再见,总有一天 | 李宰汉,
导演: 李宰汉
编剧: 辻仁成 / 李宰汉
主演: 中山美穗 / 西岛秀俊 / 石田百合子 / 加藤雅也
类型: 剧情 / 爱情
制片国家/地区: 日本 / 韩国 / 泰国
语言: 日语
上映日期: 2010-01-23(日本) / 2010-04-15(韩国)
片长: 170分钟(日本) / 133分钟(韩国)
又名: 别了誘情人 / 总有一天说再见 / Sayonara Itsuka
IMDb信息: Higashigaito Yutaka is transferred to the Bangkok branch of Eastern Airlines. In three months, he will marry Michiko, a relative of the airline's founder, and though he doesn't love her, he knows he could be CEO one day if they wed. In Thailand, Yutaka meets Touko at a bar and is instantly drawn to her. His relationship with her only intensifies as the wedding date approaches. Eventually, he decides to break up with her and calls Michiko in front of her. Touko is disappointed, and the next day she leaves for New York. Yutaka and Michiko reunite in Thailand and proceed with their wedding. Twenty-five years later, Yutaka and Michiko are married with two sons. But Yutaka still harbors memories of Touko in his heart. Yutaka visits Bangkok on business and goes to the Oriental Hotel where he had stayed with Touko-and finds she is now in charge of VIP guests there. They realize their love for each other remains, but reality pulls them apart once again.
时间是1975年,供职于日本东部航空(Eastern Airline)驻泰国分公司的东垣内丰(西島秀俊 饰)是一位年轻有为、稳重干练的“好青年”,他在同事中人缘极好,上司樱田善次郎(加藤雅也 饰)也对他赞赏有加,生活中丰也即将和女友寻末光子(石田ゆり子 饰)完婚。正当如此春风得意时刻,丰邂逅了美丽妖艳的贵妇人真中沓子(中山美穂 饰)。仿佛被施以魔咒一般,丰迅速陷入与沓子亦情亦欲的缠绵中。他情纵声色,忘却归路,几乎失去了宝贵的爱情与友情。光子对丰的情事隐隐有知,丰也不得不选择与沓子分手,谁知这一分别便长达25年之久……
再见,总有一天 | 李宰汉, → https://www.books51.com/101579.html |
下一篇: 我需要你 Tengo ganas de ti | Fernando González Molina,