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中文名: Flash最佳实践经验-视频教程

英文名: Lynda com Flash User Experience Best Practices



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Lynda.com Flash User Experience Best Practices (Flash最佳实践经验-视频教程):
国外着名教学公司:Lynda.com 于2005.12月初发行的最新Flash教程。释放时间:2005.12.03

Flash User Experience Best Practices《Flash用户最佳实践经验》
Flash User Experience Best Practices 这个教程对flash设计师和开发人员每天要遇到的问题进行学习,并阐述了拥有这些解决方案对于成功应用的重要性,包括Flash对于商业网站的应用(电子商务等)。这个教程展示了如何解决这些问题,包括如何使浏览器的后退键作用于在Flash Player中,如何处理状态管理,如何用交替目录实现有效的flash侦测,如何在应用中提升"scanability"(可扫描性)和改进工作流程,还有如何帮助用户在使用你的软件时保持关联。在这个视频训练中,Robert Hoekman, Jr.,将向您展示真实案例并演示改进你创作的技术和技巧。同时教程中还配有相应的练习文件,你可以以自己的节奏跟着教程自学。

Flash User Experience Best Practices defines the common user experience issues that Flash designers and developers face every day, and explains why having solutions to these issues is vital to the success of the application. This tutorial shows you how to solve many of these issues, including making the browser Back button work with the Flash Player, handling state management, implementing effective Flash detection with useful alternate content, improving "scanability" and workflow in your applications, and helping users maintain context while working with your applications. Throughout the training videos, Robert Hoekman, Jr., shows you real-world examples and demonstrates techniques for improving the experiences you create. Exercise files accompany the training videos, allowing you to follow along and learn at your own pace.

Please note that while this training title is relevant regardless of which version of Flash you are using, if you wish to follow along with the exercise files, you will need Flash 8 to open the files.


1. Introduction
::Welcome 0:31 (3 MB)

2. Overview
::Why user experience is important 10:23 (12 MB)
::How Flash applications differ from HTML 13:37 (18 MB)
::Examples of problematic Flash user experiences 7:28 (13 MB)
::Examples of effective Flash user experiences 7:01 (9.8 MB)

3. Designing Workflow
::Using wireframes and screenflows 11:04 (12.7 MB)
::Standard UI widgets vs. Flash UI widgets 7:10 (13.9 MB)
::User-testing essentials 4:04 (5.3 MB)

4. Effective Flash Player Detection
::When to instruct users to update their Flash Players 6:32 (5.3 MB)
::Implementing the Flash 8 detection scripts 8:07 (15.4 MB)
::Choosing appropriate and effective alternate content 9:40 (13.7 MB)
::Using Flash Player Express Install to handle upgrades 11:39 (22.2 MB)
::Using Express Install events to your advantage 7:44 (8.9 MB)

5. Effective Flash Forms
::User feedback 8:32 (14.3 MB)
::Setting focus to the first input control 4:45 (6.7 MB)
::Storing reusable user information with Shared Objects 6:51 (9.8 MB)
::Setting the tab index 6:22 (9.9 MB)

6. Making Flash Behave Like HTML
::Generating browser history using a hidden frame 6:28 (11.5 MB)
::Updating the history from within Flash 4:21 (7.5 MB)
::Forcing compatibility across browsers 4:02 (5.3 MB)
::Handling back/forward button updates 9:35 (15.7 MB)
::Why creating unique URLs is important 8:17 (12.7 MB)
::Using Shared Objects to manage states 5:43 (8.1 MB)

7. Usable UI Controls
::Fitt's Law of Human Psychomotor Behavior 5:20 (4.3 MB)
::Applying Godin's ''Banana'' Principle to guide users 7:29 (11.9 MB)
::Using clear naming conventions and using copy as interface design 5:36 (6.4 MB)
::Advice on skinning widgets for usability 5:49 (9.6 MB)

8. Improving ''Scanability''
::Explanation: Users don't read; they scan 7:27 (10.3 MB)
::Separating controls and content 6:37 (11.6 MB)

9. Automating Commands
::Single-screen reservation and shopping cart systems 5:35 (9.9 MB)
::Using UI widgets to improve context continuity 5:23 (9.8 MB)

10. Designing Simplicity
::Removing unnecessary design elements 5:35 (9.4 MB)
::Justifying what's left 8:30 (14.1 MB)
::37signals: Designing half of an application 5:46 (5.1 MB)

11. Flash Video: A Better User Experience
::Flash video vs. Real, QuickTime and others 6:16 (10.4 MB)
::The Flash 8 Video Import Wizard 8:10 (13.1 MB)

12. Conclusion
::Essential resources 5:55 (10 MB)
::Goodbye 0:25 (2.3 MB)

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