台球天堂 Pool Paradise [Bin]
- 21 1 月, 2023
- 0 条评论
中文名称: 台球天堂
英文名称: Pool Paradise
资源格式: 光盘镜像
发行时间: 2004年
制作发行: Awesome Dev
地区: 美国
书我要,下载先! http://www.books51.com/ 祝您开卷有益!
英文名称: Pool Paradise
不同于一般的桌球游戏,游戏的场景是在南太平洋的沙漠岛屿中,玩家要和其他30名台球选手进行比赛赢得奖金,除了台球游戏自身外,玩家还可以解锁几款奖励游戏,包括:beach darts、coconut shy、skeepool ramp和经典落袋台球游戏。让玩家有一种吹着海风,看着海岛风景打台球的另一种不同的韵味。 游戏模式 跟一般正规的斯诺克桌球或者其它桌球游戏不同。此款游戏所要带给玩家的是另一种意境。就像游戏场地本身跟桌球运动节节不如一样。游戏的模式也是稀奇古怪无所不有之及。除了我们一般普通看见过的8球,9球,16球,单色双色球模式外,还有很多笔者没有见过的打发。更有特色的是游戏有一个疯狂模式,所用的球台稀奇古怪到 了极点。而游戏中还加入了商店模式,通过比赛赚取金钱才可以买到更古怪的桌球台 并在这种球台上跟其它玩家比赛。而更好的球杆的配件也需要用金钱在商店种购买哦! 游戏画面 游戏的画面做的非常的漂亮。用了全3D的引擎。在开启了8fsaa和8af以后,无论远近已经看不到球有任何毛边了。而被光线照着的球在球台上的倒影以及球本身的光泽也表现的淋漓尽致。不过带来的是对硬件要求的提高。笔者在开启了8fsaa和8af后可以感觉到明显的掉帧现象。而游戏中海岛风景也表现的异常的美丽,差点让笔者以为此乃一款FPS游戏的说。 游戏音乐 游戏的音乐跟游戏的主题搭配的很协调,把那种另类的风格表现的非常好。而音效方面也会根据你出杆力度的不同而发出不同程度的碰撞声。不过音效和音乐对于一款桌球游戏来说一向不是很重要的,所以也并没有很多可圈可点的地方供大家一起品味。 游戏操作 游戏的操作方面是由鼠标与键盘结合运作的,像笔者这种玩惯了一鼠走天下的桌球游戏的玩家上手特别不习惯,找了半天才知道是按空格击球的。而且更具你按住空格时间的长短来分辨力度。而击球点以及各种技巧球的运用则是通过鼠标控制球杆来完成的。最郁闷的是少了习以为常的向导线,所有都必须在3D的世界中用自己的眼睛来定位,虽然有了打真球的感觉,不过命中率当然是大大下降了。到底我们并不是每个玩家都是专业的桌球选手。不过玩惯了确实还是比较有意思的。 最后总结 总的来说是有别于规矩的绅士运动,加入了更多休闲,另类的理念。由于支持双人游戏,对于桌球爱好者来说可以找个朋友一起来家里较量一下。而对于游戏大作满天飞的4月,此中休闲游戏还是可以偶尔调剂一下的。
苘苘苘圻?苘圹圻鄄曹 ?
?苘苘 苒圹圻 捋鄄蒉圮苘?
掭捋圹蒉圹圯 哌哌 苘苘 ? 苘苘?
?圹圹 圹圮 薏圹蒉圮圻哌哌咣 苘苘苘 苘圻哌 ?哌圮
捋圹蒉圯 苘苘 膊圹 苘苘 哌哌 圹哌?苘 哌圮 苒哌 苘圹咣圹??
苘苒圹?圹?捋鄄蒉槽圯 捱斑蒉圹圯 苘圹圻鄄曹 ? ?苒圹? 捋膊蒉圮苘苘?
?苒圹?捋鄄?哌圹圹?圹圹 圮圹 圹膊 圹? 捋鄄蒉?掭捋圹? 哌哌 ?苘苘 哌圮
掭薏圹?苒鄄策 圮?哌 薏圹菽哪捋圹蒉圹草掭 哌圹鄄 哌哌 槽圹 哪哪?苘圹圹咣膊??
?卟槽苒圻?苘圻 哌咣 哌圹圮 苒圹哌 哌哌苒 稗圹圯捋圹苘苓圯 苘苘咣膊? 捋鄄蒉?
咣苘 哌 苘圻? 哌圮?哌圻?苘圻圯捋鄄?哌哌苒?咣鄄?圮 捋鄄蒉圯 哌哌 ?
哌哌哌 asC/Strick9 哌圮苘圻? 捋 哌哌 圯薏圹? 捋鄄蒉圹苒鄄?圮 ?安圹?
哌哌哌咣 哌哌 oO 圹鄄 哌?苘圯 苘苘 ?
哌哌哌咣 捋圹蒉哌咣 卟槽?捋鄄蒉?
?哌哌 ? 咣?哌圹圹鄄 ?
哌哌哌哌 哌圮?哌?苒
Deviance 哌哌哌?
??您-哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪- ??
Pool Paradise (c) Ignition Entertainment
??您-哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪- ??
