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专辑英文名: The Harpsichord Concertos and Strings
专辑中文名: 大键琴协奏曲
艺术家: 巴赫 Bach
资源格式: APE
版本: Trevor Pinnock
发行时间: 1990年
地区: 德国
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专辑名称: The Harpsichord Concertos and Strings
专辑歌手: 巴赫 Bach
发行日期: 1990
专辑语种: 纯音乐
专辑类型: 古典
唱片公司: ARCHIV
唱片编号: 415992-2
压缩比率: APE
Yes, my friends, the CD is ANALOG. However, Mr. Pinnock and the English Concert are so superb, you forgive the technology. For those of you who may not know, Bach, as well as other composers, used the same compostions they had already written or publised to feature different instruments. A violin concerto was re-written as concerto for harpsichord, and so on. The concertos on this CD feature recast Brandenberg Concertos, and some of Bach’s sacred music (the music from a cantata here and there). So, this CD is a compliment to the existing Bach collection at home. If you’re “mad about Bach”, then this CD is for you. If you love the sound of the harpsichord, then this CD is for you. If your new to this and think you’re gonna hear some new Bach tunes, well, I still recommend this CD, just understand that rewriting past compositions was a common practice in an era before electronic recording devices. You may hear things in these re-worked Brandenbergs and cantatas that are not present in recordings you may have. Mr. Pinnock’s harpsichord playing is superb. The English Concert’s musicianship is excellent, as always. The acoustics are fine. There really isn’t much of a fresh reading of this recordings, just a substitution of the featured instrument. That is a good decision, still. My only complaint is the lack of dynamic range that is inherent in analog recordings. The harpsichord solo moments are so close to the noise floor that it is disturbing. But that is the original medium. Perfection would be if Mr. Pinnock and company were to, at some point, record these concertos again for DDD.
J. S. 巴赫定居莱比锡之后,担任两个乐迷合奏团的指导,他与他的两个儿子一起参加演出。他在1730-1733年间,一共创作了13首从一架至四架大键琴与弦乐队的合奏曲。其中,一架大键琴的协奏曲一共7首,它们是:第一号D小调,BWV1052,创作年代不明,据说此曲乃今日已失传的巴赫小提琴协奏曲的改编曲,共3个乐章:1.快板,2.慢板,3.快板。此曲第二乐章有两处插入了非常华丽的大键琴华彩。第二号E大调,BWV1053,此首第一、第二乐章分别改编自第169号康塔塔的序曲、抒情调,而第三乐章改编自第49号康塔塔,编曲年代大约在1730-1733之间。共三个乐章:1.快板,2.西西里舞曲,3.快板。第三号D大调,BWV1054,此曲改编自《E大调小提琴协奏曲》,编曲年代不详,共3个乐章:1.快板,2.慢板,3.快板。第四号A大调,BWV1055,这也是改编曲,原曲已不存在,有人推断是一首带柔音的双簧管协奏曲,编曲年代在1730-1733年间。3个乐章:1.快板,2.比较慢的慢板,自由的巴沙加牙舞曲,3.从容的快板。第五号F小调,BWV1056,这一首据考是改编自《G小调双簧管协奏曲》,原曲也已不存。3个乐章是:1.快板,2.广板,3.急板。第六号F大调,BWV1057,改编自第四号《勃兰登堡协奏曲》,使用的是长笛和弦乐合奏的编制。3个乐章是:1.快板,2.行板,3.急板。第七号,G小调,BWV1058,3 个乐章是:1.快板,2.行板,3.很快的快板。
J. S. 巴赫为两架大键琴而作的《双大键琴协奏曲》一共3首,第一号C小调,BWV1060,这首协奏曲系根据D小调小提琴或双簧管的协奏曲改编曲,原曲已散失, 3个乐章:1.快板,2.慢板(这一乐章实际缺乏键盘音乐色彩,突出的是小提琴、双簧管和弦乐的效果),3.快板。第二号C大调,BWV1061,3个乐章:1.无速度标记,2.慢板或最慢板,无弦乐合奏,由两架大键琴交织演奏,此乐章的对位及其出色,3.赋格曲,无速度指示。第三号C小调, BWV1062,根据巴赫自己的《D小调双小提琴协奏曲》改编,3个乐章是:1.活泼的快板,2.从容的最慢板,3.快板。
除这3首为两架大键琴而作的协奏曲外,巴赫还有两首为3加架大键琴而作的协奏曲和一首为4架大键琴而作的协奏曲。两首为3架大键琴而作的协奏曲是:第一号 D小调, BWV1063,这首协奏曲可能是巴赫改编自他同时代作曲家所作的小提琴、长笛、双簧管协奏曲详情不可考。3个乐章:1.无速度标记,2.西西里舞曲风格,3.快板,这一乐章主题是一首赋格曲。第二号C大调,BWV1064,3个乐章:1.无速度标记,2.慢板,3.快板。为4架大键琴而作的协奏曲,A 小调,BWV1065,改编自维瓦尔第的为4把小提琴与弦乐合奏而作的协奏曲。3个乐章是:1.无速度标志,2.最慢板,3.快板。
将CUE中“FILE “CDImage.ape” WAVE”红色部分修改成为APE文件名即可!

1. Con for hpd and strs in A BWV1055: Allegro
2. Con for hpd and strs in A BWV1055: Larghetto
3. Con for hpd and strs in A BWV1055: Allegro ma non tanto
4. Con for hpd and strs in f BWV1056: ohne Satzbezeichnung without tempo indication sans indication…
5. Con for hpd and strs in f BWV1056: Largo
6. Con for hpd and strs in f BWV1056: Presto
7. Con for hpd, 2 rcrs and strs in F BWV1057: ohne Satzbezeichnung without tempo indication sans…
8. Con for hpd, 2 rcrs and strs in F BWV1057: Andante
9. Con for hpd, 2 rcrs and strs in F BWV1057: Allegro assai
10. Con for hpd and strs in g BWV1058: ohne Satzbezeichnung sithout tempo indication sans…
11. Con for hpd and strs in g BWV1058: Andante
12. Con for hpd and strs in g BWV1058: Allegro assai



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巴赫 Bach -大键琴协奏曲 The Harpsichord Concertos and Strings Trevor Pinnock[APE] → https://www.books51.com/828349.html

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