BBC 地平线 2008年合集 BBC Horizon 2008 科普节目 [更新12:仅播一回:创世宇宙大爆炸][TVRip]
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9月24日 22:00 BBC高清 The President’s Guide to Science 总统科学指南 (重播)
10月1日 02:15 BBC一套 The President’s Guide to Science 总统科学指南 (重播)
The President’s Guide to Science 献给总统的科学指南
First broadcast: Tuesday 16 Sep 2008 2008, 9pm, BBC Two
Horizon asks some of the biggest names in science to have a quiet word with the new President, be it Obama or McCain. The United States President is quite simply the most powerful man on earth, but past Presidents have often known little about science. That is a problem when the decisions they make will affect every one of us, from nuclear proliferation to climate change. To help the new President get to grips with this intimidating responsibility, some of the world’s leading scientists, from Dawkins to Watson, share some crucial words of advice.
《地平线》问了几位科学巨人,让他们真心地评论下(美国)新总统,会是 小巴拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马 (Barack Hussein Obama II,1961年8月4日-)还是 约翰·席德尼·麦凯恩三世(John Sidney McCain III,1936年8月29日-)。
很显然,美国总统终究是世上最强人,但之前的总统们基本是科学小白。当他们的决定关系到大家,从核扩散到气候巨变,这就成了个大问题了。为了让他们认真处理对这强权的责任感,一些世界领头科学家,从 理查德·道金斯* 到 沃森,正讨论如何提出这个至关重要的建议。
* 理查德·道金斯(Clinton Richard Dawkins,1941年3月26日-)是英国皇家科学院院士,牛津大学教授,著名科普作家,动物学家,演化生物学家,和无神论者/反宗教者。
官方“深度报道”:《献给总统的科学指南——“最强人”头衔数周内将转手》,作者:James van der Pool。(英文)
Lost Horizons: The Big Bang 地平线篇外篇:仅此一回:创世宇宙大爆炸
To coincide with the switch-on of the Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest particle accelerator complex, Professor Jim Al Khalili from the University of Surrey delves into over 50 years of the BBC science archive to tell the story behind the emergence of one of the greatest theories of modern science, the Big Bang.
大型强子对撞器(世上最大粒子加速器集合)*启动在即,萨里大学的 Jim Al Khalili 教授*深入BBC科学档案馆,为您揭开“创世宇宙大爆炸”——现代科学史上最伟大理论之一——的浮现的幕后故事。
*一座位于瑞士日内瓦近郊欧洲核子研究组织CERN的粒子加速器与对撞机,作为国际高能物理学研究之用。 LHC已经建造完成,2008年9月10日开始试运转,并且成功地维持了两质子束在轨道中运行,成为世界上最大的粒子加速器设施。LHC预计将于2008年10月21日开始进行低能量对撞实验。LHC是一个国际合作计划,由全球85国中的多个大学与研究机构,超过八千位物理学家共同合力出资合作兴建。参见维基百科
The remarkable idea that our universe simply began from nothing has not always been accepted with the conviction it is today and, from fiercely disputed leftfield beginnings, took the best part of the 20th century to emerge as the triumphant explanation of how the universe began. Using curious horn-shaped antennas, U-2 spy planes, satellites and particle accelerators, scientists have slowly pieced together the cosmological jigsaw, and this documentary charts the overwhelming evidence for a universe created by a Big Bang.
Professor Al-Khalili comments: “This one-off documentary was made by the BBC Horizon team and was great fun to be involved with. The archive footage is fantastic too.”
Jim Al Khalili 教授评论道:“这个一次性播出的纪录片是由BBC《地平线》团队制作的,极具观赏价值。此外还有些相当棒的史料。”
· BBC四套“大型强子对撞器”特别周主页
· 2007年节目:《The Six Billion Dollar Experiment / 60亿美元的实验》
How does Your Memory Work? 记忆的实现
First broadcast: Tuesday 25th March 2008, 9pm, BBC Two
You might think that your memory is there to help you remember facts, such as birthdays or shopping lists. If so, you would be very wrong. The ability to travel back in time in your mind is, perhaps, your most remarkable ability, and develops over your lifespan.
