DeskArtes Sim Expert 3D几何处理解决方案,目标是仿真软件产品的用户,Sim Expert可以有效的减少三角形数量以及三角形的高宽比改进,更快更准确的模拟结果与金属和塑料成型模拟。
Sim Expert is a dedicated tool for preparing 3D models for Simulation applications with triangle count reduction and triangle aspect ratio improvement functions. DeskArtes Expert Series STL model repair technology is fully available with Sim Expert to prepare faceted models for accurate simulation.
Reduce triangle count for faster simulation.
Sim Expert fast triangle decimation functions allow you to prepare 3D faceted files for any simulation system. Detailed user control over the reduction process enable you to get the optimal result for your simulation software while keeping the 3D model shape.
Improve triangle aspect ratio for more accurate simulation results.
Sim Expert commands can effectively remove thin triangles from the faceted data. Triangle refine, reduce and smoothing functions allow you to prepare all models, from CAD systems to scanned data, for accurate simulation.
Repair faceted 3D models
Sim Expert offers effective and user friendly repair tools for triangulated models. Models from different CAD systems, with or without colors, can be effectively repaired using both automatic and manual commands for simulation.
Re-triangulate faceted models
Sim Experts fast triangle decimation and aspect ratio improving functions allow you to prepare 3D faceted files for any simulation system effectively. Detailed user control over the reduction results guarantee the optimal simulation result. Triangle refine, reduce and smoothing functions allow you to prepare sparsely triangulated models from CAD systems to scanned data for accurate simulation or manufacturing.
三维模型仿真 → http://www.books51.com/304967.html |
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