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中文名: 现代会计与审计

资源格式: PDF

版本: 扫描版

发行时间: 2013年

地区:  大陆

语言:  简体中文


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Accounting Harmonization for the Assessment of the Public Expenditure in Healthcare Service: Evidence From the Italian Experience
Students’ Motivation to Study Accounting Subjects: Difference Between Japan and Indonesia
The Faithful Representation of Electrical Energy Sale and Purchase Agreements Under International Accounting Standards/International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS/IFRS)
Integrating Activity-Based Costing (ABC) and Theory of Constraint (TOC) for Improved and Sustained Cost Management
Auditing in the 21st Century: Has Self-regulation Failed?
Audit Committees: How They Affect Financial Reporting in Nigerian Companies
Credit Risk (Based on Analysis of Financial Statements) as the Decisive Factor Influencing the Risk of Investors
An Empirical Study of the Earnings Management of the Enterprises Taking Sports Industry as the Main Business: Based on USA Listed Companies
Recycling Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Packaging as the Basis of Economic Projects and Solution of Social and Environmental Problems in Russia
Employee Downsizing of the Banking Sector in Portugal: A Case Study
Executive Compensation and Firm Performance in Japan: The Role of Keiretsu Memberships and Bank-Appointed Monitors
Modern Information Technology (IT): Factor for Business Efficiency and Business Driver

The Impact of Outsourcing on Business Performance: An Empirical Analysis
Challenging Stereotypes: InternationaIAccounting Students in Australia
Annual Reports of Non-profit Organizations (NPOs):An Analysis
The Modern Business Reporting Dimension Including the Reports of the Supervisory Board
Dynamic Target Costing (TC) in Real Estate Development Industry in Taiwan
The Genoese Commune Massari's Ledger of 1340: The First Computer Modeling Experience and Its Results
Auditor Switching by Corporate Governance: EmpiricaIAnalysis From the Listed Company in China
Ownership Concentration and the Value Effect of Related Party Transactions (RPTs)
The Prediction of Bankruptcy in a Construction Industry of Russian Federation
Innovation and Firm Performance: Evidence From the Capital Market
Expanding the Definition and Measurement of Knowledge Economy: Integrating Triple Bottom Line Factors into Knowledge Economy Index Models and Methodologies
An Empirical Test of Optimism Bias in Capital Budgeting Decisions
Intellectual Property: Access to Culture and Sustainable Competition

Determining of Employee Frauds in Forensic Accounting: A Research on Forensic Cases in the City of Kars in Turkey
Exploring Public Finance Management Reform and Building up Model of General State Accounting (GSA): The Case of Vietnam
Mediation of Computerized Accounting System (CAS) Adoption on Relationship Between Environmental Uncertainty and Organizational Performance
Does International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Adoption Matter? The Effects on Financial Transparency and Earnings Management
Asymmetry in Value Relevance of Environmental Performance (EP) Information:Contingency Effects of Size and Industry
Corporate Governance and Earnings Quality: The Experience of Listed Companies in Iran
Static Model Classification Status: Taking Into Account Emerging External Factors
An Empirical Study of the Senior Corporate Managers’ Ability to Innovate
Loan Loss Provisioning Practices
Bangladesh Economic Development Model (BED Model)
The Some New Aspects of the International Business Theory and International Economy
Post-Crisis Remodeling of the Economy for the Sustainable Growth of South Eastern European (SEE) Countries

Pereira’s Equity: Teaching Introductory Accounting With a Family Approach
The Effects of Intangible Assets (IA) on the Loan Interest Rates for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Taiwan
Capital Structure of Start-ups: Evidence on Non-accounting Characteristics
The Aircraft Industry in Japan: Niche Construction and Patent Portfolio Strategy
Modeling of Raw Materials Management on the Example of Textile Production Company
An Empirical Study of Risk Factors of the Gaming Industry in Macau
The Importance of Investments on Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) Growth:The Case of Kosovo
The Impact of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Regime on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Flows to Vietnam: A Gravity Model Approach
The Impact of Foreign Bank Strategies on the Behavior and Performance of Czech and Slovak Banks in the Financial Crisis
Financial Innovation as a Competitive Strategy: The Kenyan Financial Sector

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