Horizon takes viewers on an extraordinary journey into the human memory. From the woman who is having her most traumatic memories wiped by a pill, to the man with no memory, this film reveals how these remarkable human stories are transforming our understanding of this unique human ability.
《地平线》将带观众们到人类记忆中进行一次非凡的旅行。从 一位女士通过药物抹去那段最外伤性的记忆*,到 一位“不长记性”的男士,本片展现 这些非凡故事如何改变我们对这个人类独有的能力的理解。
The findings reveal the startling truth that everyone is little more than their own memory.
How Much Is Your Dead Body Worth? 遗体的价值
First broadcast: Tuesday 18th March 2008, 9pm, BBC Two
When veteran broadcaster Alistair Cooke died in 2004 few suspected that he was yet to uncover his greatest story. What happened to his body as it lay in a funeral home would reveal a story of modern day grave robbery and helped smash a body-snatching ring that had made millions of dollars by chopping up and selling-off over 1000 bodies. Dead bodies have become big business.
2004年,当资深播音员 Alistair Cooke 去世时,少有人想到,他还没来得及讲自己最大的故事:在太平间,他遗体的遭遇揭露了现代“盗墓”的传奇,并粉碎了一个买卖一千余具遗体并获利数百万美元的遗体掠夺圈。遗体已经成了个大买卖!
Each year millions of people’s lives are improved by the use of tissue from the dead. Bodies are used to supply spare parts, and for surgeons to practice on. Horizon investigates the medical revolution that has created an almost insatiable demand for body parts and uncovers the growing industry and grisly black market that supplies human bodies for a price.
Are We Alone in the Universe? 茫茫宇宙,我们并不孤单?
First broadcast: Tuesday 4th March 2008, 9pm, BBC Two
For fifty years, the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence has been scanning the galaxy for a message from an alien civilisation. So far to no avail, but a recent breakthrough suggests they may one day succeed.
Horizon joins the planet hunters who’ve discovered a new world called Gliese 581 c. It is the most Earth-like planet yet found around another star and may have habitats capable of supporting life. NASA too hopes to find fifty more Earth-like planets by the end of the decade, all of which dramatically increases the chance that alien life has begun elsewhere in the galaxy.
*又名Wolf 562 c 或 HIP 74995 c,2007年4月23日被瑞士日内瓦天文台的Stephane Udry所领导的团队发现,一颗绕行位于天秤座葛利斯581红矮星的太阳系外行星里的“超级地球”,距离地球约20.5光年(193.9万亿千米)。它环绕恒星的轨道恰好处于其行星系的适居地带中,位于此地带行星的地表温度约在摄氏0至40度之间,因此葛利斯581c可能存在液态水。由于液态水是已知型态生命存在的必要因素,所以葛利斯581c有可能有生命存在。它所环绕的恒星葛利斯581,是依照德国天文学家威廉·葛利斯(Wilhelm Gliese)制作的星表识别的。“Gliese”读作/?gli?z?/。参考维基百科
Prof Regan’s Supermarket Secrets 里根教授大揭超市机密
First broadcast: Tuesday 26th February 2008, 9pm, BBC Two
类别:医疗保健 / 科学
Friendly bacteria, superfoods, cholesterol busting spreads, 99% germ free, whiter than white…it’s almost impossible to find a product in the supermarket today that doesn’t come with impressive claims…scientific claims…with an inflated price tag to match. Are they oversold? Or are they worth the extra cash?
Prof Lesley Regan has already exploded some of the myths behind beauty products in a previous Horizon. Now she’s back, to see if the evidence behind these supermarket products stands up to her levels of scrutiny.
