
IPB Image


AutoRun Design Specialtyis a more powerful visual tool to create professional autorun (autoplay) interfaces and presentations for your CD/DVDs. It is the easiest way to create, edit professional autorun (autoplay) interface and generate autorun files for CD/DVDs in a WYSIWYG environment, just click, point, place and test (preview). So all is visual, fast, simple. AutoRun Design Specialty is easy to learn, with demos and wizards you can get started in just minutes!

Main Page, Splash Screen, Screen Background, Agreement Form, Security Form, Exit Form and unlimited Sub Pages. Page Shadow, Page FadeIn and FadeOut, and many effects.

19 Objects: Button, ImageButton, Image, Bevel, Label, ALabel,ALinkLabel, Text, ScrollText, Memo, RichText, Flash, Browser, AVI, MediaPlayer, SlideShow, Edit, RadioButton and CheckBox.

Page Template and Object Template make it more easy.


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  ² ² ²²  
    ²² 
[rAD!s]   ²  ² ² ²  
 ²²²   ²² 
² ² ²² ² ²²² ²²
²²      ²
²     ²
   p r e s e n t   
² ² ‏ ‏ ² ²
  AutoRun Design Specialty v9.2.0.6 *INCL.KEYMAKER*  
‏   ‏
 
 Cracked by….: r0lex Release-Name..: CR-ZWW01.ZIP 
 Supplied……: CORE Release-Date..: 2010/05/31 
 Packaged……: CORE Release-Type..: Util 
² Protection….: Serial OS…………: Windows ²
 Crack/SN……: Keymaker Language……: English 
 Rating……..: [You decide!] Disks………: 02 
 
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‏ ²       ² ‏
          
 ²       ² 
   ‏  °² ²°  ‏   
‏    ±± ±±    ‏
  ²   ²² ²²   ²  
²±   ²² ²²   ±²
²²²² ² ² ²²²²
 ° ° 
°   
°²   ²°
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‏ ‏  ²
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   ²±   ±²  ²° 
 °²  ²²²² ²²²²     
       ²°  
  °² ‏ ²
² ‏ ..: DESCRiPTiON :.. ²
² ²
² ²
² AutoRun Design Specialty 9.0 More powerful tool to create and ²
² edit a professional autorun interface and generate autorun files ²
² for CD/DVDs in a WYSIWYG environment. Display a professional and ²
² beautiful interface for users to open or execute files, print ²
² documents, send e-mail, visit Web sites, browse CDs, play sound, ²
² music and so on, when your CD is inserted ²
² ²
² ²
° °
‏ ‏
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  ‏   ± ±   ‏  
       
²  ‏  ‏ ‏  ‏  ²
     
 °²   ²° 
         
  °² ..: iNSTALL/REGiSTER NOTES :.. ²°  
² ‏ ‏ ²
² ²
² ²
² 1. Install the application and use the keymaker to register it! ²
² ²
² Special note: ²
² 31-05-2010 CORE exists 13 years, And im proud to be a part of this ²
² brilliant team.. Keep the good work up buddy’s! ²
² ²
² ²
² ²
² ..: iMPORTANT NOTE :.. ²
² ²
² Run CORE10k.EXE to verify this release, if CRC-check fails or ²
² even CORE10k.EXE is missing – you are probably using webshit! ²
² ²
² else ²
² ²
² Thanks for choosing ²
² ©hallenge (O)f ®everse (E)ngineering! ²
² ²
² ²
² ‏ ‏  ²²
    ² ²    
  ²±   ±²  ²° 
 °²  ²²²² ²²²²     
       ²°  
  °² ‏ ²
  ..: CORE NEWS AND iNFOS :..  
   
²   ²
²  – not available –  ²
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²   ²
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   lAYOUt & hEADER bY. [rAD!s]   
   nfO UPdATED ON [2010/01/01]   
   © C.O.R.E. 2 0 1 0   
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ת CRC 72AC:86CC

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