Sound Forge 9基本教程 TLF-SOFT-VTC Sony Sound Forge 9-CFE bin
VTC Sony Sound Forge 9,VTC 针对 Sony Sound Forge 的新版本 v9.0 推出的一部教程,由音频专家及制片人 Kenneth Braithwaite 来讲解这款强大的应用软件的基础原理,使用环境包括 Windows Vista/XP/2000 以及 Mac OSX。教程包含工作文件。
Sound Forge 是 Sonic Foundry 公司开发的一款功能强大的专业化数字音频处理软件,主要针对 Flash 用户编写。软件能够非常方便、直观地实现对音频文件 (wav 文件) 以及视频文件 (avi 文件) 中的声音部分进行各种处理,具有强大的音频处理和特效制作功能,是一套符合工业标准的音频编辑、录制、效果处理和编码的程序。使用 Sound Forge 需要 Windows 兼容的声卡设备进行音频格式的建立、录制以及编辑文档。简单而又熟悉的 Windows 界面使音频编辑变得轻而易举,内置支持视频及 CD 刻录并且可以保存至一系列的声音及视频的格式,包括 WAV、WMA、RM、AVI、MP3 等等。Sound Forge 包括全套的音频处理和效果制作等功能,整合性的工具用来处理音频的编辑、录制、效果处理以及完成编码。除了音效编辑软件特有的功能外,Sound Forge 还可以处理大量的音效转换工作,且具备与 Real Player G2 结合的功能,可直接编辑 Real Player G2 格式文件,或是把其它的音效档案转换成 Real Player G2 使用的格式。
The Sound Forge 9 professional digital audio production suite includes everything you need to quickly get from raw audio to finished master. Use this suite to create and edit stereo and multichannel audio files with speed and precision. Efficiently analyze, record and edit audio, digitize and restore old recordings, model acoustic environments, design sound for multimedia, and master replication-ready CDs. Join Audio Expert / Producer Kenneth Braithwaite as he teaches the fundamentals of this powerful application . Work Files are included. To begin learning today, simply click on one of the movie links.
[CODEBOX] ÜRelease Notes .. :
The Sound Forge 9 professional digital audio production suite includes everything you need to quickly get
from raw audio to finished master. Use this suite to create and edit stereo and multichannel audio files
with speed and precision. Efficiently analyze, record and edit audio, digitize and restore old recordings,
model acoustic environments, design sound for multimedia, and master replication-ready CDs. Join Audio
Expert / Producer Kenneth Braithwaite as he teaches the fundamentals of this powerful application. Work Files
are included.
Enjoy !
PS: A few vacant HQs needed! U know how to find us!
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ßÜÛ [X] 100mbit+ .EU legit affil sites (CZ DK FI HU GR LT NO PL RO RU SE SK UK)
²Û [X] Suppliers WANTED for unreleased bookware/samplecds/videostock such as:
ßÜÛ ° Total Training/Digital Tutors/Digital Juice/Artbeats or anything similar.
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Nfo Last Updated: 06-08-2007 ° ° °
Sound Forge 9基本教程 TLF-SOFT-VTC Sony Sound Forge 9-CFE bin → |
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