使用VC#构建ASP NET MVC 2应用程序视频教程 AppDev Buildling ASP NET MVC 2 Applications Using Visual C Sharp 2010 Volume 1 DVD-iNKiSO iso
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ScottGu在博客中宣布ASP.NET MVC 2正式版发布,该版本适用于Visual Studio 2008及基于ASP.NET 3.5平台的Visual Web Developer 2008 Express。
将在4月12日发布的VS 2010正式版与Visual Web Developer 2010正式版会内置对ASP.NET MVC 2的支持,不需要再另外安装。
离ASP.NET MVC 1发布还不到1年,目前为止,已经有近100万的开发者下载并使用。
ASP.NET MVC 2是ASP.NET MVC的又一次重大更新,兼容ASP.NET MVC 1,和以前一样,ASP.NET MVC 2源代码完全开放。
ASP.NET MVC 2可以与ASP.NET MVC 1并存,也就是说在同一台机器上,可以有的程序用ASP.NET MVC 1,有的程序用ASP.NET MVC 2。
将ASP.NET MVC 1程序升级至ASP.NET MVC 2,请参考:Upgrading an ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Application to ASP.NET MVC 2。VS 2010会提供“升级向导”自动将你的ASP.NET MVC 1程序升级至ASP.NET MVC 2。
ASP.NET MVC 2的新特性概述,请看:What’s New in ASP.NET MVC 2。
微软将在 http://www.asp.net/mvc 上提供ASP.NET MVC 2的相关教程和视频,并且会发布一个基于ASP.NET MVC 2构建的示例程序。
ASP.NET MVC is a fascinating technology that provides an alternative to Web forms for building Web applications. Instead of building pages using server controls that provide relatively little control over the HTML they produce, MVC gives you complete control. More…
Course includes 12+ hours of total training time…
* 4 modules of training
* Over 4 hours of media runtime
* Over 216 pages of printable courseware
* Step-by-step hands-on-labs
* Sample code
ASP.NET MVC is a fascinating technology that provides an alternative to Web forms for building Web applications. Instead of building pages using server controls that provide relatively little control over the HTML they produce, MVC gives you complete control. The course starts with an introduction to ASP.NET MVC and the Model-View-Controller pattern on which it is based. You’ll learn about the main differences between MVC and Web forms applications, and see how to build a simple MVC application with Visual Studio. Then you’ll explore each of the three main components of an MVC application. Next, you’ll explore models, which encapsulate the data and business rules of an application. You’ll learn that there are almost no limitations in how you provide data to an MVC application. Then you’ll get into views, the user interface of an MVC application.
In this course, you will learn:
* Differences between MVC and Web forms applications
* How to create controllers and actions to manage the workflow of an application
* About methods and results, and how to write code to implement each
* That there are almost no limitations in how you provide data to an MVC application
* How to implement a model using both custom classes and Entity Framework data models
* How to centralize data validation using a model.
* Interact with data provided by the controller
* Some of the ways to add content to a view
Prerequisites: This course assumes that you are familiar and experienced with Microsoft’s .NET Framework and ASP.NET development tools. You should be familiar with Web development and understand how HttP and HTML work to produce Web pages for the user. You should have experience writing applications with ASP.NET 3.5 or later Web forms, and be familiar with how ASP.NET processes page requests, and have strong experience with .NET Framework 3.5 or later programming. You should have experience with Visual Studio 2008 or later for building Web application projects. Experience with building database applications using these tools will be helpful, although not strictly necessary.
Introduction to Asp.NET MVC
* The Model-View-Controller Pattern
* Differences Between MVC and Web Forms Applications
* Building a Simple MVC Application with Visual Studio
Working with Controllers and Actions
* Using a Controller to Manage the Application
* Controller Actions
* Returning Action Results
Creating MVC Models
* Data and Business Rules in MVC Applications
* Creating a Custom Data Model
* Creating an Entity Framework Model
* Data Validation and Data Annotations
Using MVC Views
* Views in ASP.NET MVC
* Creating Views
* Adding Content to a View
Your Instructor
Don Kiely has been using and programming computers since the mid-1970s, when he first punched IBM punch cards for batch processing to solve engineering problems. Now Don is a nationally recognized author, instructor and consultant who travels the country sharing his expertise in SQL Server and security. He has written business software using assembly, C/C++, dBASE, Nantucket Clipper, RPG II, C#, and Visual Basic for a variety of industries, and has taught software and business administration courses at community colleges. Now Don is an author and presenter for AppDev, and a consultant for a variety of companies that develop distributed applications for public and private organizations. Don is also the author or coauthor of several programming books, and a featured speaker at SQL Server conferences.
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使用VC#构建ASP NET MVC 2应用程序视频教程 AppDev Buildling ASP NET MVC 2 Applications Using Visual C Sharp 2010 Volume 1 DVD-iNKiSO iso → https://www.books51.com/188737.html |
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