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【类型】: 喜剧
【影片长度】: 平均30分钟
【集数】: 全3季共22集
【字幕】: 中文
【服务器】: 随机
【分享时间】: 全天24小时
【IMDB网站】: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080306/
Yes Minister is a multi-award winning satirical British sitcom written by Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn that was first transmitted by BBC television and radio between 1980 and 1984, split over three seven-episode series. The sequel, Yes, Prime Minister, ran from 1986 to 1988. In total this made 38 episodes, all but one of which lasts for half an hour.
Set in the private office in Whitehall of a British government cabinet minister (and, in the sequel, in 10 Downing Street), the series follows the ministerial career of Jim Hacker MP, played by Paul Eddington. His various struggles to formulate and enact legislation or effect departmental changes are opposed by the will of the British Civil Service, in particular his Permanent Secretary (senior civil servant), Sir Humphrey Appleby, played by Nigel Hawthorne. His Principal Private Secretary Bernard Woolley, played by Derek Fowlds is usually caught between the two, although heavily influenced by Sir Humphrey. Almost every programme ends with the line “Yes, Minister” (or “Yes, Prime Minister”), uttered (usually) by Sir Humphrey as he quietly relishes his victory over his “political master” (or, occasionally, acknowledges defeat).
A huge critical and popular success, the series received a number of awards; including several BAFTAs and in 2004 came sixth in the Britain’s Best Sitcom poll. It was the favourite television programme of the then British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher.
 正大剧场当年放过很多不错的电视剧,也是配音的精品,奇怪为什么以后再也不重播了。英国政治讽刺剧《是,大臣》(Yes, Minister)脚本精彩,讽刺辛辣,语言生动,让我多少年都念念不忘。后来我在旧书摊里淘到它的剧本,译名为《新官场现形记——内阁大臣的日记》,看得我在宿舍半夜三更笑得睡不着觉,没把当初上铺那位姐姐吓死。
  正大剧场演的只是前六集,大概也只引进了这么多。记得是上海电视台向上译厂借演员配音的。乔榛配行政事务部大臣吉姆·哈克,尚华配政务次长、文官汉弗莱· 阿普比,杨晓配哈克的秘书、文官伯纳德,童自荣配哈克的政治顾问弗兰克。这部戏牵涉到英国的政治体制,主要矛盾是政客和文官之间的斗争。英国的官僚分两种:政务官和事务官(文官),文官有独立体系,不随政党进退,维持政府日常事务,有相当大的权力。文官制度到80年代已经露出严重的弊端,对政府的效率低下、官僚主义负有很大责任,这部戏可以说矛头尖锐、直指时弊。(哼哼,我看八成这就是它在我们这里重播不了的原因,肯定有人看了会不舒服喽。)几个主人公个性特别生动鲜明,大臣外强中乾、虚荣胆小;老文官老奸巨滑、狡黠世故;喜欢咬文嚼字的年轻秘书在两个主子之间走钢丝,大智若愚;政治顾问冲动不知深浅。这几个人凑一块,笑料爆棚。



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