled web browser
录音信号压缩速递软件 → https://www.books51.com/308088.html |
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