Lesley Regan教授已经在之前的一期《地平线》中*戳穿了不少华丽商品背后的神话般的事。她又来了,来看这些超市商品背后是否有经得起她的复查标准的可能。
* 该期为2007年3月27日播出的《里根教授的化妆品店》(Prof Regan’s Beauty Parlour),本页已提供下载。(官网点此)
From organic farm produce to the billion dollar brands of the UK’s major manufacturers Prof Regan asks tough questions and gets surprising answers. And there’s no sitting on the fence: a product is either ‘in’ or ‘out’ of her scientifically backed supermarket trolley.
How to Live to 101 (aka Living to 101) 活到101岁
First broadcast: Tuesday 19th February 2008, 9pm, BBC Two
The quest to live longer has been one of humanities oldest dreams, but while scientists have been searching, a few isolated communities have stumbled across the answer. On the remote Japanese island of Okinawa, In the Californian town of Loma Linda and in the mountains of Sardinia people live longer than anywhere else on earth.
对长寿的探求早已是人类古老的梦想了。除了科学家们的苦苦搜寻之外,一些独立社团意外发现了答案:生活在日本远洋冲绳群岛、加州小镇Loma Linda和撒丁尼亚(意大利,地中海)的人们是世界上最长寿的。
In these unique communities a group of scientists have dedicated their lives to trying to uncover their secrets. Horizon takes a trip around the globe to meet the people who can show us all how to live longer, healthier lives.
How to Make Better Decisions 作更好的决定
First broadcast: Tuesday 12th February 2008, 9pm, BBC Two
We are bad at making decisions. According to science, our decisions are based on oversimplification, laziness and prejudice. And that’s assuming that we haven’t already been hijacked by our surroundings or led astray by our subconscious!
Featuring exclusive footage of experiments that show how our choices can be confounded by temperature, warped by post-rationalisation and even manipulated by the future, Horizon presents a guide to better decision making, and introduces you to Mathematician Garth Sundem, who is convinced that conclusions can best be reached using simple maths and a pencil!
展示我们的选择如何被气温扰乱、被公认的理性扭曲,甚至受前景操纵的独家实验镜头,Horizon提出了“好决定指南”,并向您介绍数学家 Garth Sundem,他确信,仅用数学跟一支笔就能最大限度接近结论。
Is Alcohol Worse than Ecstasy? (aka Britain’s Most Dangerous Drug) 酒精比摇头丸危险?(别名:英国最危险的毒品)
First Broadcast: Tuesday 5th February 2008, 21:00, BBC Two
类别:医疗保健 / 社会
(感谢 bk6773 与 memetics 对本文翻译的热心纠正)
Recent research has analysed the link between the harmful effects of drugs relative to their current classification by law with some startling conclusions. Perhaps most startling of all is that alcohol, solvents and tobacco (all unclassified drugs) are rated more dangerous than ecstasy, 4-MTA and LSD (all class A drugs). If the current ABC system is retained, alcohol would be rated a class A drug and tobacco class B.
最近的研究分析得出了关于毒品与按它们的害处在法律上的分级之间的联系的惊人的结论。或许其中最令人惊奇的是 酒精、有机溶剂与烟草(均为未归类的毒品)被评定比摇头丸、4-MTA*和迷幻药(均为A级毒品)更危险,如果按照现行的ABC级系统分级,酒精将被归为A级毒品,烟草将属B级。
The scientists involved, including members of the government’s top advisory committee on drug classification, have produced a rigorous assessment of the social and individual harm caused by 20 of the UK’s most dangerous drugs and believe this should form the basis of future ranking. They think the current ABC system is arbitrary and not based on any scientific evidence.
The drug policies have remained unchanged over the last 40 years so should they be reformed in the light of new research?
