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中文名: Photoshop CS5 摄影师专题教程

英文名: Photoshop CS5 for Photographers

资源格式: 光盘镜像

版本: 初级教程 Chris Orwig主讲

地区: 美国对白语言: 英语文字语言: 英文


IPB Image

Lynda.com 出品Photoshop CS5 摄影师专题教程
讲师:Chris Orwig

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IPB Image

Photoshop CS5 摄影师专题教程针对摄影师的需求提供全面的培训。在这个过程中,Chris Orwig演示用来提高数码照片质量,包括管理和纠正色彩,突出基本技能,使选择和调整,修饰的最终效果从Photoshop打印输出。该教程可以使摄影师的技术得以改进和掌握如何发布他们的照片,课程内容包括实例文件。

IPB Image

Photoshop CS5 for Photographers provides comprehensive Photoshop training targeting the needs of photographers. In this course, author Chris Orwig demonstrates the fundamental skills used to enhance digital photos, including managing and correcting color, sharpening, making selections and adjustments, retouching, and printing from Photoshop. In addition to teaching the techniques that enable photographers to refine and publish their photos, the course includes live-action segments that encourage thinking photographically and shooting with Photoshop’s capabilities in mind. Exercise files are included with the course.

Topics include:
Calibrating a monitor
Setting up color and file handling preferences
Resizing images
Processing images in Camera Raw
Creating, targeting, and moving layers
Making selections and taking advantage of the Refine Edge feature
Masking and selective sharpening
Improving a photo using Content-Aware Fill and the Puppet Warp tool
Enhancing color, tone, and contrast with Levels
Improving under- and overexposure using blending
Burning and dodging techniques
Converting an image to black and white
Retouching essentials
Publishing images to the web

System Requirements

To enjoy videos at lynda.com, you will need a minimum screen resolution of 1024X768 and the following software installed on your computer:
Internet Explorer 7.0 or above, Firefox 3.0 or above, or Safari 2.0 or above.
(Users of 64-bit Internet Explorer 7, please try a different browser)
JavaScript and Cookies must also be enabled.
Apple QuickTime 7.5 or above. (Mac Safari users please download QuickTime 7.5.5 or newer to avoid problems with captioning)
Microsoft Windows XP SP2, Microsoft Windows Vista, Macintosh OS X or Linux.
Windows Media Player version 10 or higher.

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     :  Lynda.com – Photoshop CS5 for Photographers


     Photoshop CS5 for Photographers  provides comprehensive Photoshop
     training targeting the needs of photographers. In this course, author
     Chris Orwig demonstrates the fundamental skills used to enhance digital
     photos, including managing and correcting color, sharpening, making
     selections and adjustments, retouching, and printing from Photoshop. In
     addition to teaching the techniques that enable photographers to refine
     and publish their photos, the course includes live-action segments that
     encourage thinking photographically and shooting with PhotoshopÆs
     capabilities in mind. Exercise files are included with the course.

     Topics include:

    * Calibrating a monitor
    * Setting up color and file handling preferences
    * Resizing images
    * Processing images in Camera Raw
    * Creating, targeting, and moving layers
    * Making selections and taking advantage of the Refine Edge feature
    * Masking and selective sharpening
    * Improving a photo using Content-Aware Fill and the Puppet Warp tool
    * Enhancing color, tone, and contrast with Levels
    * Improving under- and overexposure using blending
    * Burning and dodging techniques
    * Converting an image to black and white
    * Retouching essentials
    * Publishing images to the web


  8                                                                       8
  8                                                                       8
  8  :  INSTALLATION                                                      8
  8                                                                       8
  8    a. Extract                                                         8
  8    b. Mount/Burn                                                      8
  8    c. Play & Learn                                                    8
  8                                                                       8
  8                                                                       8


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Photoshop CS5 摄影师专题教程 (Photoshop CS5 for Photographers)初级教程 Chris Orwig主讲[光盘镜像] → https://www.books51.com/153690.html



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