After Effects 7 高级影视特效、合成教程 Advanced Techniques for After Effects 7 [ISO]
- 10 1 月, 2023
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中文名: After Effects 7 高级影视特效、合成教程
英文名: Advanced Techniques for After Effects 7
资源格式: 光盘镜像
发行日期: 2006年07月04日
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
书我要,下载先! 祝您开卷有益!
Serious Effects & Compositing (After Effects 7 高级影视特效、合成教程):
这是最新发行的一张非常有价值的后期特效与合成高级技法的教程DVD(大容量)。使用的软件为After Effects 7-AE7高级特效与合成教程,技法具有很高的商业应用价值。
Serious Effects & Compositing 对于合成特效人来说,运用丰富的前期特技效果技术融视频程序和艺术剪切,本技法可融入到任何电视节目中和商业作品中。
Creative Cow Master Series
Serious Effects & Compositing: Advanced Techniques for Adobe After Effects 7
学习这张AE7高级特效与合成教程,永远让你充满激情,Video Training that won’t put you to sleep!。Serious Effects & Compositing学习如何完成影视级特效的制作与合成高级技法,用比较少的花费。在这张终端教学dvd中,你将掌握真正的世界级的技术和节省时间的制作流程,而不像只在用户指南手册中。从头到未每个视频指南中包括了详细的特效的完整讲解。本AE7高级视频教程更是与 Action Movie Essentials (动作影视的精华特效素材) 配套!让我们一起通过这张后期商业应用制作教程体现技术之美与挑战!
– 10个高质量的实例视频教程
– 视频时长超过3小时
– 包含有设计源工程文件以及Source Footage
– 手把手详细讲授你相关技术
– 高清晰的全屏视频教程,需要大分辨率支持.[E维]– 美国电视艾美后期作品获奖者:Andrew Kramer主讲
– 还包含有价值的Bonus产品文件.
Andrew Kramer has been teaming up with the folks at Creative Cow to create After Effects-related training videos for some time now. Well, now he’s taken some of the professional special effects training for After Effects 7 and brought it to a video playable DVD. The ten tutorials that he covers in this set are at the forefront of low budget film effects, like creating green-screened explosions or generating muzzle flashes using only After Effects 7. And the cool thing is that these effects look tight! The muzzle flashes, for example…
01. Getting Started & New Features (15:00 min)
• Introduction to many new features
• Overview of After Effects 7.0
• Discussion of tools used, such as Tracking, Parenting,
Transfer Modes & Switches
02. Basic Color Keying (13:00 min)
• Learn to perform a clean key with less than perfect footage
• Precision edge adjustment for green screen footage
• Comprehensive color correction techniques
• Create shadows that follow subject
03. 3D Silhouette (36:00 min)
• Create human silhouette
• Composite groups of people from 1 person
• Create 3D Camera Moves
• Utilize multi-viewer workspace when 3D compositing
04. Cruise Control (11:50 min)
• Create the illusion of a car driving
• Advanced compositing techniques
• Add realistic reflections & generate a light wrapping effect
• Use advanced studio masking techniques
05. Creating Advanced Muzzle Fire (14:20 min)
• Create realistic Muzzle Fire with AE’s built in tools
• Create Flashes and learn to randomize effect
• Composite a smoke element with fire
• Utilize Turbulent Displacement and CC Radial Blur
06. Blown Away (25:30 min)
• Composite actors in front of a large pre-rendered explosion
• Create camera shake
• Add displacement ripple effect
• Use parenting, null objects, and transfer modes
06. Blown Away (25:30 min)
• Composite actors in front of a large pre-rendered explosion
• Create camera shake
• Add displacement ripple effect
• Use parenting, null objects, and transfer modes
08. DVD Menu Creation I & II (27:15 min) (12:00 min)
• Create a DVD Menu from start to finish with transitions
• Advanced use of the Fractal noise and other effects
• Basic tour of Encore
• Simple technique to create button transitions during authoring
09. The Teleporter (12:15 min)
• Composite character onto background
• Create an opacity track matte using the Fractal Noise
• Overlay pre-rendered particle effect
• Enhance using transfer modes
10. Selective Color Correction (12:15 min)
• Create Color mattes to increase density where needed
• Motion Track adjustment layers to follow certain areas
• Fix slightly overexposed Footage
• Use subtraction masks to get desired effects
扫描引擎版本: McAfee_VirusScan_v10.0.25_Pro
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After Effects 7 高级影视特效、合成教程 Advanced Techniques for After Effects 7 [ISO] → |
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