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专辑中文名: Switchfoot 全集
歌手: Switchfoot
资源格式: MP3
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
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以前Philips好像发过他们2003年非常火的那张专辑《The Beautiful Letdown》(不过专辑名写错了 ),这回我发布全集也将那张包括了进来,已有的朋友就不用下了。总之,喜欢Post Grunge、Christian Alternative、Christian Rock 的朋友不应错过,我个人十分喜欢它们的歌,推荐!
Legend of Chin
1. Bomb
2. Chem 6a
3. Underwater
4. Edge of My Seat
5. Home
6. Might Have Ben Hur
7. Concrete Girl
8. Life and Love and Why
9. You
10. Ode to Chin
11. Don’t Be There
New Way to Be Human
1. New Way to Be Human
2. Incomplete
3. Sooner or Later (Soren’s Song)
4. Company Car
5. Let That Be Enough
6. Something More (Augustine’s Confession)
7. Only Hope
8. Amy’s Song
9. I Turn Everything Over
10. Under the Floor
Learning to Breathe
1. I Dare You to Move
2. Learning to Breathe
3. You Already Take Me There
4. Love Is the Movement
5. Poparazzi
6. Innocence Again
7. Playing for Keeps
8. Loser
9. Economy of Mercy
10. Erosion
11. Living Is Simple
Editorial Reviews
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The maxim “the third time’s a charm” was surely invented for the latest offering from this San Diego-based surfing trio. After two albums that displayed great promise and potential (1997’s debut The Legend of Chin and the follow-up New Way to Be Human), Switchfoot blows down the doors and hits a major sprinter’s stride with Learning to Breathe.
This is a brilliant record. Musically it’s infinitely inventive-yet much more accessible than previous efforts. Lyrically it’s intelligent and poetic-yet more spiritually expressive than previous efforts. What’s more, the themes explored are quite global and broad-yet there’s still room for personal stories among the 11 songs.
The Foreman brothers-Jonathan on guitar, Tim on bass-and drummer Chad Butler have always excelled instrumentally. In fact, they’ve always been a bit too good, a mite too progressive and offbeat for wider acceptance. But on Learning to Breathe, Switchfoot manages to retain its inventive, jam-oriented style, in the context of catchy pop hooks and melodies. The very first song, “I Dare You to Move,” is about as far from quirky as you can get. It’s the kind of sweeping, grand anthem that a band like Delirious would write, complete with a goosebump-inducing vocal chorus that’s destined to take up permanent residence inside any number of brains. Next, the title track employs the ethereal-type guitar harmonics that made U2 famous, along with electronic and acoustic drums, combining to create the backdrop for an insightful song about repentance and dependence upon God. “You Already Take Me There,” a driving track that borders on grunge metal in the choruses yet showcases Switchfoot’s Squeeze-like vocals, continues the aforementioned theme.
The most evocative track on the album, “Love Is the Movement,” wins the day with standout elements like the chorus’ gospel-tinged vocals and the bass guitar’s high-note riffing. The melody ain’t bad, either. Switchfoot has more than come into its own with Learning to Breathe. And the band should win a whole new flock of fans because of it. — Dave Urbanski © 2000 CCM Communications, Inc.
The Beautiful Letdown
1. Meant To Live
2. This Is Your Life
3. More than Fine
4. Ammunition
5. Dare You To Move
6. Redemption
7. Beautiful Let Down
8. Gone
9. On Fire
10. Adding To The Noise
11. 24
Editorial Reviews
Contemporary Christian music has come a long way toward secular acceptance in recent years thanks to the likes of Switchfoot, who avoid obvious sacred references in their lyrics. It’s also refreshing to hear CCM songwriters like Switchfoot’s Jonathan Foreman explore love and belonging as song subjects. Unfortunately, The Beautiful Letdown hews too closely to the formula established by alternative CCM brethren Jars of Clay and Creed. Songs like the title track and “More Than Fine” come close to forging their own identity, but too often sound overproduced and designed to appeal to the widest audience. Still, Foreman’s songwriting shows potential, and his progressive vision for spiritual themes indicates a willingness to color outside the lines. –Matthew Cooke
【The Beautiful Letdown】荣膺2003年圣地亚哥音乐奖《年度最佳专辑》、《年度流行专辑》,专辑中多首歌曲被华纳、福斯、哥伦比亚、MTV、ABC等全美各大电视网选用。Switchfoot充满热血朝气的摇滚乐团正踩在新世纪摇滚的浪头上,向世人迎面袭来。就让他们的吉他音浪,充满流畅旋律与内在动感情绪,带领听众进入美妙的音乐高潮里吧。
  「浪行者(Switchfoot)」的音乐,连蜘蛛人也觉得超对味!这支来自圣地亚哥的新兴摇滚乐团,加盟SONY唱片后首支单曲「活得精彩(Meant to Live)」,因为歌词和蜘蛛人矛盾的心境实在太吻合,竟然幸运地被蜘蛛人选为暑假超级大片「蜘蛛人2(Spider-Man 2)」的电影主题曲!对于头一次在主流市场出击,就有如此耀眼的好成绩,「浪行者」主唱强纳生(Jonathan Foreman)难掩兴奋之情:「其实,这首歌最主要在叙述当人们在黑暗中,彷徨无助时,对于光明的渴望!就像电影里的蜘蛛人一样,虽然内心一直在黑暗中挣扎,但最后仍决定走出自己的路,面对自己光明的人生!」
  这也难怪,经过蜘蛛人加持后,「浪行者」的成绩果然如蜘蛛人般轻易的纵身一跃,空降Billboard摇滚榜的Top 10!最新专辑「狂放宣言(The Beautiful Letdown)」除了已获得白金唱片的肯定,目前仍停留在Billboard Top200专辑榜已经有66周之久!这张专辑同时获得2003年圣地亚哥音乐奖《年度最佳专辑》、《年度流行专辑》等大奖,同时专辑内多首歌曲已被迪斯尼、华纳、福斯、哥伦比亚、MTV、ABC等电视网及主流媒体争相采用!