What on Earth is wrong with gravity? 重力到底怎么了? / 重力错乱
First broadcast: Tuesday 29th January 2008, 9pm, BBC Two
Particle physicist and ex D:Ream keyboard player Dr Brian Cox wants to know why the Universe is built the way it is. He believes the answers lie in the force of gravity. But Newton thought gravity was powered by God, and even Einstein failed to completely solve it. Heading out with his film crew on a road trip across the USA, Brian fires lasers at the moon in Texas, goes mad in the desert in Arizona, encounters the bending of space and time at a maximum security military base, tries to detect ripples in our reality in the swamps of Louisiana and searches for hidden dimensions just outside Chicago.
曾为D:Ream乐队键盘手的Brian Cox博士和粒子物理学家想知道宇宙为何照这样发展。他相信答案藏在重力的力量之中。但牛顿认为重力因上帝而出现,甚至连爱因斯坦也没能完全解决。Brian带领他的摄影小组在美国四处奔走,在得克萨斯州对月亮发射激光,在亚利桑那州的沙漠中狂乐,在高度设防的军事基地中遭遇时空扭曲,在路易斯安那州的沼泽中侦测现实中的脉动,在芝加哥附近寻找那隐蔽的第四维……
Total Isolation 彻底隔离
First broadcast: Tuesday 22nd January 2008, 21:00, BBC Two
For the first time in 40 years Horizon re-creates a controversial sensory deprivation experiment. Six ordinary people are taken to a nuclear bunker and left alone for 48 hours. Three subjects are left alone in dark, sound-proofed rooms, while the other three are given goggles and foam cuffs, while white noise is piped into their ears.
* 白噪音(white noise):音响或电力嗓音,在给定波段内所有频率上其强度都一样。(类似通常所说的电视/收音机的雪花声)
The original experiments carried out in the 1950s and 60s by leading psychologist Prof Donald Hebb, was thought by many in the North American political and scientific establishment to be too cruel and were discontinued.
原实验是由顶级心理学家 Donald Hebb 教授在二十世纪六十年代进行的。不少北美政治和科学团体认为该实验极其残忍,实验也因此而中断了。
Prof Ian Robbins, head of trauma psychology at St George’s Hospital, Tooting, has been treating some of the British Guantanamo detainees and the victims of torture who come to the UK from across the world. Now he evaluates the volunteers as their brains undergo strange alterations.
Ian Robbins 教授,Tooting的圣乔治医院精神创伤心理科的领头人物,已从全球邀请了一些在British Guantanamo被拘留和受过酷刑的人来到英国。现在他正让这些志愿者的大脑经历奇异的变异,并进行评测。
How to Kill a Human Being 执行死刑
First broadcast: Tuesday 15th January, 2008, 21:00, BBC2
Former Conservative MP, Michael Portillo pushes his body to the brink of death in an investigation into the science of execution.
前保守党国会议员 Michael Portillo 在对处决的科学的深入调查研究中将自己的身体推向了死亡的边缘——
As the American Supreme Court examines whether the lethal injection is causing prisoners to die in unnecessary pain Michael sets out to find a solution which is fundamentally humane. To do so he examines the key methods of execution available today: he discovers why convicts can catch on fire in the electric chair, learns how easy it is to botch a hanging and inhales a noxious gas to experience first hand the terror of the gas chamber.
正当美国最高法院审查注射死刑是否会让罪犯死在不必要的痛楚之中时,Michael 着手寻找一种根本地人道的方案。他这样测试了当前正在使用的主要处死方法:他发现了罪犯在电椅上起火的原因,了解了绞刑时把罪犯搞得一团糟是多么容易,呼吸有毒气体以体验毒气室的第一手恐怖。
Armed with some startling evidence Michael considers a completely new approach. Will it be the answer? There is only one way of finding out – to experience it himself.
Michael 准备了一些令人吃惊的证据,提出了一个全新的途径。它会是正确的吗?要知道答案,只有一条路——由他亲身体验。
Horizon 系列合集——
1964~2006 2007 2008
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BBC 地平线 2008年合集 BBC Horizon 2008 科普节目 [更新12:仅播一回:创世宇宙大爆炸][TVRip] → |
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