XML – Extensible Markup Language kBiSO-教程[Bin] AppDev XML Extensible Markup Language-kBiSO nfo
- 30 11 月, 2022
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资源格式: 光盘镜像
版本: kBiSO-教程
XML 教程,你会学到 Extensible Markup Language (XML) 的原理,XML的基础知识以及支持技术。你可以从中学会如何结构清晰的 XML 及命名空间。学会如何用 Document Type Definitions (DTD) 和 XML Schemas (XSD) 验证 XML 数据的正确性及如何用 Document Object Model (DOM) 和 Simple API for XML (SAX) 操作 XML 数据。学会如何用 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 创建Web Services,成为较普及Stylesheets 使用 XSL for Transfomation (XSLT). 以及最新的 XML 技术如 XQuery , XML Encryption 和 Resource Description Framework (RDF)。
[通过安装测试]Windows XP PRO SP2
[发布计算机系统]Windows XP PRO SP2
共享时间:10:00 AM – 22:00 PM
引用SESSION 1 (89:28)
Introducing the Extensible Markup Language
What is XML?
Working with XML Data
Well-Formed XML
XML Content Models
Well-Formed and Valid XML
Document Type Definitions (DTD)
The Value of Valid XML
Associating a DTD with XML
SESSION 2 (90:17)
Document Type Definitions (continued)
Defining the XML Content Model
Content Model Cardinality
Defining Attributes
Defining Custom Entities
What’s the Problem with DTD?
Schemas and Namespaces
XML Describing XML
Built-In Data Types
Defining Content Models
Deriving Types
XML Namespaces
Do I Really Need Valid XML?
SESSION 3 (89:38)
XML’s Document Object Model
Object-Oriented View of XML
DOM Interfaces and Objects
A Parsing Alternative: Simple API for XML (SAX)
Introducing XSLT
What is XSLT?
Are You Sure This Is a Language?
Transformation Types
Processing XSLT
Matching XML with XPath
XSLT Simplified Stylesheets
The Essential Stylesheet
Using an XSL Blueprint to Create HTML
What Can’t a Simplified Stylesheet Do?
SESSION 4 (84:25)
XML Web Services
A Brief History of Remote Procedure Calls
Web Service Description Language (WSDL)
Introducing SOAP
Programming Raw SOAP
Universal Description, Discover, and Integration (UDDI)
Applied XML
The Complex World of XML
XML Query
SESSION 5 (76:29)
Applied XML (continued)
Scalable Vector Graphics
Security and XML
Resource Description Framework (RDF)
The Semantic Web
Writing RDF
RDF Vocabularies
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XML – Extensible Markup Language kBiSO-教程[Bin] AppDev XML Extensible Markup Language-kBiSO nfo → https://www.books51.com/291343.html |
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