After Effects嵌套层和预合成视频教程 TLF-SOFT-Lynda com After Effects Apprentice 08 Nesting and Precomposing-QUASAR iso
- 29 10 月, 2022
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(xuehui@TLF) 出品的时长2小时05分钟的 After Effects系列学习第8部:嵌套层和预合成 视频教程。由Chris Meyer和Trish Meyer共同分享所需的核心技术,使你成为高效率使用After Effects的用户:理解渲染顺序(操作After Effects内部秩序运行时计算遮罩,特效,转换,动态遮罩,层样式)和使用多次合成时一个组件可能会嵌套一个或多个文件。这样就更容易组成层,可以有效地重复使用同一元素,以便快速适应客户的改变。教学围绕讲解多层次大型复合材料和解决渲染顺序的问题。本教程附带练习文件。
Course name: After Effects Apprentice 08: Nesting and Precomposing
Authors: Chris Meyer Trish Meyer
Duration: 02h 05m
Released on: 6/29/2011
In this course, Chris and Trish Meyer share two of the core secrets required to become an efficient After Effects user: understanding the render order (the internal order of operations After Effects uses when calculating masks, effects, transformation, track mattes, and layer styles) and the use of multiple compositions where a composition may be nested into one or more other comps. This makes it easier to group layers, efficiently re-use a common element to quickly accommodate client changes, pan around large composites of multiple layers, and solve render order issues. Exercise files are included with the course.
The After Effects Apprentice video lessons were created by Trish and Chris Meyer and are designed to be used on their own or as a companion to their acclaimed book, After Effects Apprentice. We are honored to host these tutorials in the Online Training Library®.
Topics include:
Grouping layers by nesting and pre-composing
Identifying and solving render order issues
Navigating composition hierarchies
Editing a precomp while viewing the result in another composition
Preserving the frame rate of a nested composition
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After Effects嵌套层和预合成视频教程 TLF-SOFT-Lynda com After Effects Apprentice 08 Nesting and Precomposing-QUASAR iso → |
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