PowerShell脚本编写手册 (Windows Powershell Scripting Guide)影印版 Ed Wilson (Windows PowerShell Scripting Guide) (美)Ed Wilson 影印版 pdf
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原名: Windows Powershell Scripting Guide
作者: 图书分类: 软件 资源格式: PDF 版本: 影印版 出版社: Microsoft Press 书号: 073562279 发行时间: 2008年 地区: 语言: 简介: 资源说明: 资源格式:PDF 其他下载地址: 书籍说明: 出版社:Microsoft Press 内容简介: Get practical guidance for using Windows PowerShell to manage Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. Written by Ed Wilson, a leading scripting expert and trainer at Microsoft, this reference offers a task-based approach to help you find the information you need for day-to-day tasks. With more than 200 scripts, it offers rich examples that administrators can customize for their own environment and needs. The scripts range in complexity from one-line commands, to full-blown scripts with managed output and command-line arguments examples that are applicable to all skill levels. Includes a companion CD with fully searchable eBook, sample scripts, and other resources for managing your Windows-based environment.Key Book Benefits Delivers more than 200 scripts administrators can customize and use to get up and running quickly Provides multiple ways of accomplishing tasks: from one-line commands to full-blown scripts with managed output and command-line arguments Features a task-oriented approach, and organized to help you quickly find the information you need for your day-to-day activities Includes a companion CD with a fully searchable eBook, sample scripts, and other resources for on-the-job results 内容截图: 下一篇: R.Cookbook (第1版) 英文文字版 Paul Teetor (R Cookbook 1st edition) Paul Teetor 文字版 pdf
资源数量:1 (语法 文本1个)
资源大小:共33.3m (文本资源大小:33.3)
编著:Ed Wilson
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