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中文名: 铁拳新人王 第四季
英文名: The Contender season 4
资源格式: HDTV
版本: 更新第13集
发行时间: 2008年12月
电视台: ESPN
主持人: Mark Burnett
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
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《The Contender》铁拳新人王(又译竞争者)是由实境电视节目(reality-TV)霸主马克•伯内特(Mark Burnett)与杰弗里•卡岑伯格(Jeffrey Katzenberg)以及梦工厂(Dream Work)合作,为全美广播公司(NBC)制作的有关于拳击运动的节目。说起马克•伯内特(Mark Burnett)大家可能觉得陌生,他就是《幸存者》(Survivor)和《学徒》(The Apprentice)的顶级制片人,一个美国电视史上大腕,说他改变了电视经济一点也不过分。
这部真实冒险节目将播出16位拳手的生活实况。这些拳手来自于全美的选拔试镜,并将成为最具天分,潜力无穷,前途无量的新秀。着名演员席维斯史特龙(Sylvester Stallone)和蜜糖李纳德(Sugar Ray Leonard)将指导这些年轻拳手,他们上擂台战斗,争取一百万美金的奖金。 属于同一量级的这些拳手,将被送到魔鬼训练营,在那里一起生活,用餐,睡觉和受训。每一集节目的压轴好戏就是一场对决的拳赛,胜利者将晋级,继续奋斗,更有可能实现他的梦想。战败者将淘汰出局回家去。一路过关斩将赢得最后胜利的参赛者将赢得”百万拳王”的头衔,以及一百万美金大奖。
The Contender will follow 16 aspiring boxers from training camp through an evolving series of ring challenges and boxing matches over 16 episodes. For the first eight episodes, the winner of the fight-of-the-week will be rewarded with a guaranteed spot in the Quarter Finals. After four weeks of these Quarter Finals, two weeks of Semi-Finals will follow. In the show’s last week, the final victor will claim a $1,000,000 prize. The driving force behind the series will be the pursuit of the American dream and the natural trials, tribulations and heartbreak inherent in that quest combined with the drama and tension of the sweet science. The canvas of the show is much broader than boxing – it will give viewers a first hand look into the real life hopes, triumphs and defeats of the contestants. The Contender will be a joint production of Mark Burnett Productions, DreamWorks Television and Rogue Marble. Sylvester Stallone, Mark Burnett, and Jeffrey Katzenberg are the executive producers.



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