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Vero Software 是一家专为工业领域提供辅助设计与制造解决方案的自主开发并销售的软件厂商。范围涉及注塑模、冷冲模、级进模和鞋模的设计与制造,以及拆电极、多轴镭射切割和线切割等。被广泛应用于诸如汽车制造、电子工业、医疗器械、白色家电和航空航天业等大部分制造领域。

至今Vero Software 的办事处遍及意大利、英国、日本、法国、加拿大、美国与中国等多个国家,在超过40个国家与地区拥有20,000多家客户。

整合造型、设计、加工和模流分析的完美解决方案 – VISI
2-4 轴线切割和 2-6 轴镭射切割的专家级系统 – PEPS
汽车钣金冲压模具的完整解决方案 – SMIRT
SMIRT 为汽车钣金冲压模具制造业,提供最经济的全程透明化、自动化、信息化的革命性管理模式。
车间专用加工系统- Machining STRATEGIST
Machining STRATEGIST是一款强大的3D CAM产品,对由所有主流3D建模系统中转入的复杂图形生成最佳的的CNC刀具路径。

Vero Software, 工业领域最先端的 CAD/CAM/CAE 解决方案的一流的软件服务商,将正式发布她最新版的旗舰产品 VISI 19。VISI 19 持续聚焦模具设计和制造,包含一系列的产品增强,如:核心的 3D CAM 开发,支持 64Bit,JT Open,以及进一步整合 PEPS 的功能至 VISI 平台等。

VISI Modelling 是所有 VISI 产品的基本平台。V19 在 CAD 方面的增强包括:改善的交互式 GUI,新倒圆角功能,支持被广泛应用的 JT Open 格式,改善有着图形 & 曲面公差的 3D 注记,进阶的轮廓偏移和图形化纹理映射。

VISI Mould 的增强包含:一种新的装配管理员处理多层次模具结构,并对部分 BOM 清单提供产生特殊的树层次结构。VISI Flow 的开发包含了一个新的制品品质工具,该工具能够对每个问题提供可能的处理建议,并改善了填充分析和流动平衡。

针对钣金模具,VISI Progress 的增强包括:三种新的基于 CMM 机床的专用工具处理复杂回弹,3rd party FEA 系统和折弯截面图形。每个工具包含了消减功能以减少混乱的点,并允许操作者为回弹变形定义额外的补偿百分比。

CAM 增强聚焦于新的 CAM 算法,提升运算时间,支援 64Bit,以及增强特征识别和后处理等整体使用性。新的切削模式包括:

深腔加工 – 一种针对加工深腔的智能的自动化的 CAM 策略。通常,使用最长刀具加工整个型腔将要求使用较小的切削深度和减少的进给速度。深腔加工能够基于工件与刀具/刀柄间的干涉检查分割型腔成多个深度。操作者能够对相同工程定义不同的刀具长度,提供更大的刚性,减少震动和延长刀具寿命。通过自动分割 Z 层,能够为每个 Z 范围定义不同的切深和切宽参数。

公模粗加工 – 一种针对公模外形零件的新的粗加工算法已经被开发。新的刀具路径将显著减少提刀,允许使用刀具的 50% 作为切宽并提升计算时间。产生的路径是流畅的,机床能够以可能的最大值运作。

HM 等高线细加工 – 此刀具路径非常类似于浅滩 & 峭壁加工,并整合了有着平坦区域高精度的 3D 凹槽路径的传统等高线细加工的所有优点。这种新的 CAM 算法对中间的平坦区域使用一种 2D 凹槽投影替代真实的 3D 等距,节省大量的运算时间。

筋位加工 – 这种新的策略被专门用于处理那些非常单薄的筋位的加工问题。当筋位遭受高频率地震动和微微地弯曲时,使用常规的进刀模式可能需要冒着损坏工件的危险。


VISI PEPS-Wire 的开发将继续移植 PEPS 的功能至 VISI 平台中。包括:直壁和锥度特征的特征识别、CT Expert 整合、VDM 文件输入和有着精修容许量的凹槽加工,一种新的路径让使用者能够通过指定切割要保留的余量的方式局部加工凹槽间隙。通过保持最小化的空切,这种方式显著提高切割线的利用率。

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Vero Software, a leading provider of CAD/CAM/CAE solutions for the tooling industry, are please to announce the imminent release of its flagship product VISI 19. Due for a Summer release, VISI 19 represents another substantial release with many new features in all areas of the product including core 3D CAM development and a continued focus on tool design and manufacture.

VISI Modeling is the base platform for all products and enhancements include an updated GUI with improved user interaction, new blending capabilities, improved annotation, advanced profile offset, graphical texture mapping and support for the increasingly prominent JT Open file format.

VISI Mould enhancements include an a new Assembly Tool Manager to handle multi-level tool structures, and provide the ability to generate specific tree hierarchy structures for the creation of partial BOM lists. VISI Flow development include a new part quality tool with potential remedy suggestions for each problem area and improved filling analyses and flow balancing due to the fine tuning of melt compressibility at end of the filling phase.

For sheet metal stamping, VISI Progress enhancements include three new dedicated routines to manage complex springback based on results from CMM machines, 3rd party FEA systems and bend section geometry. Each routine includes skimming capabilities to reduce point clutter and allows the operator to define an additional percentage to over compensate for the springback deformation.

VISI 19 represents a release where significant resource was allocated to major CAM development. A number of new machining algorithms have been introduced that will greatly benefit both Vero customers and OEM partners. New CAM routines include ‘HM Rib Cutting’ for the machining of very thin walls, ‘Deep Cavity Machining’ for the automated splitting of roughing and finishing toolpaths into separate Z ranges based on collision checking between the piece and tool / holder, providing greater rigidity, reduced vibration & increase tool life.

A new ‘Core Roughing’ strategy has been developed which generates an improved toolpath shape when working from outside a component. The result is a flowing toolpath that allows the machine to run near to its maximum potential when machining core components. A new ‘HM Constant Z’ toolpath has been introduced to complement the existing steep & shallow toolpath. This combined finishing routine replaces highly sophisticated 3D pocketing calculations with 2D projection calculations for shallow areas and can dramatically reduce calculation times. Finally a 64Bit engine will boost performance and allow users to benefit from maximum RAM usage.

VISI PEPS-Wire development has continued with new technology added and further migration of historic PEPS capabilities to the new VISI platform. These include slug retention, feature recognition for land and taper features, CT Expert integration, VDM file import and pocketing with finishing allowance, a new routine that allows the user to partially pocket an aperture by specifying the remaining stock left to cut. This dramatically improves wire usage by keeping fresh air cutting to a minimum.



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