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中文名: Juice Drops PSD 素材系列

英文名: Juice Drops Vol.66 driftAWAY

资源格式: 光盘镜像

发行时间: 2007年



IPB Image

IPB Image
Juice Drops的PSD素材系列,此为第66辑。《Juice Drops 66: driftAWAY》主要是围绕不同主题的背景素材,有关于赌博,自然,音乐,爱情,天气等等,是充满活力的彩色背景。ISO映像里包含25个PSD分层文件,你可以随意调整,删除,调色,无限可能性就看你怎么想!发挥你的创造力!!



IPB Image

This unique themed Juice Drops "match" volume recreates the animations from its companion Jump Backs volumes (the yet-to-be-released JBHD 29: Drift Away and JB 54: Drift Away) at full print resolution in layered PSD format. You can customize your print projects with as much or as little detail from the matching animation as you need. Fifteen additional, original Juice Drops matching the style and theme of the volume are also included. Ten of these backgrounds will be animated in a future second Drift Away Jump Backs volume.

By themselves these Juice Drops are extremely useful, offering you simple object based backgrounds, each centered on a useful theme – gambling, nature, music, love or weather, to name a few. Whether you need colorful butterflies or tumbling slot machine icons, glistening bubbles or sparkling gems – there is an object-filled layered illustration with a vibrant mood-setting color background available here to serve your purpose. The floating color objects give the appearance of drifting through space on a powerful wave of wind or water.

The possibilities broaden even further when you are able to use these images on a multimedia project together with the matching Drift Away animations. Maybe you want to match a DVD Menu with a DVD Jacket or perhaps a matching print and video ad campaign. If you've ever tried to come up with a cohesive mixed media TV/print/web campaign you'll instantly see the value in having matching coordinated sets of graphics.

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