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【原 名】:Stacked
【译 名】:书店丽人
【类 型】:情景喜剧
【首 播】:2005-11-09
【国 家】:美国
【语 言】:英文
【字 幕】:下载
【大 小】:约175MB
【内容简介】:A workplace ensemble comedy, Stacked revolves around beautiful Skyler Dayton (Pamela Anderson, Baywatch, V.I.P) who is tired of her non-stop partying lifestyle and bad choices in boyfriends. Wanting a major life change, she wanders into "The Stacks," a small family-run bookstore owned by Gavin DeWitt (Elon Gold, In-Laws) and his brother, Stuart (Brian Scolaro,, Three Sisters).

Divorced and unlucky in love himself, Gavin’s inclined to regard Skyler as an embodiment of the vacuous, image-obsessed culture he has come to abhor. Stuart, however, is dazzled by Skyler’s beauty and, much to Gavin’s horror, offers her a job at their store, which she happily accepts as the first step in her quest for a steadier lifestyle. Unhappy that she’s going to be minding the till next to such an intimidating bombshell is the store’s sole other employee, Katrina (Marissa Jaret Winokur, "Hairspray"), who doles out doses of realism and cynicism. Rounding out the characters is the store’s one steady customer, Harold March (Christopher Lloyd, Taxi, Back to the Future), a preeminent but retired rocket scientist.

Stacked是2005年FOX首映的情景喜剧,虽然刚开播,但排名很高,也许是沾了American Idol(美国收视率最高的真人秀)的光,不过FOX将Stacked排在American Idol之后也是对此剧寄予厚望。
本片以一个普通的书店为背景,书店老板Gavin DeWitt 是一个不折不扣的书呆子,自己的书没能卖出去一本,还一脸知识分子的样子。他的弟弟Stuart 也是书店的老板之一,和他哥哥相反,Stuart很开朗,但是对异性没什么吸引力,这点让他苦恼万分。书店唯一的雇员是Katrina,和Stuart倒是很像,胖胖的,没有男朋友,总会有些不幸的事情降临到她头上。书店有一位常客Harold March,是个出名的火箭科学家,但是已经退休了
最后一位主演是大家很熟悉的Pamela Anderson,当时她主演的V.I.P.(女保镖)在国内热播了很久,她在剧中饰演Skyler Dayton ,一个外表及其漂亮但是内心及其空虚的女人。她厌烦了以前花天酒地的生活方式,来到书店想买一本关于男女关系的书,却意外的成为书店的雇员。。。



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书店丽人 第二季(Stacked.Season2)更新至第09集[HDTV] → https://www.books51.com/774150.html



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