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专辑中文名: From a Basement on the Hill
歌手: Elliot Smith
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 2004年10月19日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
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在创作歌手Elliott Smith去世后九个月,Anti-唱片公司宣布他们将于Elliott Smith去世届满周年的十月份,发行Elliott Smith生前最后一张遗作《From a Basement on the Hill》。
Elliott Smith是在去年十月因为被刀刺中腹部身亡,警方虽初步判断他是死于自杀,但由于尚有诸多疑点尚未厘清,因此警察单位目前还在调查Elliott Smith的真正死因。Elliott Smith在去世前已经为这张新专辑录制了34首歌曲的demo,原本唱片公司打算要将所有歌曲以双CD的方式全部加以发行,后来他们决定要从中筛选出15首歌曲,只发行单张CD。Elliott Smith的家属特别请来与Elliott Smith合作多年的老搭档制作人Rob Schnapf以及Elliott Smith的前女友,同时也是The Jicks合唱团的贝斯手Joanna Bolme来为Elliott Smith留下来的录音做修饰与制作的工作。这两位都相当了解Elliott Smith的音乐人在这张专辑中尽量以他们认为Elliott Smith想要呈现的风格将所有歌曲制作成成品,他们希望这些成品能够同时呈现出Elliott Smith在创作这些作品时的混乱心绪,并且涵盖他所企图尝试的各种乐风。
至于Elliott Smith在过去几年中有些非主打歌曲或是未曾发表过的作品,拥有这些作品版权的梦工厂(Dreamworks)也计划将在未来予以集结发行。
Almost exactly a year after his untimely death — missing the anniversary by just two days — Elliott Smith’s final recordings were released as the From a Basement on the Hill album. Smith had been working on the album for a long time. His last album, Figure 8, had appeared in 2000, and when it came time to record its followup, he parted ways with both his major label Dreamworks and his longtime producer/engineer Rob Schnapf, working through a number of different producers, including L.A. superproducer Jon Brion, before recording a number of sessions with David McConnell, which were supplemented with Smith’s home recordings. At the time of his death, Smith was still tinkering with the album. There was no final track sequence and only a handful of final mixes.
1. Coast to Coast
2. Let’s Get Lost
3. Pretty (Ugly Before)
4. Don’t Go Down
5. Strung Out Again
6. Fond Farewell
7. King’s Crossing
8. Ostriches & Chirping
9. Twilight
10. A Passing Feeling
11. Last Hour
12. Shooting Star
13. Memory Lane
14. Little One
15. A Distorted Reality is Now a Necessity to be Free



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