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使用Complete Genealogy Reporter族谱建立和报告工具,以建立全面族谱报告,书籍或网站导出的数据。


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The following examples are reduced in size for illustration purposes only.
Reports may be produced in Catalan, Czech, English, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish, and Swedish.

This example of the narrative section shows most of the processing and formatting capabilities of The Complete Genealogy Reporter. The individuals included within the report are grouped within generation and sorted by relationship to the subject individual in order of closeness of the relationship. A sequential reference number is assigned to each individual, and this forms the basis for all cross-referencing.

The relationship of each individual to the report’s subject is fully described, and the data content of the GEDCOM file is converted into flowing narrative. Where possible, the age at death of each individual is calculated and reported. (The Complete Genealogy Reporter includes options to sort reported life events and children’s births into date order.)

Individual and family notes may be included within the narrative, or cross-referenced from the narrative to an appendix of the report which contains all notes.

Picture media items may be included in the report as an appendix. When included, the presence of a media item for each individual is noted within the narrative for that person.

Family tree diagrams may be included in the report. When this is the case, the corresponding tree diagram reference numbers are included within the narrative.

Each page of the media appendix, when included in the report, is produced with six items per page.

The reference number of the individual to whom each item pertains is included with the title description of the media item, so that one can easily reference back to the narrative section. The media items are reported in reference number order.

Family tree diagrams may be included in the report. When included, these are produced two per page and each spans up to four generations. Each individual’s birth and death years are shown (if they were found to be recorded in the GEDCOM file).

The report narrative reference number is also shown for each individual to facilitate swift referencing back to the narrative section.

Within the tree diagrams section, inter-tree reference links indicate continuation trees. In this example, the numbers in angle brackets below the children boxes indicate which tree diagram shows each child as a parent.

A full index may be included in each report. Also, indices of places and dates (not shown here) may be included.

The index is sorted by last name and first names. For each individual included in the report, the index shows the narrative reference number, the tree diagram reference number (if tree diagrams are included in the report), and the relationship to the subject.

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The Complete Genealogy Builder is a 99.9% compliant GEDCOM 5.5 database manager for the creation and maintenance of genealogy projects. This level of GEDCOM compliance is determined as the average of import compliance (all GEDCOM-compliant data from another genealogy program will be imported completely and correctly) and export compliance (all data are exported such that a another genealogy program will be able to import all GEDCOM-compliant data completely and correctly). Of all other genealogy programs, only Family Historian is known to exhibit a comparable level of import compliance, and we believe that no other program offers a comparable level of export compliance.

The Complete Genealogy Builder includes the following capabilities that are rarely found, if at all, in most other genealogy programs:
Full Unicode support. You may freely incorporate any characters from any Unicode language character set within your data.
Multi-national keyboard support when entering or editing Notes. You may switch keyboard types (for example, English to Greek and back to English) as you type Note texts.
Cascading forms window structure. As shown in the above animation, data are entered and edited via a cascading input form structure.
Virtually all GEDCOM 5.5 standard (and many GEDCOM 5.5.1 proposal) data types.
Extended image support including "Cutouts" (similar to "Marked Faces" of Family Tree Builder and "Frame Links" of Family Historian).
Marking of sections of Note texts as "Sensitive" or "Private". These may be included in, or excluded from, GEDCOM exports.
Spell checking of Note texts (various languages will be supported). All Notes may be spell-checked in a single operation via the Tools menu.
Numerous validation tools. These include checking for non-standard date formats, improbable event dates, missing OBJE files, and individuals without a sex designation.
Restricted status ("Confidential" or "Private") of specific Individual, Family, or Event data. These may be included in, or excluded from, GEDCOM exports.
Font attributes (bold, italic, underscore and superscript) within Note texts.
Multiple export options tailored for maximum compatibility with various other genealogy programs that exhibit non-standard behaviors.
"Embedded" GEDCOM export. This encodes all external OBJE files within the exported file according to the GEDCOM "BLOB" tag standard. When imported by The Complete Genealogy Builder on another system, the OBJE files will be recreated as external files.
"Minimal" GEDCOM export. This includes only the individuals’ names plus the dates and places for births, marriages and deaths; which is all that you need to share with public websites that do intelligent matching of different users’ databases.







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