操作系统:Win XP/2000/Vista/Win 7
Instant Demo就是一款非常简单易用的演示创建程序,录制后可以添加声音注解,实时的声音一起捕获以及记录或者插入声音的文件在编辑期间。编辑特色包括作注解的文本和交互的热点。程序自动地计算你的作注解的文本,和图片的正确的展示时间。软件自身生成的文件尺寸很小巧,如果采用默认的swf格式导出的话,每分需要动画的大概为0.1MB,当然,还支持AVI格式直接导出。
- 实时录制Windows桌面活动;
- 提供快速、方便的屏幕录制;
- 适合制作基于Web的演示;
- 能够增强你的在线帮助文档功能;
- 让你的客户支持服务更加专业;
- 快速制作培训材料。
Instant Demo Pro 是一款屏幕动作录制工具,可以帮助你创建你软件的演示和手册等。Instant Demo 引入了变焦和摇摄功能,在较小屏幕上重放时,也能提供完整的视觉清晰度。软件同时采用了高品质视频的AVI格式,文字转换语音技术,背景声音自动音量控制和五个全新的可定制的播放控制风格。
Instant Demo 有很多选项、自定义,充分满足你的定制要求。添加注解的方式也很特别,可以拖动时间轴并在不同位置添加,如文本、鼠标点击风格等,还有 Instant Demo 提供的影片合并功能也不错。
Instant Demo is a Windows application that provides a new quick and easy way to create demos and tutorials of your software in the popular Flash format. Instant Demo is ideal for software demonstrations, customer support and training. Instant Demo uses a simple design philosophy, providing an intuitive approach to the creation process. A single click of a button is all that is required to start recording. Instant demo automatically captures any visual changes on your desktop, including mouse appearance and movement. Voice annotation is fully supported by Instant Demo with live sound recording during capture, as well as recording or inserting sound files during editing.
Instant Demo uses a 64-bit file structure to store your screen recording. This allows for recordings of up to 18000 Gigabytes in file size. Depending on the nature of the screen activity being recorded, this will allow for continuous recording over several weeks, months or possibly years. The maximum recording period is limited only by the amount of available storage on your computer system. A general rule of thumb for recorded video of typical Windows applications is about 1MB per minute (when exporting your recording to Flash, allow 0.1MB per minute).
– Captures visual changes to your desktop in real time.
– Capture the entire screen, a selected region or an individual window.
– Pan capture region during recording (Pro Version).
– Automatically records mouse movement and appearance.
– Record live sound during capture.
– Record or insert sound files when editing.
– Import AVI files.
– Movies created in the popular Adobe Flash format.
– Flash movies can be many hours in length.
– Add customized playback controls to your demo.
– Streaming playback of movie content – your demo begins playing immediately.
– Simple yet powerful editing using only two windows.
– Extremely small file size with 0.1MB of disk space per minute of video for typical desktop applications.
– Add annotated text as a heading or within a talk bubble.
– Automatic callout text navigation. Allows the viewer to easily control the pace of your presentation (Pro Version).
– Add mouse hotspots for interactive non-linear demonstrations and tutorials.
– Add in-movie hyperlinks for full integration with your website (Pro Version).
– Customize the appearance of your annotated text.
– Graphically edit movie frames with your favorite imaging software. No need to learn another application.
– Automatic calculation of annotated text display time.
– Add individual frame effects: fade-in/out, cross fade and highlight (Pro Version).
– True color recording and playback.
– High quality size reduction for animated Web Icons and for further file size improvements.
– Immediate preview of movie edits, no pre-rendering required.
– Creation of HTML web page templates for your demo.
– Creation of a small executable (single file) for easy attachment to emails.
– Supports Undo / Redo changes. Your original recording is never lost, even between editing sessions.
– Combine multiple recording sessions into one project (Pro Version).
– Programmatically control a recording session from another application (Pro Version).
OS : Win XP/2000/Vista/Win 7
Language : English
Home Page – http://www.instant-demo.com/
屏幕动作录制工具 → http://www.books51.com/307754.html |
下一篇: 传输转换工具(移动装置管理)