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中文名称: 破碎联盟
英文名称: Shattered Union
版本: Clone版
发行时间: 2005年
制作发行: PopTop Software
2K Games
书我要,下载先! http://www.books51.com/ 祝您开卷有益!


开发:PopTop Software
发行:2K Games

1.) Unrar, Burn CD1 Using BlindWrite 4.5.7 (disable Autoplay in
Options), burn in DAO PW at 4x, click “YES” when asked if you
want to physically include BWA information.
2. Alternative you can mount using dt or a120. Use SR7stop or and
other tool you like.
We still make cds burnable as this is what a true clone is about.
Not emulation!
3. have fun.

2K GAMES昨日(10月13日)宣布《Shattered Union》压盘,游戏预计于10月17日上市。《Shattered Union》是一款回合制战略游戏,游戏的背景设定在现代的美国,假想美国再次出现内战。玩家可以进行单人游戏,重新统一美国,另外还可以与朋友在网上进行一对一的对战。
苒策 ?
? 捋草 苒? 苘圻?
苘? 苘苒圹? 咣曹 薏? 捋草
圹圹圮 咣圹槽 懿曹 捋圹咣圮? 苘圹? 咣圮
圹圹圹? 捋圹坜圹膊?圹草 哌鄄? ? 圹圻圹苘 捋圹圮?
捋鄄葸圹?懿圹鄄葸圹? 圹草 捋草卟?圹??咣曹 鞍 苘苘 捋圻咣圹曹
苓圹鄄 咣鄄咣圹草 苘曹 捋鄄? 苒圻 苘苻鄄? 捋草 苒圻哌咣圹草 咣膊
捋鄄? ?苒圹鄄 捋鄄蒉圹曹圹圹苒圹圹蒉圹? 苒圻苘圹蒉膊 圹草 鞍 捋草 ?
捋圹曹 哌圯圹圹?圹圹圹哌 捋鄄 圹圮圹圹哌圹舶膊? 捋鄄 ?苒圹苒鄄
圹? 苘膊哌哕 咣圹圹圹圹策 圹草 圹鄄策 捋草 捋曹 苒圹?苒圹哌圹草
? 苒策 ? ? 捋哌 卟? 圹草 捋膊? 圹草 咣鄄圹圻苒圹圹哕苓 圹草
?捋草 卟? 苓 ? 掭 捋圹? 捋槽 捋圹圮苘苒圮苒圹咣鄄蒉圯 捋鄄
鄄曹 ? ? 鞍鞍鞍 ? 捋圹哌哌 捋圹圻咣圹哌? 捋槽 咣苻鄄圮
苓 咣圹圮苘? 鞍 iks!ttn ? 鞍 ?苘咣鄄圹鄄卑 圹哌? 捋葸
圯 苒哌 哌曹 苘苒哌咣苘? 鞍 ?鞍鞍 苒哕鄄策 ?鞍 ??? 苒?苘
薏苒?苘圻咣苘? 咣苒? ? ? 哌曹 ? 薏蒉鄄草 鞍鞍鞍 懿? 懿?懿?佰
捋草苒?苒? 哕 捋? 卟? 懿? 薏葸咣哌圹苘?咣苒鄄曹 鞍稗草 薏?薏?鄄圹
圹圹草 捋? 苓 哕 ? ?苘策 卟? 哌哌圹苒哌圹苘 ?卟? 卟?卟?佰
鄄蒇? 咣懿?? 苘苘苘膊哌哌 苘苘苘懿策哌哌哌哌哌圹鄄苘 哌圮苒圹苒圹苘
鄄蒉草 ? 苘策哌?苘苘苘懿哌哌哌哌 哌圮 苒圻?
鄄?咣? 苒?苘圹圻哌 捋圹哕苘 ?
圹咣? 哌 圹?圹圻 苘? 苘? 苘? 圹鄄? ?
捋? 哌 ?捋?捋圯? 捋? 薏? 安? 圹圯 卟??
咣? 圻?捋圯捋? 懿?苘卟?苘苓圮 苘? 苘边圮 圹圹? 卟?
? 哌圮苘苘 ?膊? 圹圮 苒郯 ? 圹稗草 鄄 捋蒈圻斑膊?膊 捋?圹?哌圮? 懿?
圹苘 哌哌 北?捋?咣苒咣郾佰鄄哕圮策 圹苒咿圯 稗膊莶圮圻 圹? 咣??
鄄哌圹苘?鞍?鞍败咣? ?安鄄 圹?圹 咣?鄄 咣苓圮苘膊?圹 咣?圹? 捋?
鄄 哌?北? 捋 ? ? ? 哌? 膊圹? ? 哌
鄄 哕膊? ? PROUDLY PRESENTS 膊圹? ?
