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专辑中文名: Origo
歌手: Burst
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 2006年02月07日
地区: 瑞典
语言: 英语
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专辑名称: Origo
专辑歌手: Burst
发行日期: 2006-02-07
专辑语种: 英语
专辑类型: Heavy Metal,Progressive Metal,Alternative Metal
唱片公司: Relapse

尽管瑞典乐队Burst于1993年成立以后出了几张地下专辑(1996’s Shadowcaster EP, 1998’s Two Faced LP),但他们一直都没有受到太多的重视,直到1999年主唱Linus Jägerskog,吉他Jonas Rydberg 和 Robert Reinholdz,贝司Jesper Liveröd (前Nasum成员),鼓手Patrik Hultin 这个完美的组合出现,他们才在金属圈内被人熟知。2001年乐队发行了第一张专辑Conquest: Writhe,专辑充满了不妥协的态度,把粗糙的death metal 和 hardcore结合其中,感觉很像Neurosis 。一年后发行了重要的EP-Coveting Ways后,乐队签在了Relapse唱片旗下,2003年乐队发行了他们的第二张全长专辑Prey on Life,2006年新专辑Origo浮出水面。
The big difference between Sweden’s Burst and most of the other progressive metal bands of their ilk, like Neurosis, Isis, or compatriots Cult of Luna, is that — to quote Men in Black: “[Burst] make this look good!” Not in the sense that they’re Viking pretty boys or anything, but because their songs manage to be so marvelously compact where others’ go on, and on, and on. Indeed, like concentrated cyclones to those bands’ vast hurricanes, most of Burst’s songs relinquish little in the way of power or complexity, while boasting just as much form-challenging invention. And where this more compressed approach at times made for mixed results on their previous outing, 2003’s Prey on Life, on Origo Burst have fine-tuned their always abundant songwriting creativity to an altogether higher, pinpoint focus. Standouts like “Where the Wave Broke” (a tribute to Tsunami-victim and Nasum singer Miesko Talarczyk, which could also double for recently deceased Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas author Hunter S. Thompson), “Homebound,” and “Mercy Liberation” combine utterly startling contrasts of sonic light and shade that often achieve a soundtrack-like quality. Strung together end to end, they comprise a broad panoramic canvas belying their shortened lengths, and nestle other interesting offerings such as “Flight’s End,” which incorporates female vocals, the unnaturally all-mellow, Pink Floyd-recalling instrumental “It Comes into View,” and several infuriated flare-ups in “Sever,” “Slave Emotion,” and “Stormwielder,” whose purely hardcore-sourced intensity is rarely heard among Burst’s competition. Yes, despite all these features, some listeners may still miss those bands’ more deliberately paced journeys into the unknown, but Burst and Origo’s tradeoff is offering similar emotional release, without taking up all of your day. Recommended.
1. Where The Wave Broke
2. Sever
3. Immateria
4. Slave Emotion
5. Flight’s End
6. Homebound
7. It Comes Into View
8. Stormwielder
9. Mercy Liberation



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