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3DMark Vantage是业界第一套专门基于微软DX10 API打造的综合性基准测试工具,并能全面发挥多路显卡、多核心处理器的优势,能在当前和未来一段时间内满足PC系统游戏性能测试需求。和PCMark Vantage一样,新3DMark也改变了命名方式,不再以年份做结尾,而是同样使用了一个意为“优势”的单词。不知道这是不是受了Windows Vista的启示,但很显然,苦心磨砺的3DMark Vantage必将带来全新的体验,掀起新一轮的处理器、显卡“拷问”之旅,并进一步巩固Futuremark在业界的领导地位。和3DMark05的DX9专用性质类似,3DMark Vantage是专门为DX10显卡量身打造的,而且只能运行在Windows Vista 操作系统下。(XP 用户就无法享受了~ 用 06 吧。)它包括两个图形测试项目、两个处理器测试项目、六个特性测试项目。图形和处理器测试项目都是全新制作的,其中前者借助DX10显卡的新技术和高性能打造了绚丽逼真的视觉特效,后者还特别加入了对人工智能(AI)和物理加速的专门测试。3DMark Vantage的另一个全新特性是引入了四种不同等级的参数预设(Preset)。此前的3DMark在得出最终结果的时候都只有一个简单的分数,而3DMark Vantage按照画质等级划分成了入门级(Entry,E)、性能级(Performance,P)、高端级(High,H)、极限级(Extreme,X)四类,得分表达方式也改成了字母加数字的组合形式,从而更细致地反映系统性能等级,可以更对位、更公平地进行比较。当然,不同等级之间的分数没有可比性。

3DMark Vantage作为DX10图形性能测试软件,自然仅支持vista操作系统,其主界面也是焕然一新,和vista的Aero效果融为一体。界面虽然华丽许多但依旧简洁明了。


同3DMark06一样,3DMark Vantage也包括了两项CPU测试项目,分别偏重于AI运算和物理运算。而且,细心的读者应该可以发现3DMark Vantage可以支持AGEIA的PPU进行物理加速(也可以关闭),因为历代3DMark的物理加速引擎都是AGEIA的PhysX引擎。

3DMark Vantage is the industry standard performance benchmark for DirectX 10 gaming PCs. It includes two graphics tests, two CPU tests and six feature tests. Trusted by gamers worldwide to give accurate and unbiased results, 3DMark Vantage is the best way to consistently and reliably test DirectX 10 under game-like loads.

3DMark Vantage is composed of four full-bore benchmarking tests (2 different CPU tests and 2 different GPU tests) and 6 feature tests. Four presets, a groundbreaking new feature, vastly augment the variety of PCs that can be tested with the product. Presets range from value through performance to high end cinematic rendering resolutions and features. With the Advanced and Professional Edition’s new set of high end presets, 3DMark Vantage is perfect for the new multi-core CPU and Graphics Processing Unit products as well as it supports the Physics Processing Unit to expand the range of technology and testing for its users.

Comprehensive Result Analyzer
3DMark Vantage’s comprehensive online Result Analyzer tool provides an invaluable insight into the factual gaming performance of your computer. The Online ResultBrowser (ORB) is designed and developed specially for 3DMark Vantage Advanced and Professional Edition users. In addition to the normal result search & compare functionalities you can do multiple comparisons, get detailed system info, use dynamic compare URLs and much more. The Pro ORB extends 3DMark Vantage to the extreme!

3DMark Vantage Professional
– Full Sets of Scores for all Presets + Use of ORB Functionality
– View Results without network connectivity
– Command Line Interface and Batch run functions for large scale testing needs
– Results Export Function
– Fully Customizable settings and test selection
– Priority support
– Full Support of Microsoft Direct3D_10 ,SM4.0 * Advanced Post Processing effects
– GPU Simulated Physics
– Heavily Multi-Threaded AI/Physics Workloads
– Support for PPU Hardware Acceleration
– 4 Preset Test Settings up to Extreme Cinematic
– More tools, options and settings than ever before
– Technical support and much more

Minimum requirements

3DMark Vantage requires DirectX 10, a DirectX 10 compatible video card, and Windows Vista or Windows 7.

We recommend 3DMark06 for benchmarking DirectX 9 based systems.
Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows 7
x86/x64 single core CPU with SSE2 support
1 GB of system memory
DirectX 10 compatible graphics card
Hard drive space
1.0 GB





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