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中文名: EC-Council-CEH.IT技术认证
英文名: EC-Council – Certified Ethical Hacker
资源格式: 光盘镜像
发行日期: 2005年
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
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EC-Council – Certified Ethical Hacker
ECCouncil Certified Ethical Hacker认证题库
EC-COUNCIL Certified Ethical Hacker 认证是业界最广泛认可的IT技术认证之一,也是业界最权威、最受尊敬的认证之一。获得EC-COUNCIL Certified Ethical Hacker认证不仅仅能证明您的IT技术能力,更是您进入职场的敲门砖,也是提高您身价的另一捷径。
EC-COUNCILCertified Ethical Hacker 考题大师由TestInside的资深EC-COUNCIL认证讲师和经验丰富的技术专家精心编辑,整理更新,包含了全套Certified Ethical Hacker认证考试试题截屏题与正确答案,完整覆盖EC-COUNCILCertified Ethical Hacker 考试题库。
拿高薪,是每个人的梦想,但究竟能拿多少钱,得由你的职场身价决定。通过EC-COUNCIL Certified Ethical Hacker 认证考试取得一张“金牌派司”无疑是证明和提升自己身价的一个有效方式。
TestInside EC-COUNCIL Certified Ethical Hacker 考题大师是广大Certified Ethical Hacker认证考生通过考试的最佳利器,让你首次考试及轻松 PASS!
this course on certified ethical hacker will esplore the existence and use of hacking tools and security systems in any network environment.within each domain,you will be presented with several toos that a hacker can use,and which countermeasures are most effective against their use.some of these include:
1: Ethics & Legality
2: Footprinting
3: Scanning
4: Enumeration
5: System Hacking
6: Trojans & Backdoors
7: Sniffers
8: Denial of Service
9: Social Engineering
10: Session Hijacking
11: Hacking Webservers
12: Web Application Vulnerabilities
13: Webbased Password Cracking Techniques
14: SQL Injection
15: Hacking Wireless Networks
16: Virus and Worms
17: Physical Security
18: Linux Hacking
19: Evading Firewalls, IDS & Honeypots
20: Buffer Overflows
21: Cryptography
22: Penetration Testing

Course Objectives Certified Ethical Hacker
Immerse the student into an interactive environment, they will be shown:
How to scan, test and secure their own systems
Get in-depth knowledge & practical experience with current essential security systems
How perimeter defenses work
How hackers scan and attack their own networks
How intruders escalate privileges and what steps can be taken to secure a system

Students will also learn about:
Intrusion Detection
Policy Creation
Social Engineering
Open Source Intelligence
Incident Handling and Log Interpretation
Networking professionals
IT managers need to understand security solutions existing today
Companies interested in greater eCommerce capabilities need to know information security
This class provides a solid foundation in the security technologies that will pave the way for organizations that are truly interested in reaping the benefits and tapping into the potential of the Internet.
Computer networking skills
Have been in computer and networking business for several years
Knowledge of hard-/software provided by popular computer & networking vendors



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