JetBrains 是一家技术领先的软件开发公司,致力于创建可提高工作效率的智能软件。该公司因其获奖的创新型 Java™ 集成开发环境、IntelliJ™IDEA 、面向 .NET 开发者的 ReSharper 和 dottrace Profiler、以及持续集成和创建管理环境TeamCity而著名。JetBrains 总部位于捷克布拉格,并在俄罗斯圣彼得堡和美国马萨诸塞州波士顿开设了研发实验室。
TeamCity is a continuous integration and build management system. With TeamCity, you can set up a build server within minutes and enjoy out of the box continuous unit testing, code quality analysis, and early reporting on build problems — even without leaving your favorite IDE. TeamCity offers a gentle learning curve, so you can quickly improve your release management practices by gradually adopting its advanced features and capabilities.
Fastest build feedback in the industry
Adaptive tests re-ordering, on-the-fly test results reporting, configurable notifications, and even making build artifacts accessible before the build is finished — TeamCity keeps you in the know with the most recent build updates and intermediate results, and shows how well your changes integrate into the project sooner. Learn more about TeamCity Continuous Integration.
Extensive scalability — with cloud computing
Distributed build management helps optimize your hardware resources utilization by parallelizing product builds within the build agents grid, while integration with Amazon EC2 cloud provides a seamless and efficient way to scale this building grid to fulfill variable demands with random load spikes. Learn more about TeamCity Build Grid and the integration with Amazon EC2 services.
Proactive quality verification
TeamCity automates over 600 Java code inspections, code coverage and duplicates search — out of the box. It also builds, checks and runs automated tests on the server even before committing your changes — keeping your code base clean at all times. Learn more about Pre-tested Commit.
First-rate control over large-scale environments
TeamCity allows to administer build infrastructures of literally any size from a central Web interface. Define permissions and notifications with LDAP-aware user management. Watch your team performance and track responsibilities. Monitor all your builds and cluster utilization with detailed statistics and trends reports. Quickly add more build agents, when needed. Learn more about Build Management and Administration.
Compatibility and extensibility
TeamCity: Environments which TeamCity supoports Click to enlarge
TeamCity is at home everywhere. It supports Java, .NET and Ruby development. Setup is quick and easy under any platform, and offers out of the box integration with the most popular IDEs, build tools, testing frameworks and version control systems . Installation is a breeze — only
3 minutes from free download to a fully deployed and functional server.
TeamCity also provides Java API for all sorts of user modifications, from integration with other version control systems and build tools, to creating specific Web UI elements and custom reports. Learn more about developing TeamCity plugins.
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