圹 捋膊 Shattered Union 薏圯 掭
圹 圹?苘 © 咣圹 苒
圹苓 捋圻 2K Games ? 圹槽苘圻甙
圹蒈苒哌 捋? 苘策甙卟苒圹?苘苒佰脖?
圹圻 ?RELEASE DATE :: 10-19-2005 薏策苒脖曹咣圮鄄哌 馨
圹? ?PROTECTION :: Securom 膊蒉鄄北膊蒉鄄?懿鄄辈?
苒圹? SIZE :: 83 x 15 mb 捋?咣脖策苒草鞍槽脖北草
苘 哌圮 MEDIATYPE :: CD 哌圮苘? 槽? 咣鄄膊?
鄄草 捋槽圻 FORMAT :: bwi/bwt 哌圹馨哌圮 哌?
膊?苒圹圹 捋? 哌 ?
? 圻 ?咣苒? 安? 苘脖?
?掭 曹圹草 鄄 苒哌 ?
? ?圹圹圮 哕鄄苓 苒? 败曹
?? 圹圹咣圹? ? 捋圯 捋? ??
? 圹鄄 捋圻 苓哕 ? 苓哕 苓哕 苓?苓?? 圮 ?苓?圮 苓?圹 圹 鼙曹
哌哕圹圹苒??圻?佰 鞍圻?佰哌?哌郯圻 鞍鞍郯哕郯郯郯郯鞍圻鞍掭?圹 氨北臂莅
氨曹?咣?咣? 哌 哌 哌 ?哌 哌 ? ? ? ? 哌 ? 膊 弑策
哌圮 ? 鄄 ? 苘懿槽圹咣圮? 鼙曹 哕 咣?懿?卟?卟? 北 哕
咣? 鄄? 鄄 卟?氨槽圹策哌苘策哌掭鞍薇北草?掭稗草 ?馨薏莅薏莅鞍 掭
薏莅 捋膊 ? 策 懿? 哕 弑策 苘?懿哕曹 懿?懿? 懿
败策懿??哕圮 鞍 鞍鞍掭鞍稗圯 鞍北膊圹圹懿懿策 薏? 哕 哌 苘懿哌
薏? ? 圮?? 哕 咣? 安圯 懿苓曹 卟? ? 哌咣策?
卟? 膊? 哌 ?咣?? ?哌苘? ? ? 卟苘
斑圮 辈? ? 哌圮卟? 哌哌? 咣圯
鼙?圹舶辈 哌哕苘苘 捋?
薇槽蒉鄄蒉? 圹
哌哕鄄哕圹 Story: 圹
苘圻? 圹?Following a great increase in terrorism, internal strife, and 圹
圹?ultimately, the nuclear destruction of Washington, D.C., the 圹
圹?United States shatters into a half-dozen nation-states that 圹
圹?descend into war. Take the helm of one of these newfound 圹
圹?sovereignties (or the “peacekeeping” European Expeditionary 圹
圹?Force) and struggle to reunify America?by any means necessary! 圹
圹?Features: 圹
圹?* Modern 3D tactical war game viewed from a “bird’s-eye” 圹
圹?overhead camera. 圹
圹?* Non-linear mission progression with changes based on 圹
圹?player-made decisions. 圹
圹?* Real-time resolution of turned-based moves. Take your time 圹
圹?while you decide your move, but once you have selected your 圹
圹?action, see the results all play out in full animation models, 圹
圹?exploding vehicles, and burning cities and forests! 圹
圹?* Fully destructible terrain/environment. As the battle 圹
圹?proceeds, everything from explosions and destroyed buildings 圹
圹?permanently mark the terrain. Moving tanks will leave tread 圹
圹?marks that stay for the duration of the mission. At the end, 圹
圹?very little will look the same. 圹
圹?* Fight your way across the United States! Had enough of the 圹
圹?windy city? Then go ahead and bomb Chicago! Invade across the 圹
圹?Rockies into California, capture the tank factories in Ohio, 圹
圹?and lay siege to New York City! You decide – the fate of the 圹
圹?nation is in your hands! 圹
圹?* Choose to play as one of seven different factions: California 圹
圹?Commonwealth, Pacifica, Republic of Texas, Great Plains 圹
圹?Federation, The Confederacy, New England Alliance and the 圹
圹?European Union. 圹
圹?* Call up National Guard forces equipped with M1 Abrams battle 圹
圹?tanks, Apache helicopters and stealth bombers. Or make a deal 圹
圹?with the Russians and equip your boys with MiG fighters and 圹
圹?T-95 Heavy Tanks. 圹
圹?* Online and offline multiplayer on all platforms. 圹
咣圹 圹
捋? 圹
苒圻 圹
? 苓 圹? 圹
卟咿? 圻? 苘 圹
? 苒圮圻 ? 圹
懿?捋圹圯 鼙? 圹
? 咣圻圮 ? 圹
苓鼙曹 膊? 咣苘? 圹
蒉鄄辈?北? 捋圻哌哌 ?苘 圹
圮弑策 鞍? 圹 苓 咣圹
咣圮苘 鞍 鄄 ? 圯 捋?
