德国MAGIX MP3音乐制作软件
- 8 12 月, 2022
- 0 条评论
引用System requirements
For Microsoft® Windows® XP™ | Vista™| 7™
Minimum configuration:
* PC with Intel® Pentium® or AMD® 1 GHz, or higher
* 1 GB RAM
* 400 MB free hard disk space
* Graphics card resolution 1024 x 768
* 16-Bit sound card
* CD-ROM drive
* Burn CDs/DVDs with CD/DVD±R(W) recorder
* Online Services via Internet connection and an up-to-date browser
* To use 3D Vision: DirectX® 9.0c compatible graphics card, min. 128 MB graphics card memory, and Pixelshader 2.0, ATI X300 or higher, NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or better.
Supported file formats:
* Import: MP3, AAC (+), WAV, CD-Audio, WMA (incl. DRM), OGG Vorbis, FLAC
Export: MP3*, AAC (+) (optional)**, WAV, CD-Audio, WMA, OGG Vorbis, FLAC
*Activate MP3 encoder for free
**Fee-based activation
Note: Copyrights and laws against exploitation of accomplishments of artists and publishers shall be observed. Only non copy-protected audio CDs can be imported.
iTunes™ and iPod™ functionality, compatible up to and including iTunes™ version 8.
iPod™ support does not apply to iPod™ Touch™ and iPhone™引用
² Go offline, launch app and keygen, use the serial, add any mail
² address, register via post/fax, activate with our keygen.
² If anything went wrong, use exactly the steps mentioned below.
² The Computer ID is not unique per computer, it has an element of
² randomness inside, that makes several Computer IDs valid for a PC.
² Our keygen assumes that you have installed a program in the Program
² Files directory, and the Computer ID it calculates, is based on
² that assumption. In case you have installed the program in a
² different directory, you can select the installation directory
² using the Get Computer ID button of our keygen, in which case the
² keygen will generate a new Computer ID, which should be valid for
² your configuration.
² Alternatively, you can copy-paste to the keygen, the Computer ID
² that is provided from the program, if you follow the instructions
² below.
² 1. Go offline.
² 2. Install the application.
² 3. Select it from our keygens droplists.
² 4. Copy the Serial Number from our keygen to the appropriate entry
² in the product Welcome form.
² 5. Enter any E-Mail you like to the appropriate entry in the
² product Welcome form.
² 6. Select Activate program by Post/Fax, when it becomes available.
² 7. Select Activate by fax in the Activate by Mail/Fax form.
² 8. Press the Open Fax form button.
² 9. Copy the Computer ID from the form, and paste it in the
² appropriate field in our keygen, and generate a new Serial
² Number/Activation Code pair.
² 10. Press Close in order to close the Activate by Mail/Fax form.
² 11. Copy the new Serial Number from our keygen to the appropriate
² entry in the product Welcome form, overwriting the one
² previously used.
² 12. Select Activate program by Post/Fax, when it becomes available.
² 13. Select Enter Activation Code in the Activate by Mail/Fax form.
² 14. Copy the Activation Code from our keygen to the appropriate
² entry.
² 15. Press the Unlock Program button.
² 16. Activate any additional codecs (be sure to be offline while you
² do that).
² 17. Enjoy a fully activated version. After you have activated all
² features, you may safely go online again.
² Thanks for choosing
² ©hallenge (O)f ®everse (E)ngineering! 软件类型:软件>多媒体类
应用平台: Microsoft® Windows® XP™ | Vista™| 7™
问题反馈: http://www.magix.com/us/support/
网站链接: http://www.magix.com/us/mp3-deluxe/detail/
MAGIX MP3 Maker使得读取及写入MP3文件就像孩子玩乐一样容易。只需要从网际网络中下载音乐文件(或者从你的音响CD中输入音轨),建立你自己的播放列表,然后刻录。完整的Music Editor甚至允许你输入及清除旧的同类记录。使用没有限制的编码器,你能够快速地将你所有的音乐转换成MP3格式。创建适用于网站、舞会,或者你个人的音效存档文件。
MAGIX MP3 deluxe 16 is the perfect tool for your digital music world and offers all functions from one source. It has never been easier to import CDs, manage your music collection, record new songs from the Internet and transfer everything to MP3 players, iPods™ or mobile phones.
Perfectly organized! You’ll have any situation under control: from lightning-fast re-sorting or simple renaming of individual songs to creating playlists and burning your favorite hits to self-compiled CDs.
本文链接: http://www.books51.com/306898.html
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