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中文名: 参考文献管理软件

英文名: EndNote

版本: 9

发行时间: 2005年

制作发行: The Thomson Corporation

地区:  美国


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软件名称: 《EndNote》
版本号: 9.0
软件语言: 英文
运行环境: Windows 2000 and XP(EndNote 9 is not compatible with Windows 95,98,NT,or ME)
软件大小: 51MB(压缩文档)
软件分类: 国外软件 / 大客户注册版 / 应用类

Endnote的大名我想大家一定都听说过。这是一个专门用于科技文章中管理参考文献数据库的软件。而且通过插件可以很方便地在word中插入所引用的文献,软件自动根据文献出现的先后顺序编号,并根据指定的格式将引用的文献附在文章的最后。如果在文章中间插入了引用的新文献,软件将自动更新编号,并将引用的文献插入到文章最后参考文献中的适当的位置。主要优点:英文文献兼容性好,可以通过Internet到Pubmed直接检索后保存到数据库中或者读入各种格式的 medline检索的结果。(这段文字照抄的DeepWhite主任的介绍Tongue)

(以上评价来自jiangchuandong战友,在此感谢Big Smile)

1) 参考文献库一经建立,以后在不同文章中作引用时,既不需重新录入参考文献,也不需仔细地人工调整参考文献的格式。而且参考文献很多情况下可以直接从网上下载导入至库中,很方便。可谓一劳永逸。
2) 对文章中的引用进行增、删、改以及位置调整都会自动重新排好序。文章中引用处的形式(如数字标号外加中括号的形式,或者是作者名加年代的形式,等等) 以及文章后面参考文献列表的格式都可自动随意调整。这对修改退稿准备另投它刊时特别有用。
3) EndNote处理中文有点问题,主要是显示不正确,但其功能不受影响。实际上,真正的不方便之处在于中英文混合引用的时候。这时,由于习惯不同,中英文文献格式会出再混乱。比如,某个文献的多位中文作者排列时出现类似“刘某某,张某某,et al”字样而不是中文习惯里的“刘某某、张某某,等”字样。
4) 与WORD的真正协同功能。安装了EN后,自动在WORD中建立了一个新的工具栏,我们在写作时最常用的几项功能都只需简单点击这个工具栏即可。(以上评价来自LaughCry战友,在此感谢Big Smile)


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EndNote, used by millions of researchers, students and librarians worldwide, is known for introducing innovative features such as the ability to search online bibliographic databases, organize references and images, and create instant bibliographies. Using EndNote 9 you can work faster with increased performance, connect to more data sources worldwide, and share customized libraries with colleagues easily.

Increase productivity with improved performance
EndNote 9 is fast. Whether you search, sort, import or perform any other task, EndNote keeps pace with your research. EndNote 9 adds compatibility with the track changes feature in Microsoft Word. You can also share customized library settings with colleagues more easily.

Connect and search new types of library catalogs
Expanding the searchable native language libraries in EndNote 9 opens new avenues for your research. Version 9 contains new record syntax and text encoding options including 20 new MARC formats and multi-language support for worldwide research.

Discover new and updated content files
EndNote 9 expands the ways to collect data from a wide variety of online resources and to publish manuscripts. You’ll find new and updated content files—560+ connection files, 1,300+ output styles, 480+ import filters and 170+ manuscript templates—in the your upgrade and at the support section of this website.

Research and collaborate Worldwide
Use the speed, increased connectivity and language capabilities of EndNote to conduct research and collaborate with colleagues around the world. EndNote 9 is a bibliographic solution for research communities everywhere.

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