哌苒卟槽圮?哌圹?圮 ?圻?? 苓?? ? 圮 ?苓哕 ? 苓?策薏? 懿圹
? 哕 卟 咣?斑舶?咣斑卟佰甙 圮?舶 ?鞍??哕?郯安安甙安?斑哕卟膊苘懿策佰?
卟? 掭 掭 薏? ?? ? 哌???哌 哌 ? ? 哌 哌? ? 哌懿?哌哌败 苒?
苓 ?苒? 苘哌 苘哌苘?? 苘苘苒圹圹? 懿?卟咿槽
掭 鞍捋? 鄄 苒?懿? ?? 苘咣圻斑 膊? ? 败槽?
? 北斑圮? 薏蒉圯 薏?懿??氨槽圹鄄卑鞍? 苓 苓 鼙曹 哌膊苘懿策咣?
膊? 哌咣苒圮鄄?卟?? ? 掭 掭 鞍北槽? 哌?? 圹
圹?? 哌哌哌哌哌? 哕 哕 弑策 ? 圹
圹策 ? ? 圹
圹曹? ? 圹
圹草 圹
圹?1.) Unrar, Burn CD1 Using BlindWrite 4.5.7 (disable Autoplay in 圹
圹?Options), burn in DAO PW at 4x, click “YES” when asked if you 圹
圹?want to physically include BWA information. 圹
圹?2. Alternative you can mount using dt or a120. Use SR7stop or and 圹
圹?other tool you like. 圹
圹?We still make cds burnable as this is what a true clone is about. 圹
圹?Not emulation! 圹
圹?3. have fun. 圹
圹? TEAM MiRROR 2005 圹
圹? 圹
圹? 圹
圹? 圹
圹? 圹
圹? 圹
圹? 圹
圹? 圹
圹? 圹
圹? 圹
槽? 圹
槽? 圹
槽? ? 圹
槽? ? 圹
槽? 捋? 圹
槽? 鄄圮 圹
槽? ?圯 圹
槽? 草 圹
圹? 薏 圹
圹圻 苘苘苘 哌曹苘 圹
圹 懿?? 苘苒哌哌 ?? 哌咣苘 哕圹
鄄?? ? 苒哌 ?? ? 卟圮 捋?
鄄??咣?捋? ??懿? 捋圯 槽?
苓 郾?? ??咣? ?? ? 苘圹? 苒咣?
掭 郾?? ? 哌圮苘 ? 苘苘策哌 苘 薏?圹
圮 郯?? ? 哌哌圮苘 哌哌哌 咣? 咣苒?
斑圮郯? ? 哌圮 捋? 咣?
鼙?圹鄄 ? 苓 捋? ? 苘懿卑? 苒? 捋
薇辈蒉圹? 掭 鄄 苓哌 苘苒哌? 苓 ? 苒?
甙哕圹郯 ? 哕? 膊 ? ? 苒哌 掭 苓 圹
苒?圹 OMG SID ? 卟? 膊 ? 捋 哕 ? 哕 掭 圹
圻 圹 掭懿?薏? 槽 ? 咣? 卟? 咣? 曹 圹
掭 懿苒曹? ? 苘? ?懿? 槽苓 ? 懿? 薏? 薏? 圹
哕 ?捱 ??苒?? 懿? ASCII 卟圯 鞍??鞍 懿? ?? 苒? 苒? 圹
捋苓掭捋?卟?薏? irokos ? ? ?? 苘苘苒圻圮苘策? ? 圹
圯 哕咣苘 咣? ? 鞍北曹? 卟?鞍苘苘苓哌哌曹苘? 圹
捋? 哌苒圻圮苘苓哕苘 捋舶氨辈膊? 哌哌曹苘 哌卟苘 圹
咣圹苘? 哌哌咣圹圹圹脖鞍鞍 槽鄄鞍北膊?鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍北膊苘 哌曹 卟圹
哌咣圹圹圮苘苘苘苘? 捋舶安辈膊? 苘苘??哌圮 咣 捋?
哌哌咣郾圹圹哌咣苘 鞍脖边? 苘圻哌 苘苘 ?薇? 掭 咣?
?哌咣圮 咣 ? 苒? 苘圻哌 ? 圻 ? 鄄
咣? 掭 ? 捋 苒?懿?卟? ? 苘苘苓?
捋? ? ? 陛 捋? 哕苘苘策哌哌哌?
圹 ?MIRROR ? 圹 懿哌甙 ?? ?
薏 咣?哌哌哌斑 圹圻 安 ?? ?
哕薏 ? ? 圹? 懿圮 ?? ?
捋策 膊 弑 ?
圯 ? 北 ?
? 鞍 ?[/CODEBOX]



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