PI-VR, 3D 实时仿真技术和服务的领先者,广泛应用于汽车、飞机等制造业及消费品行业。其主要产品是VRED软件,该工具可根据CAD数据输入提供完整的模拟和工作流解决方案,从而实现对3D模型的实时可视化。
What is new in VRED Professional 6.0?
VRED Professional 6.0 comes along with a completely reworked MaterialEditor with astonishing new functions like 3D Realtime Displacement Mapping or the realistic simulation of light effects when using diverse translucent materials. These are only two highlights: Version 6.0 will set new trends and enable users to create even more outstanding visualizations.
Now, users can also create clippings of their objects when working in the Raytracing mode. Next to the possibility to do surface analysis based on isophotes, this comes in very handy for all VR professionals in the field of engineering.
System Requirements
Category Requirements
Hardware (32-bit) Intel® Pentium® 4 or higher (must be SSE2 capable)
(64-bit) Intel® processor with Intel® EM64T-capable or AMD® Athlon 64®, AMD Opteron® processor
3D实时仿真 → http://www.books51.com/304963.html |
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