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中文名: PADS 2005 电路设计最新版
英文名: Mentor Graphics PADS PCB 2005 Build 7.1
资源格式: 光盘镜像
版本: 2005
发行时间: 2005年03月03日
制作发行: Mentor Graphics
地区: 大陆,美国
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PADS 2005 最新版,2005.2月底最新发布![推荐!]( 全名Mentor Graphics PADS PCB 2005 Build 7.1)
由印制电路板(PCB)设计工具的领导者,美国PADS Software Inc.公司开发的PADS EDA系统包括PowerLogic、PowerPCB、CAM350和HyperLynx四个部分.
新年伊始,Mentor Graphics推出了崭新的电路设计解决方案PADS 2005。这一次由2004升级到2005有一些改进和提高,软件的名称也有做了一些调整。
原理图:由原来2004的PowerLogic改为PADS logic(原PowerLogic)
PCB:由原来2004的PowerPCB改为PADS Layout(原PowerPCB)
布线器:由原来2004的BlazeRouter改为PADS Router
PowerLogic 7.1和PowerPCB 7.1是Mentor Graphics公司推出的优秀EDA设计软件,目前已成为众多EDA设计软件中的佼佼者,深受用户的喜爱。
PADS2005 Release Highlights
HyperLynx 7.2 – Overview
HyperLynx?7.2 includes features and functionality to address new
challenges facing high-speed system designers. This is an
incremental release for HyperLynx users.
This release includes the following:
?Integrated Eldo simulation
?S-parameter model support
?Usability enhancements and quality improvements for existing Hyper
7.1 users with maintenance.
Enhancements for HyperLynx EXT
PCB translators – The Cadence Allegro translator can now translate
the native Allegro design file (.BRD) to the .HYP file format. The
following translators have improved quality: Mentor Graphics
BoardStation, Visula, and Specctra DSN.
Copy stackup to clipboard – The two-dimensional output version of
the copy stackup to clipboard now provides comprehensive properties
labeling and is in Windows MetaFile format.
Enhancements for HyperLynx GHz
Eldo SPICE simulation – If Eldo is on the computer, you can now
launch Eldo SPICE simulation from the oscilloscope.
S-parameter model support – You can now simulate connectors and
packages using Touchstone models in SPICE simulations. Touchstone
models can provide the following information: S-parameters
(scattering), Y-parameters (admittance), Z-parameters (impedance),
and so on.
SPICE parameter passing – When assigning SPICE models, you can now
specify parameters to pass to the simulator.
SPICE stimulus voltage control – When assigning SPICE output models,
you can now specify stimulus switching times and stimulus logic-one
and logic-zero voltages.
Copy SPICE and Touchstone model assignments – When copying and
pasting SPICE or Touchstone models in the Assign Models dialog box,
the paste operation now preserves all port-mapping information,
except for ports connected to other pins in the schematic or board
Change SPICE netlist base name – You can now change the base name
for the SPICE netlist and related files. This capability enables you
to save multiple SPICE netlists and simulation files for the design.
Loss versus frequency graphing in stackup editor – You can now use
the stackup editor to graph loss versus frequency data for a stackup
Copy lossy graphs to clipboard – The default copy to clipboard graph
now has a white background, to save toner or ink when printing. The
right-click copy to clipboard menu names are now more intuitive.
Tip: For a complete list of HyperLynx 7.2 enhancement and quality
improvements, see the BSW.VER and LSW.VER files located in the
HyperLynx installation folder.
PADS Logic
Defect fixes – Several defects have been corrected in PADS Logic.
See customer_fixes.txt at the root of the CD for a complete list of
what was fixed in this release.
One button Print ?Print more like standard Windows programs. Use
the button on the standard toolbar, or the Print command from the
File menu.
Windows-like Cut, Copy, and Paste -You can now use Ctrl + X, C, and
V, or pop-up menu controls to cut, copy, and paste.
Floating connections – You can organize your design the way you want
with floating connections. A floating connection is an unterminated
wire with, or without, a net name. You can also delete a part and
re-insert a new one more easily. You can choose whether to allow
floating connections.
Automatic connections ?You can connect parts to parts and parts to
nets automatically to accelerate your capture process. Just touch
the pins and/or nets together and they are connected.
Custom title blocks and borders – Your drawings can easily follow
your standards with custom title blocks and borders.
Active fields – You can have text data automatically updated and
propagated to multiple places with active fields. This capability is
especially useful in your title blocks. There are system-defined
fields, like sheet name and number, or you can define your own
fields, like company name or checked by.
TrueType?Font support – Provide more readable schematics ?on the
screen and when printed. True Type Font capabilities also add the
ability to use international characters as supported by Microsoft
Selection toolbar – Like PADS Router (formerly known as
BlazeRouter), the Selection toolbar provides rapid change between
selection modes.
Licensing – You can now have floating seats and better control your
installation with new Mentor Graphics licensing.
Pin name character increase – You can now have up to 40 characters
in a pin name. The pin name limit has also been extended in PADS
For the PADS2005 release, there are also two options for PADS Logic:
PADS Logic PDF – Create intelligent PDFs of your schematics for free
sharing with anyone with a PDF reader. All of the part attribute
information and net traceability are available in the PDF document.
(Optional product)
PADS SPICEnet – You can easily add simulation to your design flow
with the new netlisting from PADS Logic to standard SPICE programs.
(Optional product)
PADS Layout
Defect fixes ?About 60 defects have been corrected in PADS Layout
and Router. See customer_fixes.txt at the root of the CD for a
complete list of what was fixed in this release.
TrueType?Font support – You can print and photo plot all design
representations, including Gerber outputs. True Type Font
capabilities also add the ability to use international characters as
supported by Microsoft Windows.
Ease of use enhancements:
稭any additional dialog boxes are now re-sizeable
稩ncrease in the number of characters for pin names to 40
Improved copper pour – To accurately handle overlapping flood areas
and board outlines, there have been many copper pour improvements. A
new Copper to Board clearance has also been added to the design
rules hierarchy.
PADS AutoRouter and PADS Router
Defect fixes ?About 60 defects have been corrected in PADS Layout
and Router. See customer_fixes.txt at the root of the CD for a
complete list of what was fixed in this release.
Drill clearances ?The way PADS Router handles drill clearances has
been improved to account for drill clearances in all cases, avoiding
the creation of routing violations.
Trace length calculations ?Calculations have been improved to take
into account overlapping traces, now providing accurate trace length
Differential pairs with component rules – PADS Router now has
improved handling of escape paths for routing of differential pairs
with component rules. This provides PADS AutoRouter more options,
resulting in better performance and more efficient routes.
Several defects have been corrects in the Translators. See
customer_fixes.txt at the root of the CD for a complete list of what
was fixed in this release.



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