纸牌魔术的神奇秘密 Michael Ammar Michael Ammar-Amazing Secrets Of Card Magic mpg
Michael Ammar 是世界近景魔术的冠军。他曾经是大卫。克伯菲尔, Siegfried和罗伊的顾问。也是很多畅销魔术书籍的作者。 他曾经获魔术城堡的“年度讲师奖"及其他很多殊荣。 他曾经在《Merv Griffin Show》及在《今夜秀》同Jonny Carson一起多次亮相。历来最好出版最多的销量的教学魔术带﹐他把历来许多大师的创作加以适当的简化与调整, 但保留那些魔术的最强效果﹗
15个任何人都可以学会的纸牌魔术. 设想一下在任何地方,任何地点仅用一副牌就可以让人震惊的情形。 Michael Ammar世界首席魔术教师,将清晰明了的讲解。即使你以前都没摸过牌, 你也会在几分钟之内让别人大吃一惊。这部60分钟高质量的片子包括:扑克入门概述: 切牌,洗牌,控牌, 牌,花招,技巧等等。手指微动教你怎样从牌叠中取出选牌。 两张红心将让你用一张牌控制另一张。还有Ace大胜, 定数的魔力等等。
Michael Ammar Card Tricks
Are you interested in learning card magic? If you are just starting out, we recommend you begin with "Amazing Secrets of Card Magic" – then move on to the others.
What kind of cards should you use? By far, the standard decks used by magicians the world over are "Bicycle" Playing Cards (made by US Playing Card Co.) – Poker Deck (red or blue).
The Card Magic series has been a fabulous selling video line since it came out in 1995. The idea behind this series was seek out the all time best card tricks ever published, ask the creators for permission to include them in the series, and then do a great job instructing these effects. Michael and L&L Publishing succeeded in doing just that!
Each of the volumes are ‘stand-alone’, in other words, you do not need to start with volume 1. Each one features some easy effects, some intermediate, and some more challenging – but all great.
纸牌魔术的神奇秘密 Michael Ammar Michael Ammar-Amazing Secrets Of Card Magic mpg → http://www.books51.com/326088.html |
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