3DCreative CG资料杂志
《3DCreative CG资料杂志》3dcreeative magazine is amonthly sownload magazine for all 3D Artists,
Professional or Beginner. Each month’s issue is packed with articles, reviews, interviews, tutorials and competitons
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Download the ‘lite’ issue of the magazine for a full contents listing. If ou like, then buy the fully loaded issue for only $4 use!
《3DCreative CG资料杂志》Zoo Publishing与3d total合作,联合推出一本pdf格式的CG杂志,名叫3DCreative,该杂志为月刊。该杂志的服务对象主要为3D艺术家、CG从业人员以及初学者。内容涉及到CG业界新闻、评论、采访、教程和一些比赛等,是付费杂志。CG爱好者不要错过。
《3DCreative CG资料杂志》3DCreative Issue 008 4/2006最新一期商业CG杂志。本期为:3DCreative Issue 008 April 2006 Ebook!(本杂志至推出到现在得到CG业界一致的好评!!)
3DCreative CG资料杂志 → http://www.books51.com/285323.html |
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