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Let’s Start Learning! is the first in the Reader Rabbit Series and
is the entry point to The Learning Company’s system of
learning products. This product brings children to the gates of
the Learning Kingdom, where they may continue their quest
for learning and bring the wonders of reading, writing, and
thinking to life. After Let’s Start Learning!, children may
enjoy any one of the following interactive learning adventures!

《让我们开始学习》是 learning company公司开发的读者兔子系列中的第一部。它带领孩子进入学习的王国。使学习变的有趣好玩。

个人以为, 这部适合学前的孩子使用。丰富的内容,风趣的学习方式,会让孩子们玩的不亦乐乎,同时孩子们会掌握数数,字母,形状,颜色,以及常用食物和物品的英文说法, 还会学会如何排列,如何分类等基本技巧。

We are Mat the Mouse and Reader Rabbit
It is so nice to be with you.
Come and see our special playworld.
There is so much for us to do!

Numbers, letters, shapes, and patterns
These are things that you’ll explore.

Sorting, matching, counting, comparing
Let’s start learning these and more!

You can join the Counting Club.
The forest friends hide all about.
Ali the Counting Cat will help you
Find them all and count them out!

In the wacky ABC Diner,
Ed the Dog’s the special cook.
Learn your letters, make some snacks
Come on in and take a look!

When you want to celebrate,
March off to the Pattern Parade.
Ben the Ant, who leads the band,
Will check the patterns that you’ve made.

Deep inside the dark, green jungle
The Shape Shack shakes and sways all day.
Mit the Monkey helps you learn
To sort the toys and put them away!

Play the games, collect the keys.
Find your pony on the Carousel.
All these things are so much fun

And you can learn to do them well.
Are you ready? Come along!
Now it’s time for us to play.
Dance a dance and sing a song.
Let’s start learning! Hip HOORAY!

本部包括四个部分: Counting Club (数数俱乐部); ABC Diner (ABC餐厅); Shape Shack (形状小屋); Pattern Parade (式样检阅)。Pattern个人觉得很难找到合适的中文来翻译。请翻译高手指点。




Pattern 检阅: 当你要庆祝一下的时候,带领乐队蚂蚁Ben会检阅你制作出了何种Pattern。







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