DiSC Count.....: 01 DiSC(s) Date...........: 04/2004
Protection.....: -
??您-哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪- ??
Support the software companies. If you play this game BUY it!
*** Release Information ***
Game Notes:
Pool Paradise is set on a lovely laid-back tropical island, its sole
purpose to provide a venue for billiard games and other entertaining
mini-games for the player. Starting with a small amount of cash lent
by a literal loan shark, players can practice or compete in 11 different
types of billiards, from the familiar US 8 ball to the intense Killer.
Each competition game is played for a cash stake, and players compete
against 31 different off-the-wall characters to win cash and advance
to the number one ranking, occupied by Jimmy White.
Game Features:
* A masterful control scheme that allows the player to easily set
up their shot.
* Everything from cue elevation to striking power to setting English is
accomplished with the mouse, which also seamlessly controls the 3D view.
* For players who aren抰 keen on using the mouse to strike, keyboard
controls can set the striking power to nine different levels.
* The physics recreate the roll and spin of the balls realistically.
* Trick shots such as the masse and jump can be executed the same
way they are in real life.
Install Notes:
1) Unrar with WinRAR.
2) Open the image(s) .cue - .bin files with your favorite burning software
& burn. Note do not burn the image as a file, search the net for help.
3) Install the game.
4) And then play :)
??您-哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪- ??
DEViANCE Application Information
You think you can contribute to the scene too?
You have even just one of the following talents in:
- you are a coder who can code your own tools to remove commercial
iso protections like the latest versions of any of the following:
SafeDisc or Securom or StarForce or Pcode.
- supplying new unreleased games (maybe you work at a game/util
magazine, courier delivery firm, newspaper, game press/marketing
company, distributor, publisher, duplicator, tv/radio show, shop,
warehouse, design firm, language translation company, packing company
store etc).
- are you able to write your own source code to unpack & repack
custom game related file formats.
- network or security administrators on fast 10mb plus internet links,
who have full control and responsibility over their fast links.
DEViANCE prarthana patra suchana
- aap ek coder ho jo apne aujaron (tools) likh sakhe jiske prayog se
commercial protections jaise -
SafeDisc ya Securom ya StarForce ya Pcode ko hataya ja sakhe.
- aap apne aujaron (tools) likh sakhe jiske prayog se khel ki apni
vishesh banavata (custom format) files ko pack ya unpack kiya ja
agar ap kisi ek ya phir dono mein mahir hain aur ap maze me bhag lena
chahen to hamen e-mail bhejiye. agar aapko turant jawab chahiye to kripaya
english ya hindi mein e-mail likh bhejen.
枢?项塍麒螯 相痱徼脲??DEViANCE:
- 恹 镳钽疣祆桉?箪妣?耦玟噔囹?疋铊 桧耱痼戾眚?潆 噔蝾爨蜩麇耜钽?
箐嚯屙? 觐祆屦麇耜桴 玎? 蜩镟 镱耠邃龛?忮瘃栝 SafeDisk, Securom,
Pcode 桦?StarForce.
- 恹 箪邋蝈 疣耧铉磬忄螯 礤桤忮耱睇?纛痨囹?羿殡钼 ?祛驽蝈 镨襦螯
镳钽疣祆?潆 疣顼嚓钼觇/箫嚓钼觇 桴 纛痨囹钼.
篷腓 恹 镱镟溧弪??钿眍 桦?礤耜铍?桤 恹 箨噻囗 篑腩忤?
镱驵塍轳蜞 磬镨蝈 磬?镱 咫尻蝠铐眍?镱黩? 碾 猁耱痤泐 铗忮蜞, 镨蝈
磬 囗汶栝耜铎.
篷腓 恹 镱镟溧弪??钿眍 桦?礤耜铍?桤 恹 箨噻囗 篑腩忤?
镱驵塍轳蜞 磬镨蝈 磬?镱 咫尻蝠铐眍?镱黩? 碾 猁耱痤泐 铗忮蜞, 镨蝈
磬 囗汶栝耜铎.
If you can meet just of the above requests and want to be a part
of the fun today, e-mail us. Use the contact information given below.
Always remember:
We do this just for FUN. We are against any profit or commercialisation
of piracy. We do not spread any release, others do that.
In fact, we BUY all our own games with our own hard earned and worked for
efforts. Which is from our own real life non-scene boring jobs.
As we love game originals. Nothing beats a quality original.
"If you like this game, BUY it. We did!"
??您-哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪- ??
How to Contact DEViANCE
Note: We have no time to provide help or technical support for any release.
E-Mail: apply@apcsupply.org
??您[NFO UPDATED 27/MAR/2004]哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪? ??
Support the software companies. If you play this game BUY it!
|.:.MisterX & MisterY.:.:.. \ \\/ // | ||\/\| ||::.::.:::.Site Scripts V1.2:|
本文链接: https://www.books51.com/764809.html
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台球天堂 Pool Paradise [Bin] → https://www.books51.com/764809.html |
上一篇: 武侠群英传
下一篇: 邓小平(Deng Xiao Ping)原创自压制 2CD/AC3+拍摄花絮+主题歌MTV[DVDRip]