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[Windows.Phone.SDK基础教程].TLF-SOFT-Lynda.Windows.Phone.SDK.Essential.Training …

[Windows.Phone.SDK基础教程].TLF-SOFT-Lynda.Windows.Phone.SDK.Essential.Training …

中文名: Windows Phone SDK基础教程

英文名: Lynda Windows Phone SDK Essential Training

资源格式: 光盘镜像

主讲人: Michael Lehman

发行日期: 2012年5月31日

地区: 美国

对白语言: 英语

文字语言: 英文




Introduction 2m 50s

Welcome 55s

What you need to know to take this course 1m 7s

Using the exercise files 48s

1. Getting Started 16m 3s

Downloading and installing the Windows Phone tools 3m 13s

Creating a Hello World application 9m 31s

Installing the Zune software 3m 19s

2. Navigating the Windows Phone Environment 7m 54s

Exploring device capabilities 2m 58s

Understanding the Emulator 4m 56s

3. Foundation 8m 51s

Understanding the SDK 8m 51s

4. Building a Units Converter 41m 32s

Introducing the converter 3m 36s

Creating the user experience (UX) 13m 35s

Responding to the Application Bar 2m 40s

Implementing click handlers 3m 52s

Saving and loading settings 8m 18s

Preparing your app for shipment 9m 31s

5. Building Sonnets 20m 48s

Introducing sonnets 1m 38s

Data binding with Silverlight 4m 4s

Exploring the Model-View-ViewModel pattern (MVVM) 4m 2s

Implementing the Master-Detail pattern using pages 3m 53s

Loading external data 7m 11s

6. Implementing Persistence with Isolated Storage 50m 5s

Choosing a multipage controller 3m 13s

Preparing for persistence 7m 9s

Updating the data model 7m 2s

Creating the details page 4m 30s

Bringing it all together 3m 58s

Cloning a Windows Phone app 6m 49s

Using SQL CE 8m 49s

Updating the data model 2m 24s

Querying and updating the database 6m 11s

7. Capturing the World 9m 17s

Working with the camera 4m 34s

Exploring GPS 1m 56s

Exploring the accelerometer 2m 47s

8. Building Take-A-Note 29m 34s

Introducing recording and playback with XNA 45s

Capturing sound 5m 12s

Providing feedback while recording 5m 50s

Playing a recording 4m 34s

Persisting a recording 2m 58s

Listing recordings 5m 15s

Managing the recording list 3m 26s

Recording under the lock screen 1m 34s

9. Building TweetMonitor 28m 33s

Building the UX 3m 54s

Using WebClient 4m 1s

Determining network connectivity 2m 9s

Leveraging Internet Explorer 7m 56s

Adding a live tile 2m 43s

Building a background agent 7m 50s

10. Leveraging Built-In Tasks and the Silverlight and Coding4Fun Toolkits 10m 25s

Exploring built-in controls 4m 28s

Looking at Silverlight 2m 44s

Introducing Coding4Fun 3m 13s

11. Where to go from here 13m 43s

Publishing your apps 2m 49s

Learning from apps in the Windows Phone Marketplace 1m 22s

Staying in touch with updates and new information from Microsoft 2m 34s

Looking at Windows Phone 7 app reviews 2m 13s

Exploring web sites, books, and other useful links 4m 45s

Conclusion 23s

Farewell 23s



由Lynda出品的Windows Phone SDK 基础教程。


主讲:Michael Lehman

教程所使用的软件:Windows Phone 7, 7.5, Visual Studio 2010

Windows Phone是微软发布的一款手机操作系统,它将微软旗下的Xbox Live游戏、Zune音乐与独特的视频体验整合至手机中。Windows Phone具有桌面定制、图标拖拽、滑动控制等一系列前卫的操作体验。其主屏幕通过提供类似仪表盘的体验来显示新的电子邮件、短信、未接来电、日历约会等,让人们对重要信息保持时刻更新。它还包括一个增强的触摸屏界面,更方便手指操作;以及一个最新版本的IE Mobile浏览器——该浏览器在一项由微软赞助的第三方调查研究中,和参与调研的其它浏览器和手机相比,可以执行指定任务的比例超过高达48%。很容易看出微软在用户操作体验上所做出的努力,而史蒂夫-鲍尔默也表示:“全新的Windows手机把网络、个人电脑和手机的优势集于一身,让人们可以随时随地享受到想要的体验。

Windows Phone,力图打破人们与信息和应用之间的隔阂,提供适用于人们包括工作和娱乐在内完整生活的方方面面,最优秀的端到端体验。

课程演示如何生成示例应用程序的同时学习 Windows Phone 概念和框架,探索如何构建Windows Phone专业应用软件,从Windows Phone多媒体网络访问到 XAML的 17 主要功能区。在这个过程中,作者Michael Lehman详细介绍了标准的硬件设备配置,教你如何导航开发环境中,并探讨了Windows Phone的API 。

Discover how to build professional apps that encompass the 17 major feature areas of Windows Phone, from XAML to multimedia to network access. In this course, author Michael Lehman details the standard hardware device configuration, teaches how to navigate the development environment, and explores the Windows Phone APIs. The course shows how to build sample applications while learning Windows Phone concepts and frameworks, including the Metro design language.

Topics include:

Downloading and installing the tools

Understanding the SDK

Designing the user experience (UX)

Implementing commands

Data binding with Silverlight

Exploring the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern

Loading external data

Capturing data from the camera, GPS, compass, and accelerometer

Recording and playing sound

Implementing persistence with isolated storage

Leveraging built-in tasks, choosers, and launchers

Expanding the available controls using the Silverlight and Coding4Fun toolkits

Cloning a Windows Phone app

Learning how to publish your app

《Windows Phone SDK基础教程》(Lynda Windows Phone SDK Essential Training)[光盘镜像]

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