
IPB Image

Exposure 提供了激励您创造力的工具,而无需将不必要的复杂操作添加到您的工作流程。
享受胶片摄影各种创意工具,如已经停产的胶片、黑房技巧和 lo- fi 相机的怪癖。Exposure 4 准确地模拟经典胶片,如 Kodachrome、 宝丽来和 Panatomic X。结果是照片看起来就像由人工,而不是计算机制作的。在幕后仔细研究 Exposure 4 保持简单的控件,所以您可以专注于您的艺术。Exposure 4 是完全重新设计的用户界面,可帮助您快速开发您自己的外观。全面地更快和更容易地使用。

Exposure 4 可正常用于 Photoshop 和 Lightroom。
– 改进的用户界面。重新设计的用户界面,这使得 Exposure 4 更容易使用。
– 一切都更快、更具交互性。
– 统一的滤镜。黑白和彩色滤镜相结合,以便您可以在一个地方找到所有效果。
– 分组预设可以让用户轻松地探索自定义效果。
– 缩略图预览。悬停的设置,可以以缩略图预览。
– 快速文本搜索。基于名称或说明来查找设置。

此产品需要以下主机应用程序之一 :
Adobe Photoshop CS以上版本
Adobe Lightroom 2 或更高版本
Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 或更高版本
1024×768 或更高分辨率的显示器
Intel Core 2 处理器 (或者兼容)
Windows Vista 或更高版本

IPB Image

IPB Image

IPB Image




Enjoy all the creative tools of film photography, such as discontinued films, dark room tricks, and lo-fi camera quirks. We accurately simulate classic films, like Kodachrome, Polaroid, and Panatomic-X. The result is a photo that looks like it was made by a human, not a computer.

There is careful research under the hood, but we keep the controls simple so you can focus on your art. Exposure 4 has a completely redesigned user interface that helps you quickly develop your own look. Across the board everything is faster and much easier to use. See our features page for all the new improvements.

What’s New

Improved User Interface

A redesigned user interface makes Exposure 4 much easier to use.
Everything is faster and more interactive.
Unified Filters. Black and White and Color filters are combined so you can find all the effects in one place.
Group presets let you explore custom effects easily.
Thumbnail Preview. Hover over a setting to preview it in the thumbnail.
Fast text search. Find settings based on name or description.
New Controls and Effects

New controls let you create custom looks quickly and intuitively.
Texture Effects (light leaks, dust and scratches, borders)
New controls let you create Black and White effects more easily (more color channels, B/W Color Filter, Split Toning Control).
New controls let you create custom color effects more easily (more saturation channels, color split toning).
Color infrared film provides psychedelic color shifts.
New Presets

Many presets have been improved and new ones added. Visit our examples page for a sampling of some of the hundreds of presets.
New textures help you recreate historical photographic processes like Cyanotype, Lith printing and Wet Plate Photography.
Lo-Fi toy camera presets are now more realistic using light leaks and organic textures.

What’s Already Great
Realistic Grain

Exposure’s grain is carefully researched and realistic, unlike the digital speckles rendered by other software. Like actual grain, it clumps and is strongest in the midtones. Grain size scales with your image size, just like real photographic enlargement.
Non-Destructive Editing

Exposure supports a non-destructive workflow, making experimentation easy. Effects in Photoshop are rendered on a new layer, leaving your original image untouched. In Photoshop, Exposure can be run as a Smart Filter for easy tweaking of the effect after it is created. Batch processing is supported with actions in Photoshop and through tight integration in Lightroom.

Exposure takes advantage of multiple processors and multiple cores in order to run fast on modern computers. The more cores, the faster Exposure runs.
Huge Range of Effects

The best way to see what Exposure can do is to check out our examples, videos, and try it yourself for free. For a quick overview, here are some of the techniques of film photography that Exposure handles. These are just the tip of the iceberg.
Black & White Films
Agfa APX
Agfa Scala
Fuji Neopan
Ilford Delta
Ilford HP5
Kodak PLUS-X
Kodak Panatomic-X
Kodak T-MAX
Kodak TRI-X
Kodak Technical Pan
Color Print Films
Fuji Pro C, S, and H
Fuji Reala
Kodak Portra NC
Kodak Portra VC
Kodak Ultra Color UC
Color Slide Films
Fuji Astia
Fuji Provia
Fuji Velvia
Ektachrome EES, G, GX, and VX Other Effects
Kodachrome, every variation from 1936 to the present day
Polaroid, including Polapan and Polachrome
Early photographic processes, including Autochrome, Calotype, and Daguerreotype
Color toning for B&W photos, many variations including split toning
Blur caused by plastic lenses
“Glamour Shots” soft focus
Vignette, wide range of shapes
Dust & Scratches
Cross processing, many variations
Wide range of Lo-Fi presets to simulate cheap plastic cameras
Wide range of fading and aging effects
Bleach Bypass


We thoroughly test and support this product on the systems listed below. This product may also work in other configurations, but we do not guarantee it.
Host Requirements

This product requires one of the following host applications:
Adobe Photoshop CS4 or later
Adobe Lightroom 2 or later
Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 or later
System Requirements

1024×768 or greater monitor resolution

Intel Core 2 processor
Mac OS X 10.6 or later
Intel Core 2 processor or compatible
Windows Vista or later



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