Switchfoot 乐团成员Jon Foreman表示他们的努力并不在于要卖多少唱片,而是要以音乐来传达生活中不同层次间的感受。假如做音乐是要制造畅销单曲与白金唱片,那将是背离我们的信念。因为,能够以音乐为工作,是一件世界上最让人称羡的事。于是在这个信念之下,Switchfoot受邀参加去年12月在纳许维尔举办,由U2主唱BONO所发起的DATA慈善义演。这个活动的目的在于唤醒世人对开发中国家的艾滋病与债务问题。Jon Foreman表示,这是件非常棒的事,他曾在他的家乡圣地亚哥帮助苏丹难民。身为世人眼里的有钱的名人,他以激动的口吻述说,关于许多非洲人穷的一辈子都不可能有钱去买他的唱片。听他讲这些事,绝对是一种改变人生的经验。当会议结束后,Jon Foreman走到波诺面前,交给他40元。我告诉他我欠他钱是因为许多年前,我曾偷偷摸摸溜进伦敦的U2演唱会。我们交谈了一会儿,笑着说他年轻时也干过同样的事,对他而言,他已经被补偿过了,于是便把钱还我。老实讲,我松了一口气,因为那40元是我要回家的盘缠。参与DATA活动Jon Foreman说,尽管我在访问及舞台前谈论此事,但我尽可能不去造成任何困扰。我们从不是一个有政治立场的乐团,我不认为在解决份内的问题之前,外在的问题会能够解决。
台湾代理公司将 Switchfoot 翻成「浪行者」,以前有的人乱翻成「开关脚」?
good-tv 翻成「冲浪高手」,算蛮厉害。原来 Switchfoot 是个冲浪术语 ( 冲浪时,用 foot 在冲浪板上的位置来 switch 方向 ) 。虽然是小小的动作,但却是整个大方向的关键,可见爱冲浪的 Switchfoot 的「小兵大野心」。
台湾代理公司的中文侧标给他们写得「落落长」,啥「 SONY MUSIC 2004 全球主推摇滚新团」,殊不知他们 1997 就出道了,以前在教会圈就颇有名气。这个「首张专辑」其实已经是第 4 张。
一直以来,教会媒体本来就特别看重「光盐作用」 ( 基督徒是这个世界的「光&盐」 ) ,特别喜欢强调「在非教会圈活出信仰的基督徒」。您看看,陶吉吉、范玮祺之类的流行歌手,因为「光明干净」的正面基督徒形象,通常都能在教会媒体占据大篇幅的版面,比赞美之泉、比林奂均 … 的「专业福音音乐人」的版面都大个好几倍。
几年前的 Sixpence Non The Richer( 啷当六便士 ) 、 Jars Of Clay( 陶罐子 / 瓦器 ) ,是福音乐团成功跨入主流的「见证」;或者由基督徒组成的流行乐团,诸如 U2 、 Creed( 主义 / 信仰告白 )… 都是教会媒体最津津乐道的「光盐乐团」。
对于 Switchfoot 自是不例外,各教会媒体纷纷搬出一堆跨界前辈与之相提并论,并谆谆教诲年轻基督徒『看到没有,看这些大哥哥大姊姊,东西不要只放在教会书房卖,要直接冲撞主流市场,夺回被撒旦占领的天空!』
不但教会媒体爱之有加,美国基督教音乐奖 dove-award( 圣鸽奖 ) 更 一举颁发 3 项大奖给 Switchfoot ,大声宣告『这是我们教会的优秀基督徒青年阿』。Switchfoot 成为最新模范、少见的 横跨「教会 / 流行」 成功的案例。



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