DK目击者丛书:第一次世界大战(英文原版) DK 全彩版
Here is an original and exciting guide to the grim challenge of life and death on the Western Front. Devastating first-hand reports and contemporary photographs of the battles that slaughtered millions, together with a clear account of how nation after nation sent their men to join the carnage combine to present a dramatic "eyewitness" view of this terrible war. See the bullet-riddled car of the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary; everyday life in the dugout; sappers mining tunnels beneath the enemy; Mata Hari master the art of spying Learn how people avoided gas attacks; when periscopes were used; what soldiers wrote home to their sweethearts and mothers; the best way to use a tank; how troops flattened a hillside; the meaning of Armistice Day Discover how it felt to go "over the top"; what happened to all the bodies; how people dealt with shell shock; why war led to revolution.
DK目击者丛书:第一次世界大战(英文原版) DK 全彩版 → |
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